Chapter 52

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Nick's POV

   I was sitting at my desk when she came in. She was crying.
   "Amanda?" I said.
   This sparked Fin to turn around and Liv to come out.
   "Amanda" I ran over to her.
   She was bruised and bleeding and could barely move.
   "I just needed to get away" was what she said.
   "Come on, let's go sit down."
   "I can't" she said "if I'm not there when he comes back he'll be even more mad."
  She lifted her hand and felt the blood coming out of her head.
   "Come on" I guided her to the interview room.
   She sat quietly as I wrapped a blanket around her.
   "I don't know what to do now" she said "I can't leave him, but I can't stay with him either."
   "You don't need to stay with him" Liv said. "You have all of us here for you."
   "Maybe if I just am more careful" she began.
   "That won't stop him and you know it" Liv argued.
   "Last night was my fault." She said. "And I just made it worse today. If I just would've got up earlier."
   "What?" I said "what wouldn't he have done?"
   She lifted her shirt partially to reveal a large burn.
   "How do you know he wouldn't of done that anyways? Maybe he would've gotten mad about something else"
   She gave up. She knew I was right.
   "I can't let him hurt anyone else"
   "That doesn't mean he has hurt you." I said
   "Out of my way" we turned to see Jeff barging his way through the precinct.
   "There you are" he said upon seeing Amanda.
   She ran over to him afraid of what he might do if she didn't.
   "Leave her alone" I stood up and walked up to him.
   "I can do whatever I want. She's mine" he replied. "Isn't that right?"
   Amanda quickly nodded.
  "Let's go" he started walking, but Amanda didn't follow.
   He turned around and tilted his head.
   "What do you think you're doing?" He said.
   "Amanda come here" I tried getting her away, but she didn't listen.
   Jeff walked up to her and just like that slapped her. She fell to the ground. That's when all hell broke loose.  Olivia pulled Amanda to her feet and got her out of harms way. I went after Jeff. I went right for the stomach causing him to double over in pain.
   "Fin, pull his ass up"
   Fin grabbed him by the hair and pulled him to his feet.
   "You think you're so tough beating women, yet you can't even through a punch at me"
   I punched him again in the stomach. Fin let him drop to the floor.
   "Why not fight me? Or him?" I pointed to Fin. "Oh yeah, cause you're a coward"
   I kicked him.
   "You're crazy! All of you" he got up and dragged himself out.
   "Who said I'm done with you?!" I called after him.
   "Nick don't" Liv said still holding Amanda back.
   It was too late, I already took off after him.
   "Isn't that what you'd tell her Jeff?"
   I grabbed him and pushed him to the ground.
   "I think it's time you get a taste of your own medicine"
   I punched him in the face.
   "Nick come on" Fin stopped me from punching him again.
   "Let's go he's not worth it"
   "I'm not done with you" I said as we walked away leaving him bleeding on the floor.

   "He left." I said as we got back.
   Liv was still comforting Amanda when I told them.
   "He's just gonna come back" Amanda said.
   "I don't know about that, Nick scared him pretty good." Fin smirked.
   "Yeah you don't know him like I do" she got up and walked out of the room.
   "There's got to be something we can do to lock him back up"
   "Well Barba can't help us, he's under investigation" Liv told us.
   "So what? He just walks?"
   "There is no prosecuter that would be willing to take this on with his ties to the court. Right now all we can do is keep him away from her."
   "And what do we do if we can't? Hm? What happens when all this happens again?"
   "It's not going to happen again"
    I walked away.

   "I just want to go home."
    Amanda was sitting at what used to be her desk.
   "Let's go than"
   "You shouldn't have to deal with this." She said. "with me"
   "Come on, let's go" I said

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