Chapter 33

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Nick's POV

I draped a blanket as she drifted off to sleep then left closing the door behind me.
"She's hiding something." I said as soon as I saw Fin and Olivia. They had been watching through the one way mirror.
"Why, is what we need to figure out." Liv said. "We need to find that homicide detective."
"You really think he'll talk?" I asked skeptical.
"He's gonna have to. You two go find him."
"You think that's a good idea?"
"No, that's why I'm doing it."
She looked at both of us then walked away. We both looked at Amanda through the window.
"She ever say what went on while she was held captive." Fin asked.
"A little bit." I answered. "You don't want to know."
I began tearing up.
"She's my partner, I was supposed to protect her." He said.
"We all were." I added. "And we all failed."
"Let's go get this son of a bitch."

"Well look who it is. Thought you two would never show." He said to us as me walked up.
We had tracked him down to outside a café a couple miles from the station.
We sat at his table.
"So Jordan, how about we take this outside." I told him
He grinned.
"Whatever you say. Just let me take my coffee." He sipped his cup.
We went outside to the back were no one could see what was going on.
"Is this about that pretty blonde of yours?" He laughed.
Fin knocked the coffee out of his hands.
"Come on man that was 6 bucks!" He yelled.
After a kick in the shin he fell to his knees. Still smiling he said.
"I gotta say she's quite a firecracker. And I had her long before Jeff."
Fin and I looked at each other confused.
"Oh, she didn't tell you. Yeah we've been close for quite some time actually I'm the one who told Jeff to go to that meeting. And right away the two love birds hit it off."
"You're the reason. You're the reason all this happened!" I punched in the face.
With blood pouring out of his nose he looked at me.
"Yeah, but I'm not the one you should be worried about. That phone call, that man is crazy."
I picked him up by the collar shoving him against a wall.
"Who was it?"
"He was her first."
"Who is he?!" I asked again.
"Just ask her about her first guy. The first one Jeff put her with. Heard they had quite an intense time."
I hit his head against the wall.
"Nick!" Fin yelled "We're here to beat him up not kill the bastard."
I let go of Jordan and he fell to the ground moaning and groaning in pain.
"Fine" I walked away.

Amanda's POV

I woke up from a long nap and heard commotion from outside the room. I peered out. They were leading Jordan to the holding cells. He was bloody and looked like a mess. As hell was escorted forward he smiled and winked in my direction. I felt a chill go down my back. Then I heard the door open. I gasped and just about jumped out of my skin.
"They got him." Liv said.
I sighed. This wasn't going to end well.
"Ok" was all I could say.
She left and I buried my face into my hands. He's gonna tell them everything. Once again the door opened. This time it was Nick. The way he looked I could tell Jordan had already told him something. I just started crying. Nick sat next to me.
"Why didn't you say anything." He asked.
"I'm supposed to be an SVU detective. I'm not supposed to be the victim."
"How long?"
"I lost track maybe a year. At first it was just dumb childish things. Catcalling stuff like that. Then he started getting physical."
I didn't want to think about any of this, but I couldn't keep it in either.
"The first time he" I paused. "He um he raped me was two months before I met Jeff. He followed me into the bathroom it lasted fifteen minutes."
"Dammit" he muttered under his breath.
"Come on. Let's go home."

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