Chapter 10

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Amanda's POV

I woke up to the sun shining in through the hospital window and looked over to see Nick asleep on the chair. Last night was the first time I actually slept through the entire night without waking up from a nightmare. My moment of happiness was interrupted by pain. I almost forgot all the pain I felt throughout my body.
My hands were wrapped in bandages but still burned like hell. I had a pounding headache and every time I moved the slightest my ribs hurt. I tried to remain silent as I attempted to get comfortable in the bed only to fail miserablely and instead letting out a faint cry of pain. Nick woke up.
"You alright?" He asked.
"Yeah, sorry for waking you." I gave up trying to get comfortable.
"I have to be at the station soon anyways." He rubbed his eyes.
I desperately didn't want him to leave. I didn't want to be alone. Alone with my thoughts, knowing any of those men who violated me could find me with ease. That man I met on my first day with Jeff. He liked me a lot. He had come back several times for "more." Dear God I didn't want to be alone.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Nick must've seen I was on the verge of tears.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I tried to sound convincing.
I didn't want to be alone, but I also didn't want to be a burden.
"Ok, well I'll be back when I can"
I nodded at him. Please don't leave. I thought but couldn't say. Next thing I knew I was alone. I started crying silently. Just then I heard the door open.
"Good to see you're doing better detective." My heart sank as I heard the familiar voice.
"What are you doing here, Tucker?" I tried to hide the fear in my voice.
"Oh just stopping by, making sure you're behaving." He smiled.
"What do you want from me?"
"I just want you to know you don't want to accuse me of anything. You know how hard it is to fight IAB and win" He chuckled and walked out the door.
It's true. Trying to fight IAB to keep your own badge was difficult I couldn't imagine what it'd be like trying to get rid of theirs.

Nick's POV

"How's Amanda?" Liv asked when I walked in.
"She's, she's good" I lied.
She pulled me into her office.
"Ok really Nick what's going on?" She obviously could tell I was lying.
"It's nothing just, she told me a lot last night... About what happened." I admited.
"Liv she pleaded with me not to tell you or anyone else."
"I get it. She'll tell us when she's ready." Liv seemed quite upset that Amanda refused to talk to her. I could understand that, it's been difficult as hell trying to get Amanda to talk. I felt helpless.

The rest of the day was spent trying to focus on work, but I couldn't stop thinking about what Amanda told me. I wanted to pay Jeff a visit, but I knew for a fact I would kill him if I did. I thought about what she said. "I had a nightmare that night. I was screaming for help, but it wasn't help I got when I woke up."
Then I thought about what the guy we found at the house that we traced Amanda's call to. "You must be Nick. Yeah she screaming for you the other night. Boy was she surprised when I came instead."
"Fuck!" I yelled out and stood up.
I pushed everything off my desk and onto the floor in frustration.
"Woah dude." Fin looked over at me.
"What's going on out here?" Olivia came out and quickly noticed the mess I made.
I stood with my fists on my empty desk and head down.
"Ok Nick what is going on?" Now Liv was definitely getting concerned.
"I just, I need to go back to the hospital." I took off ignoring any further questions.

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