Chapter 41

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Nick's POV

It felt like déjà vu standing, pacing in the waiting room hoping for some news. No one had really uttered a word the whole time perhaps as lost in their thoughts as I was.
Three hours and six cups of coffee later we got news.
"She's in critical, but is currently stable. Are main concern right now is hypothermia." He told us.
"But she's gonna make it right." I asked.
"We'll just have to wait and hope for the best." He left.

"Nick you must've been out of your damn mind leaving without telling anyone." Liv finally said to me.
"What was I going to do let him kill her? If I were to tell you or anyone at the time she would've been dead before we got there."
"He could've easily killed both of you."
"Well he didn't and I'm not going to apologize because I'm not sorry for doing it. I'd do it all over again if I had to."
"Had Fin not of noticed the way you ran out the door, both of you would be dead right now."
We stood in silence for a minute.
"I need to get some air." I said and walked away.
"Nick wait." She called after me.
I didn't listen just kept walking. I ended up going for a drive hoping to clear my mind. Eventually that ride took me to Amanda's old apartment. This was wear it all began. If I had just done something to begin with sure I might be in jail, but none of this would've happened.
It took everything in me not to stop at the bar. I drove right past at and went to the house. Apollo had been alone all day and he was definitely going to be hungry. He ran to greet me.
"She's back Apollo, she's going to be alright." He licked me. "She has to be."
Despite A being a dog and B being only able to understand German commands he seemed to know exactly what I was saying. He whined and licked my face.
"You want some food?"
He started wagging his tail and spinning in circles.
"I'll take that as a yes."

Amanda's POV

I didn't want to wake up I honestly thought I died, maybe I was even hoping I did. None the less I did wake. The monitor beeping, the room dark, and pain shooting throughout my body. I watched a figure approach me.
"Go away!" I yelled at it.
It kept approaching saying something I couldn't quite make out. I felt dizzy, sick, and everything seemed almost like it was happening in slow motion. I could hear words being spoken, but couldn't comprehend what was being said.
As the figure came closer another one appeared. I couldn't move my arms or legs. I was basically paralyzed. I could feel myself drifting back to sleep. I tried to remain awake yelling and screaming for them to leave, but it was no use. I was too weak.

Nick's POV

At 8 am I got the call from the hospital. She was awake. I rushed down and met Liv and Fin at the hospital and were quickly pulled aside by the doctor.
"She's not out of the woods yet, she is still very weak and suffering from several external and internal injuries. She's very dehydrated and malnourished, it's a miracle she even managed to move yesterday." He stated. "How long was she missing?" He asked.
"Six days." Liv responded.
The doctor shook his head.
"Judging by how weak and malnourished she is, she was likely starved the entire time and got the bare minimum water to keep her alive."
There was a silence between us. Finally the doctor continued speaking.
"She lost a lot of blood last night we're worried something is wrong in her pelvis region, but we can't do a rape kit until she gives consent. Right now it does appear she was assaulted quite brutally."
I already knew that, but hearing it seemed to just worsen the reality.
"Can we see her?" I asked.
"You can, but she hasn't talked since waking."
We went back to see her. Her eyes were closed at first, but opened them upon hearing us enter. A bandage covered most of her neck where she had been stabbed. Her hair was still matted in blood and dirt and her face was covered in bruises. She looked like hell.
"How's Apollo?" Was the first thing she said. It was more or less a way to distract from the real questions.
"He's good. I think he knows you're back." I answered.
"Caleb" Liv started, "He's dead."
She laid there silent trying to process the information.
"Look Amanda I know it's hard, but in order to catch those other guys a rape kit will have to be done." Liv told her.
Amanda looked at me.
"You told her?"
I told Olivia last night everything I had heard Caleb say. Caleb was an animal, worse even worse than Jeff and that's saying a lot. Jeff was a coward, but Caleb was a straight up monster.
"Of course you did. Well what the hell why wasn't one already done?"
"You have to consent to.." Liv started
"Consent? When has that mattered to me in the past five months?" Amanda interrupted. "Just leave, tell them to do whatever."
We left unsure what to say.
"She's really taking this hard." Liv said.
"Well how do you expect her to react? I said. "God knows what happened the past six days she's been gone. I saw what Caleb was capable of and I can tell you Jeff is just a petty bully compared to him."
"I just hope she can pull through this" Fin said.
"We all do."

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