Chapter 3

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Nick's POV

"Hey guys you're gonna what to see this." Fin called across the room.
It had been four days since Amanda's disappearance with no sighting of her or Jeff.
"What is this?" Liv asked.
"The dark web. It's were sickos can make and post videos doing or advertising illegal stuff. I came across one of these red rooms and look." He pointed at a list of various women's names one of which being Amanda Rollins.
He reluctantly clicked on it. It gave all her information. Her full name, occupation, weight, height, hair and eye color, birthplace and so on. There were also links to videos. We knew these links would not lead to anything good. Fin clicked on one and our nightmares came true. She was being raped and tortured by Jeff. It was in a cement room that was dimly lit.
"Jesus" Fin muttered under his breath.
"Turn it off" I couldn't handle it. " I need, I need to leave." I ran out the station and drove back home.
As soon as I got there I started crying. This is my fault why did I leave her?
"Dammit" I yelled out loud. "Where the hell are you Rollins?"

Amanda's POV

It's been 4 days since Jeff brought me to this hell hole. Having to sleep next to him we were a couple was torture, but nothing could compare to what he did in the basement. Besides the non stop rape and torture I have become Jeff's personal servant. Do the dishes, make his dinner, do his laundry, etc. Despite all this nothing could prepare me for my fifth day there.

It was 9am when Jeff woke me up. He gave me an outfit to wear which to my surprise was very revealing.
"Today is gonna be a big day for you." He told me as I changed.
"Here, take this makeup and do yourself up all pretty." I did as told.
He brought me into the living room and confirmed my fears.
"Baby your gonna get me some money. So you'll be having sex with guys whenever and wherever they like" he told me.
I didn't know what to say.
The doorbell rang.
Jeff got the door and came back with the man I had met my first day here. The man looked at me.
"We're gonna have a time beautiful" he said to me.
He led me down to the basement and shut the door behind us.
"God you've got such a nice body" he took off my shirt.
Before long he had me laying on the bed naked.
"Don't do this." I plead with him.
He slapped me.
"Don't tell me what to do"
He forced himself into me.
"Ow" I squealed.
"Oh don't be a baby" he started getting rougher.
Pretty soon I was crying in pain, but he continued. Finally after what seemed like an eternity he finished. For a minute he laid there next to me. Finally he asked me
"Have ever done anal?"
He proceeded to turn me on my stomach.
"No, please, don't do this." I was begging, but he just strapped me to the bed.
Suddenly he forced himself into me. I let out a bloodcurdling scream.
"Ow, no, stop" I was bawling.
He smashed my head into the wall. Blood started gushing out. Finally I just accepted what was happening.
He continued to force himself in me for several hours. It wasn't until I was partially unconscious that he stopped. He left me there still strapped to the bed and went upstairs. I breathed a sign of relief. But than I heard another man come down.
I must have went through 6 guys that day. By nighttime I could barely move.
"Get up here and do these damn dishes" Jeff called down to me.
I was still on the bed and in too much pain to move. He came down.
"Dammit I said get your ass upstairs!" He lifted me by my hair and pulled me off the bed. I screamed as he dragged my battered body upstairs.
"Fine bitch, take a shower and put some clothes on!" He threw me into our bedroom.
I turned on the shower and stepped in. The water stung as it touched my body. I sank to the ground and began crying. Please just let him kill me.

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