Chapter 4

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Nick's POV

It had been almost two months since Amanda was last seen. The videos of her continued to be uploaded to the internet. I couldn't watch them, no way. We had tried looking in the background of the videos to see any clues of where she might be but found nothing. We do know she was going to different places. A lot of the videos took place in the cement room, but many took place at different locations.
There were no leads in the case everything lead to a dead end.
"Nick I'm going out to lunch you wanna join?" Liv asked.
I looked up from my desk.
"Um, raincheck?" She looked at me with pity.
"Alright" she started walking away when suddenly my cell phone started ringing.
"Amaro" I answered.
"Nick?" I familiar voice was on the other line.
"Amanda?!" Liv and Fin came rushing over.
I put the phone on speaker.
"Amanda do you know where you are?" Liv asked.
"I don't know, I'm at someone's house I don't know who they are." She sounded desperate and terrified.
"It's ok honey we're tracking the call right now."
The location came up and we immediately raced to our cars.
"We're on our way Amanda just stay on the line." I tried to sound calm, but in reality I was panicked.
"I think they're coming back" she was scared to death.
" Who, who's coming back" Liv asked.
"I don't know, I just want them to stop." she almost sounded like she was begging us to stop them.
"I know sweetie we're co.. " Liv was interrupted by a man's voice and Amanda screaming.
"Amanda what's going on!?" I yell.
No response just more yelling from unknown men.
"You must be Amanda's friend" the voice on the other end said. "boy she is in a lot of trouble"
"We are on our way now to your location, now just make this easy and let her go." Liv tried.
"Hmm, I don't think so." Click.
The man hung up the phone.
"We gotta get there fast."

We arrived at the house the call had been traced.
"NYPD" I yelled before kicking the door down.
A man began running to the back. I chased him and tackled him to the floor.
"Where is she!!?" I punched him in the face.
"Oh you mean that pretty blonde slut? Ha she's gone."
I punched him again.
"You're Nick aren't you? Heard her yelling your name while she was having a nightmare last night. Boy was she in for a surprise when I came to the rescue."
I punched him again and again.
"You should've seen the fear in her eyes when she saw her boyfriend wasn't there to protect her."
Before I could let loose another punch Fin pulled me off him.
"Come on Nick you gotta see this." I followed him down the hall while another cop cuffed the guy.
At the end of the hall way a bedroom. The bed was a mess, there was clothes and blood on the floor as well as a cell phone.
"This must have been how she called us." I picked up the phone.
I scrolled through stopped when I saw a message that caught my eyes. It was addresses.
"Hey, look here." I showed Fin and Liv the addresses.
"Think she could be one of these places?" I asked.
"It's worth a shot" Liv said.

Amanda's POV
(48 hours earlier)
We pulled up to a decent looking house and I was lead inside. It's been over a month since I've started "working" for Jeff and I was just too tired to go on. Jeff rung the doorbell and some woman answered.
"Oh he'll be home shortly come in and have a seat." She lead us to the living room.
"I'm going to go use the restroom" I excused myself and began walking to the bathroom.
I looked outside the front door and saw headlights. A man got out of the car and started walking up to the house. Wait a minute is that.. Yes it is! IABs detective Tucker/Olivia's ex. I had no idea what he was doing here, but I didn't care. I rushed out the door and run up to him.
"Thank god you're here! My boyfriend is kidnapped me and I need you to call my squad..." I started running out of breath.
He looked at me.
"Oh my god detective Rollins?" He asked and took his phone out.
"Yes, yes it's me" he closed his phone.
He looked up at me and suddenly punched me in the face immediately sending me flying backwards. I looked at him in horror.
"Wha..." I began.
"Wow, you really are the office slut." He said as he grabbed my hair and pulled to my feet.
"Even here you don't listen to your superior." he punched me again.
"Oh Jeff!" He called out. "Your whore is out of control." Jeff came outside along with some other guy.
"Really? You don't want to listen now?" Jeff said. "And to think this was going to be an easy night." He punched me in the stomach and I fell to me knees.
"You just don't know to listen detective." now it was Tucker's turn to punch me.
I fell to the ground and felt a kick to the ribs.
"You know your squad gave up on you. They knew you were a useless detective." Another kick to the ribs.
"They've all seen you get it on with different men." He leaned down next to my head. "They must be disgusted with you're activities."
One more kick this time to the face and I collapsed onto the cold ground.
"Come on Amanda you're not done." Jeff picked me up by the hair and dragged me inside.
He threw me on the ground.
"So, who wants to go first?"

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