Chapter 37

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Amanda's POV

Caleb dragged me deep into the woods and handed me a shovel.
"Dig" he commanded.
I started digging. The rain turned the dirt soft making it slightly more easy. None the less I couldn't keep at it. I dropped the shovel and panted desperately.
"Keep digging!" He got his whip out and slasher my face barely missing my eye.
It stung immediately. The intense pain brought me to my knees.
"God dammit."
He grabbed me by the hair and leaned me against a tree.
"Where is everyone now? You think you're so special, think you actually have friends."
He hit me.
"You think you're really worth something? Because nobody seems to think so. Your sargent wanted to fire you, you've lost the trust of your own partner. And Nick, can you imagine how annoyed with you he is? Hell he probably is glad you're gone. I'm shocked he hasn't lost it with you."
Those night terrors of Nick came back in my head. I tried hiding it, but I swear Caleb just new what I was thinking.
"Or has he?" He smiled.
"No. He'd never do anything to me" I said unconvincingly.
I still didn't know myself what was real and what wasn't.
"Wouldn't he? Everyone knows you're a piece of trash."
He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small knife.
"Now let's get this party started."

The first stab was in my shoulder. He made his way up to my neck as I felt the blood pour out. Finally he stopped and walked away. I don't know where he went, but I took that as an opportunity to run. I didn't know where I was running, I just kept going. Keeping one hand on my blood neck I ran till I saw headlights. The car slowed down as I ran into the middle of the road. Once the car stopped I ran to the passenger side

Nick's POV

She ran up to my car and I quickly jumped out and wrapped my jacket around her bloody neck. She was shivering and freezing cold to the touch.
"I'm sorry, just please get me away from him." She said weakly.
She was so weak she could barely stand.
"I got you." I helped her into the car out of the freezing rain.
"Where is he?" I frantically asked.
"I don't know" she cried.
She was shivering really bad.
"Ok ok, I got you."
I help her close to my body trying desperately to keep her warm. It was than I felt the barrel of a gun on the back of my head.

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