Chapter 27

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Olivia's POV

After Nick went to the hospital for his shoulder we stopped by his house to check on Amanda.
"Why do you have blood on you? Where's Nick?!" She asked
Her hair was wet I'm assuming from a shower than I noticed there was blood on her face.
"He's at the hospital, there was a shooting."
"Wha.. What happened?"
"It was Tucker, he shot him."
She stood there in shock.
"I knew it. I knew he was going to kill him I need to get down there!"
She started racing to the door only to be stopped by Fin.
"It was just the shoulder, he'll be fine." I explained.
She calmed down and took a seat.
"What happened?" She asked.
"Nick found Tucker and it ended in an exchange of gunfire."
I decided to leave out the details especially the whole Nick was about to become a murderer part.
"What happened to Tucker?"
"He's dead." Fin stated.

Amanda's POV

I began crying. I was glad he was gone, but at the same time I knew this was far from over. There's still those videos, those men, Ruby, and everyone at work.
"You want to tell us what happened here?" Liv asked.
I shook my head. I was still trying to process everything.
"Amanda we know Tucker was here what we're not sure about is why."
"I don't want to talk about this right now. He's dead it doesn't matter."
"Ok we don't need to talk about him. But we do need to talk about work."
"Nick told you?"
She nodded.
"I'm not giving names so let's just drop it."
"I can't do that Amanda."
"Why would you care? Any of you? I made my bed now I can lie in it." I didn't mean for the words to come out so harsh. "Let's just go to the hospital, see Nick."
They gave up questioning me and we went to the hospital.

"You went to track down Tucker after I told you he would end you." Was the first thing I said to Nick at the hospital.
"He could've killed you" Liv said.
"He planned to kill you" I added.
Everyone stopped and stared at me.
"He told me today that if you kept getting in the way he'd make sure you'd stop. That's why I didn't want to tell you."
"Well he didn't kill me." Was all he said.
"I think we all had a pretty exciting night. Let's call it a day and go home." Liv said.
"Yeah." I said quietly.
I didn't want to go back. So many bad memories.

Nick's POV

We stopped at a hotdog place before going home. Besides yogurt this was all I've really eaten same for Amanda.
She hesitated as we walked inside.
"He's not coming back" I assured her.
"I know" she was still bothered by something.
"Come on let's sit down."
It did take long before she broke down.
"You shouldn't be doing this. I'm so fucked up, for God's sake I can't be alone for more than ten minutes without feeling like someone is going to barge through that door." She said.
"You'll get through this"
"I don't think I will."
"Well I'd rather have you broken than not at all."
I hugged her.
"I'm so scared of being alone" she whispered.
"I know" I was still holding her.
"Every noise, every light outside makes me think someones here. Someone's back to finish what they started."
She pulled away and looked at me than said something I never wanted to hear.
"I want to trust you, but I trusted Jeff and look what he did."
I felt my heart shatter. I hugged her again.
"I'm not Jeff, and I swear on my life I'd never hurt you."
"He said the same thing."
It was my turn to let the tears flow. I never want her to feel scared especially not of me.
"Why did you go after Tucker?" She broke the silence.
"I was mad, I wanted to make things right for you. It was stupid, but I don't regret it."
"Did he tell you what he did?"
"Good, it's better if you don't know."

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