Chapter 50

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Nick's POV

   "How are we gonna break the news to her?"
   Me, Liv, Fin, and Barba stood at the precinct in Liv's office trying to figure out a plan. There was no answer to my question
   "Okay now tell me how the hell is he able to walk free? What the hell Barba?"
   "Nick I know you're mad, but I swear I did not threaten him or coreced him"
   "He must have ties to someone" Liv stated.
    The door opened.
   "Okay I've been waiting for ten minutes out here with no word on what you're talking about. Want to explain?"
   "Amanda" Liv started.
   "No, she should know" I said.
   "Know what?"
   I sighed.
   "Jeff is being released"
   "What?" Her face was a mix of confusion and terror.
   "We think he has ties somewhere because somehow he managed to convince the courts his confession was coreced."
   "You're kidding" she started walking away.
   "Amanda wait" I followed her.
   "Take care of Apollo" she said.
   "Where are you going?"
   "Home. My home"
   "Come on Amanda"
   "You don't get it, if I don't take him back we're all screwed."
   Now everyone had followed me out of the office.
   "You know what he's going to do Amanda. You can't live like that"
   "Nothing can top what Caleb did. And as long as I do what I'm supposed to I'll be fine."
   "We can't let you do this" I tried.
   "I'm an adult, I can do whatever I want." she started walking away again.
   "What's going to happen the next time he gets mad? The next time you over cook the eggs a little too much?"
   I immediately regreted saying that. She was on the verge of tears.
   "I don't know. But I can't let him ruin everyone else's life because of me."

   I followed her until she got in a taxi and left. Leaving all of us behind.
   "We can't let her do this" Fin said.
   "We can't stop her either" Liv commented.

Amanda's POV

   My apartment had been rented out long ago, so I went to Jeff's place, well his mom's place. She wasn't home, but he would be soon. I didn't want to be stuck with him. Every day living in fear, having to cover the bruises he created. I thought about just killing myself, but then he'd either do after my squad or find some other innocent girl.
   I sat on the sofa and cried a bit. It was so cold here compared to Nick's place. I decided to call him, just to say I'm okay.
   "Amanda come on, you don't need to go back to him."
   I felt myself breakdown as he spoke over the phone.
   "I'm at his mom's house. He'll be home soon."
   "You need to get out of there"
   "I can't."
   "I'll come pick you up"
   "No, don't. I just... I called you to say I'm okay."
   "No you're not, Amanda please leave that place now"
   I heard the door open. He was home.
   "I have to go" I hung up before he could question me.
   He carried a bouquet of flowers.
   "I'm so happy to see you again babe" He said kissing my cheek.
   I stood there trying to find my words.
   "Did you miss me?" He stroked my cheek
   "Of course I did"
   "Well come, let's celebrate"
   He lead me to the bedroom and as much as I wanted to get away I knew he'd just get angry.
   I laid there nude afterwards trying to figure everything out. That's when I heard the doorbell ring. I jumped up and got dressed. Jeff had already answer it.
   "Amanda!" Nick said upon seeing me.
   "I think you should leave...detective" Jeff said. "She's fine"
   "I'll be back. You better not touch her." Nick said.
   "Leave" Jeff was starting to get angry.
   "I'm fine, I promise" I told him.
   He hesitantly left. Jeff closed the door and turned around to face me. I didn't speak. I never do until he tells me to. He just looked at me for a second then slapped me and proceeded to walk away.
   "My mom will be home soon. Clean up" he said walking away.
    I abided and cleaned the house. His mom arrived not a long time later.
   "You must be the one who put my boy in prison" she said to me carrying bags of groceries.
   "I don't know why he stays with you." She said.
   His mom was a sixty something year old heavy smoker. It showed. I've met her only twice and clearly she doesn't remember either time. She hates my guts. And I mean hate.
   "You just gonna stand there or help put these groceries away?!" She snapped at me.
   I began unpacking everything and put everything in its designated spot.
   "No you idiot the eggs go on the top shelf! Jeff why are you dating an idiot?!"
   He walked in.
   "Because she's so beautiful"
   He came up behind me and felt me up.
   "Alright let's keep this PG" she said. "What in the hell are you wearing girl? Didn't your mom teach you how to dress?"
   "I um, I lost a lot of my clothes" I decided not to explain how.
   "You need some new ones don't you?" Jeff was still behind me with his arms all over me. "Come on, let's go shopping"
   I reluctantly agreed to.

   He picked out everything. Nothing sparked interest in me, but I went along with it. I had to. At the end we got frozen yogurt. I wasn't hungry so I basically just stared at mine.
   "So what'd you do while I was away?" He asked.
   I stared at the yogurt. This was the same place Nick brought me not long ago.
   "Helllllooo"he said. "I heard you had some fun with Caleb"
   I felt sick to my stomach.
   "I need to go use the restroom" I got up went to the bathroom.
   I cried and pulled out my phone debating calling Nick again. No I thought I'm not dragging him into this again. I left the bathroom and we carried on our conversation then went home.


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