Chapter 5

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Amanda's POV

The next two days were hell. Apparently Tucker and his nephew Ryan were paying big money to enjoy their time with me. By Thursday I was to exhausted to even move. It was 10 in the morning when Jeff left the bedroom leaving me alone at last. I was just about to close my eyes when I heard a phone ring. I dragged myself out of bed and found the source of the ringing. It was Jeff's phone. When the ringing stopped I picked it up and immediately called the first person that came to mind.

After Jeff hung up the phone he looked at me with pure hatred.
"Oh you are in a lot of trouble Missy" he grabbed me by the arm and took me back to his car.
We drove back to his "house" and he threw me in the basement.
"You really just don't like listening!" He threw me to the ground.
"You know I really didn't want to kill you yet, but you've been nothing but an inconvenience" he kicked me in the stomach.
The beating went on for over an hour. It wasn't till I was barely consciousness that he stopped and decided to shackle me to the wall.
"I'm going to run to the store. See you soon Amanda." He left.
I cried in pain for several minutes before succumbing to my exhaustion.

Nick's POV

We were on the third address that Jeff had texted the person. We had split up trying to get through as many address as possible so it was just me and Liv at this one. The house was small, but didn't look to bad compared to the other homes in the area. We approached the front door and knocked.
"NYPD open up" I yelled.
No response.
"Nick look at this." Liv pointed to the ground.
There was a small trail of blood that led from the driveway to the door.
We looked at each other.
"Kick it down" she said.
And so I did.
"NYPD" I yelled again to the empty house.
"I'll check the back" we split up.
I went to the kitchen Liv made her way to the back of the house. In the kitchen I noticed more blood that disappeared onto the rug. I lifted the rug up and exposed a hidden door.
"Liv!" I called out.
No response, she must've went to look around outside. I opened the door, gun drawn to reveal a flight of cement stairs. I followed the stairs down to a horrifying room.
The room was dimly lit and the walls were full of chains, whips and other various torture devices. I walked further in and saw a bed. This must've been the bed from the videos. I thought.
Continuing to investigate I noticed a large steel door. I went over and tried opening it only to realize it was locked.
"Dammit" I looked around the room.
I paused for a second. I started feeling around the door frame. At the top of the door I felt and metal object. I took it down and to my relief it was a key. I unlocked the door and searched the room from left to right. It wasn't till I shined my light all the way to the right that I saw the figure. It took me a second to realize who the figure was. Her arms were chained above her and her head has hanging down. Her blonde hair covering her face. I could see blood dripping onto the floor.
"Amanda?" I rushed lowered my gun and rushed over.
"Amanda? Come on talk to me" I held her head up to find her face completely covered in bruises and blood dripping out of her mouth.
She slowly began opening here eyes. As soon as she could process me there her eyes went wide.
"No, no please don't!" She began struggling to get free.
"Amanda, Amanda it's me Nick" she was still not calming down.
"I'm too tired for this!"
"Amanda, hey look it's me. You're safe now." She began calming down.
"Nick?" She looked at me confused.
"Yeah, it's me." I began unchaining her.
"Where, where is he?" She asked weakly.
"I don't, Liv's upstairs looking for him. Did he tell you where he went." I managed to get the chains off and she fell into me.
"I got you, I got you." I slowly propped her against the wall.
"He went to the store. Oh no he said he was gonna be right back!" She started panicking again.
"Amanda calm down. Olivia's up there she'll get him before he can even get inside." She started relaxing again.
Her eyes were slowly closing as her head rolled to the side.
"Amanda, come on you have to stay with me" I pulled her into my lap.
She tried opening her mouth but nothing came out. Instead I heard Olivia's voice behind me.
"Nick" I turned around a saw Olivia standing there with a gun to the back of her head.

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