Chapter 34

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Nick's POV

As soon as we were settled back at the house I decided it was time to ask about the call. I told her what Jordan said and watched as her whole demeanor chamged. She sat up breathing heavy and crying.
"Hey, hey, calm down. You're alright."
"No I'm not!" She yelled.
"Ok, just tell me who he was."
She began to calm down slightly and sat back closing her eyes and letting the tears fall.
"I met him the first day I was there. It was him and Jeff they didn't do anything but look at me. He just kept saying I was worth a lot and made a deal with Jeff that'd he'd be the first. I didn't know really what that meant."
She cried more.
"Jeff was always rough. But Caleb, he was...he was so much worse."
She just started breaking down. Falling into my lap sobbing.
"I wished he would've just killed me." She said through the sobs.
I tried everything to comfort her, but at this point is was useless. As she continued sobbing my cellphone rang. It was Olivia.
"Yeah." I answered still hugging Amanda in one arm.
"A video was just sent to the station. Don't tell Amanda just come down here." She said.

I couldn't do it. I couldn't keep watching the video. It had to of been Caleb and Amanda wasn't exaggerating when she told me how horrible he was. Whips, chains, rope you name it he used. He had to be the devil.
"I can't, I can't deal with this right now." I ran out of the room.
As I sat outside in the freezing cold I remembered something. Apollo. I got up and went straight to the kennel.

In one hand I held tightly to Apollo the other hand held a list of German commands rangeing from sit to attack. He sat by the door as I struggled to get the key out of my pocket. He started whining.
"Shhh, don't worry she likes dogs?" I whispered to him.
I finally managed to unlock the door and walked in. Amanda was sitting on the sofa. Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree upon seeing the tiger stripped dog.
"Oh my god, who's is he?" She asked reaching down to pet him.
"Yours." I replied.
She looked up at me.
"He's a former K9, his handler didn't want him any more so he's been staying in a kennel for the past month."
"What's its name?"
"Hi, Apollo! Who's a good boy?!"
"Oh he only knows German."
"Oh course he does." she laughed.
"Apollo Sitz"
He sat.
"Here's a cheat sheet." I handed her the list of commands and their translations.
"Hier" she said and patted the sofa.
Apollo happily jumped up with her.
"Gute Hund" Apollo rolled on his back exposing his stomach.
"He's not a German shepherd. What is he?"
"Dutch shepherd. They're rare outside of law enforcement."
"He is beautiful."
"I still need to get a new collar, bowls, toys, a bed." I said
"Oh he's sleeping with me. Isn't that right Apollo?!"
The dog placed his head on her lap.
"I guess so."

I went up to the pet store to look for some dog accessories. There were so many collars. I decided on an orange camouflage one the proceeded ingrave a tag for him.
"Finding everything alright?" A worker came up to me.
"Yeah, just trying to figure out what kind of food to get." I answered.
"Well what kind of dog do you have?"
"Dutch shepherd."
"Oh, how unique."
"Yeah he was used as a K9 for almost a year."
"What is he like a personal protection dog now?"
I never really thought about that.
"Yeah, I guess I was thinking of seeing if he had the training to be a service dog."
"What for if you don't mind me asking?"
"No, no, its um for PTSD."
"Did you serve?"
"Oh, no not for me, but for someone I know."
"Oh, well if you looking for something for a working dog your best bet is that." She pointed to a bag that spelt out Eukanuba.
"That is $60 a bag." I said.
"There's also Royal Canin, cheaper, but still good."
"I guess I'll take that."
"Alright, is there anything else I can help you with?"
"I think I'm good, thanks."
I payed for the stuff and went home.
"Shit" I said in the car.
It was almost 10 and I had completely forgot about dinner. Guess we're having Pizza.

Amanda's POV

When Nick pulled in Apollo jumped up and started barking. I looked at the sheet
"Ruhig" I said.
He didn't stop.
"Ruhig!" I tried again louder.
He stopped. He whined a little then crawled back on top of me.
"Gute Hund Apollo" I pat his head.
Nick walked in carrying a bag and a pizza.
"Dinners here" he said. "You too Apollo."
Apollo got up and I followed.
"Did you know there are more than 50 brands of dog food? And than there's like a dozen different types that each brand carries."
"I did not." I smiled.
"Well Apollo I hope you like lamb and brown rice." He said reading the bag.
Apollo barked and wagged his tail.
"I'll take that as a yes." I laughed.

The rest of the night was uneventful. Just rewatched half of Dexter. At some point I fell asleep. My head in Nick's lap and Apollo on top me. I don't think I've ever felt safer.

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