Chapter 42

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Nick's POV

"We completed the kit and found evidence of not only of an assault but possibly..." He stopped. "Let's go some place more private."
We followed him to an empty room. He closed the door behind us.
"She sustained serve truma that does not result from penetration alone."
"What are you saying?" I don't think I really wanted to know the answer.
"It appears an object was used to penetrate. Something relatively large to cause that much damage."
I rubbed my face trying to hide tears.
"Burn marks electrical were found, I don't want to go into detail but it appeared to be done by some sort of clamp judging by the marks."
"Jesus christ." I heard Liv say.
"She's been through hell." The doctor said and left.
This was the first time I'd seen Olivia visibly shaken. She always managed to keep her cool up until now.
"God dammit!" Fin yelled
"I'm going to go see her." I said.
"Nick I don't think that's a good idea." Liv tried stopping me.
"Yeah well nothing I seem to do is a good idea so." I left.

She was awake laying down staring blankly at the wall. I knocked on the door.
"Can I come in?"
"Do whatever you want." She answered.
I walked into the room sitting down in a chair at the bottom of the bed.
"I know you hate hospitals. I'll make sure to get you out of here as soon as you're doing better."
"That's just it, I'll never be better."
"Yes you will. I know you."
"I can never have kids Nick." She said. "The doctor told me."
She didn't exaggerate what the doctor said but left it at that.
"I'm sorry.." I started
"Why would I want to have kids anyways? What bring them into a world like this?"
She started crying than coughing.
"Hey, you alright?" I knelt beside her.
She nodded.
"Just a cold." she said.
I brushed her hair back and got a look at her face. The scar across her face from the whip Jeff used was still very visible. Now along with it were cuts and bruises. Her pink lips were now cracked and bloody. She was almost unrecognizable.
"What happened to Caleb?"
"He drowned." I lied. "They pulled him out not long after the ambulance took you away. Guess he wasn't much of a swimmer."
I decided the truth was too much for her to handle at the moment.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you, all of you."
"No hard feelings" I smiled.
"Tell Liv and Fin I'm sorry."
"Will do, now get some sleep."
She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. I sat back down at the end of the bed. A few minutes later Liv knocked on the door.
"She's sleeping." I said.
"Good, she needs it." She walked further into the room.
"Look I'm sorry about what I said, you wanted to help her I get it I probably would've done the same thing."
"I shouldn't have gone without saying anything I just didn't want to risk it. God I'm an idiot, what if nobody saw me leave? She could be dead right now."
"Well she's not and neither are you just please stop being so stubborn."
We laughed a bit.
"I'm gonna go home, you might want to talk to Fin, he's taking everything almost as bad as you are."
"I will."
"Good night Nick."

"She's asleep now." I told Fin.
"You need to get sleep." He said.
"I've had at least six cups of coffee I'm good to go." I joked.
"That makes one of us, I'm gonna head out, see you tomorrow."
Before he could get halfway down the hall there was screaming coming from Amanda's room.

Amanda's POV

I woke up with blood running down my face. I tried moving my arms but something was holding them down.
"Look who's awake." I heard him say.
"No, you're dead."
"Am I? Or is that just what you were told?"
I struggled against the retraints to no avail. He started walking toward me.
"Get away from me!" I screamed.
"Shh shh" he held his finger to my lips "don't yell at me"
He began stripping.
"And now that nobody is left to help you, we can enjoy all the time I want."
He crawled ontop me.
"Where is everyone? What did you do?!" I screamed as he kissed me.
"Why don't I show you."
With that I woke. No, was I awake?
"Oh my god, oh my god." I looked around to see everyone I knew dead.
"What did you do?!!?"
"I made sure nobody could interrupt." Caleb had returned.
"No, no this is a dream this is just a dream."
"Is it?" he grabbed my head. "Look Amanda, look what you did!"
I saw the dead bodies of my sister, mother, Fin, Nick, Zara Liv, Noah, Barba, Cassidy, even Apollo and Frannie.
"No no no no" I curled into a ball.
He lifted my head up.
"Nobody can save you now."
I slapped him as hard as I could.
"Oh you bitch!"
He grabbed my neck and threw me to the ground. This was it, this was the end

Nick's POV

I pushed the nurses aside.
"We got this, she's having a night terror."
"Amanda" I tried waking her up.
"Amanda" Fin also tried.
She continued yelling.
"Get away from me!" She yelled.
"Amanda it's just a dream, come on wake up."
"What did you do?!" She continued yelling. "No, no, no"
I tried shaking, it was than than she started swinging. It was me she hit first. I knew she broke my nose but ignored it.
"Amanda! Wake up"
She opened her eyes but wasn't really awake. She grabbed hold of the fork on the table.
"Grab her arm, she's either going to hurt us or herself."
Fin attempted to grab her arm, but ended up with a fork in his arm.
"Amanda wake up." I shook her and at last she woke.
Still panting she looked at me and then at Fin, confused.
"You were dead I saw you both of you. Where's Liv?" She started hyperventilating
"Calm down, Livs fine she's at home..."
"No she's not, she's not ok Caleb he's alive he's, he's.."
"Amanda look we're both alive, Liv's fine I can call her if you want."
"Oh my god what happened to you?!" She was just now noticing the the blood running out of my nose.
She looked at Fin spotting the fork mark.
"I did this, he was right what is wrong with me?!"
"Nothing, calm down just take a deep breathe." I tried
"You have to see Liv, he's going to kill her and Noah! Go!"
"Ok, ok I'll call her"
I dialed her number.
"I need you down at the hospital, bring Noah." I told her.
"She's on her way, now relax."
She stared at Fin's bandaged arm.
"It's nothing" he said.

"What's going on? What happened to your face?" Liv arrived a few minutes later.
"I'm not sure, she was just screaming about how we were all dead and then told me told get you and Noah. Where is he?"
"Brian brought him to get a snack from the vending machine. Let's go see Amanda."

"See she's here and completely ok." I said to Amanda as we walked back into the room.
"And Noah is right down the hall." Liv added.
Amanda closed her eyes and sighed.
"I'm sorry." She said. "I'm sorry I dragged you all down here."
She started coughing once again.
"You sure you're alright?" I asked.
She started coughing more violently.
"No you're not" I said.
Her face was pale and covered with sweat. I felt her forehead
"You're really warm"
"I'm fine I swear now just go home. Get some sleep."
We agreed and left.
"I'll see you tomorrow ok?" I said on my way out.
"Yeah" She responded.

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