Chapter 43

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Nick's POV

"Last night about an hour after you left the nurse found she was unconscious, her temperature was very high and she began having trouble breathing so we took a chest X-ray. She has pneumonia."
It was eight in the morning when I got to the hospital and the doctor delivered the news.
"How serious is it?" I asked.
"She's not responding well to the antibiotics, it's likely she got sick from a bacteria here and it is resistant to the medicine."
"What does that mean?"
"She's dealing with a severe case that even healthy adults would end up going to the hospital for. Her immune system is already compromised and she isn't responding to treatment. She's in for a fight."

I tried to focus on work but my thoughts just kept drifting back to Amanda.
"You good?" Asked Fin.
It must've been obvious I was completely spacing out. I hadn't told anyone the news. To be honest I never thought about telling there was already so much on our plates.
"Uhm no actually"
He grew more interested.
"It's Amanda, she has pneumonia."
"She's gonna be alright." He assured me.
"That's the thing they don't know if she will be. So far she hasn't responded to treatment and she's already so weak."
"When did you find out?"
"This morning, doctor told me."
"She's survived all this, a little infection isn't going to bring her down."
"I hope you're right."

The next four days seemed to last forever. Overtime she started getting better. Slowly, but it was still good to see her awake.
"I got a surprise." I told her on Saturday or her seventh day since arriving at the hospital.
"It's not flowers is it?"
She hated flowers thought they were overrated.
"No, you'll like this surprise"
I stepped out in the hall.
"Apollo" I called the now registered service dog into the room.
He jumped onto the bed licking and wiggling around like an overly enthusiastic puppy.
"How did they let you bring him?!"
"I've been working on getting him recognized as an official service dog that is allowed in public, pretty much anywhere you go. Luckily he's already very well trained so the hospital gave permission to bring him in. Besides what better way to cheer people up than with a dog?"
Apollo was so happy he could barely contain himself. He whined and let out a yappy bark.
"Quiet, Ruhig"
He tilted his head.
He laid down right next to Amanda.
"Here" I pulled out a harness for Apollo.
It had 'service dog' in bold letters with a patch saying 'do not pet'
"Apollo hier" he ran over to me.
I strapped on the new vest. It fit perfectly. I saw Amanda smile, something I never thought I'd be able to see again.
"I gotta leave, I'll be back at four to pick him up, he'll be hungry."
I began walking out the door then stopped.
"Apollo" he looked up at me.
"Pass auf" I said to him then pointed at Amanda.
He looked at me like he could read my mind. Protect her. He jumped onto the bed and laid beside her.
"Good boy, Gute Hund" I proceeded out the door.

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