Chapter 13

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Nick's POV

An hour later Olivia came back. I was still in the hallway Amanda sound asleep on me.
"I sent Fin back to the station. He was pretty upset about this whole situation." She said. "Who isn't though?"
I didn't speak, just held onto a piece of paper found in Amanda's hand.
"What's that?" I handed her the folded up paper.
"I'm so sorry, I can no longer do this. He haunts my dreams, my thoughts, and my life. I hope you find someone to replace me soon it shouldn't be too difficult. Please tell my mother and sister despite the shit they drag me into, I still love them. I'm sorry it had to end this way, but I just have to get away." ~Amanda

I had read the note before, but hearing it out loud just made it more real. Had we gotten her two seconds later perhaps we would've lost her.
"The doctor said she's going to be checked into the psych ward. Hopefully she'll get some help." I don't think Liv even believed herself.
"Yeah." I let a single tear roll down my face.
The nurse came up to us a short time later.
"Downstairs to the psych ward. Doctor's order." She told us.
"Do you know what happened last night? The doctor said she posed a threat to others." Liv questioned.
I had to admit I was questioning it too.
"I guess she broke one of the nurses nose. Scratched the hell out of him too." She told us. "I gotta get her downstairs."

Amanda was still half asleep when she arrived to the ward. We were stopped from going any further into the ward being told she was on a 72 hour hold. In other words the needed to get her stabilized so she wouldn't try to attack anyone. It didn't take long for her to wake up and begin resisting. I don't know what it was, but something trigged her fear.

Amanda's POV

The last thing I remembered was being pulled back into the window and carried to the hall. Now, now I had no clue where I was. The walls were gray and empty. Gray. No this can't be happening not again.
"No! Get off me!" I screamed as they held me down.
I struggled and screamed and cried to no avail. They gave me a shot and soon my body became worthless. They brought me to a room completely empty excluding the bed. Why won't this end?" In a last ditch effort I bite one of the people holding me. He pulled back his arm and I struggled to get free. But I was too tired. The world went black.

Nick's POV

"What the hell is going on back there?!" I asked one of the nurses who had just come back with a bloody arm.
"She started acting violently, bit me for fucks sake" he held up his bloody arm. "So we had to sedate her."
"She's alright though?" I asked.
"Shes's fine." He walked walked away.
"Why won't the let us back there?" I started pacing.
"They're just doing their job." Liv answered.
"Well they seem to be doing a piss poor job."
"Nick, come on. We can't do anything right now."
I gave up. I followed Olivia back to the precinct.

"How you holding up?" Fin asked when I sat down.
"I should be asking you the same thing." I answered back.
"Well my partner just tried to jump out a window. So I'd say I've had better days." I could tell he was upset with what Amanda had said.
You deserve a better partner. Those were the last words out of her mouth as she attempted to jump. We dropped the topic and sat in silence. Eventually we'd all get back to work.

Amanda's POV
The lights were blinding as I tried to open my eyes. I attempted to move but I was still pretty out of it. The door opened.
"Oh, you're awake." I recognized the person from earlier.
"Wha, where am I." I asked weakly.
"You're at the hospital, the psych ward. You tried jumping out a window."
I finally began connecting the dots. Soon I felt the tiredness come back. The door closed. He's gone I thought.
"You're a really beautiful girl" I heard the voice say.
Than I heard a zipper.
"Wha..." He got on top of me and put his finger to my lips.
"Shhh, just relax." He whispered as his hand traveled down my body.
"Get off." I tried pushing him off with no luck.
"Relax beautiful." he gripped my breasts.
"Get off!" This time I pushed with more force.
He slapped me.
"Shut up or I'm going to do it again." He raised his voice slightly then brought it back down.
He placed one hand over my mouth the other was traveling to...well you know where. He groped me. I jumped slightly.
"Shhh, just enjoy it." He forced himself inside me.
I tried letting out a scream, but he kept me mouth closed. I felt so tired. I could feel him in me. I heard the bed rock. Next thing I knew everything went black again.

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