Chapter 14

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Amanda's POV

I woke up with slight recollection of what happened. That had to of been a dream. Right? Than I realized I was in pain and not the pain I was feeling before. No this was a more intimate pain. It wasn't a dream I realized. The door opened and I jumped back. To my relief it was a female nurse.
"How are you doing?" She asked.
I just kinda blinked and stared at her not sure what to say.
"Well I brought you some food. You need to eat ok." She smiled at me and placed the tray of food on the table beside me.
She walked out shutting the door behind her. I stared at the food. I wasn't hungry. Not at all. I decided if I didn't eat something they'd probably force a tube down my throat so I picked up the pudding. I looked at the reflection of myself in the spoon. Oh shit a huge bruise was on my cheek. That's when I started remembering what happened last night. I started crying than quickly wiped my tears away. No, not again. I can't be a little bitch, I can't let anyone know. I ate the pudding and laid back down. Eventually I fell back to sleep.

Nick's POV

"Any word on Amanda?" Liv asked walking into the squad room.
"Nope." I replied. "Haven't even told us if she woke up."
"I'm sure she alright. She's in good care." Olivia sat down across from my desk.
"How are you doing?" She asked.
"Fine I guess." I replied.
"You this is hard on everyone. We just need to try working the men who Jeff pimped her out to and arrest them."
"Yeah" I said.
Barba walked in just than.
"I heard about what happened how is she?" He asked.
"We don't know. They're holding her for 72 hours stating she is a hazard to herself and others." Liv said.
"I'm sorry" he said.
"Ok, well can we figure out what to do with Jeff?" She stood up.
"Let's go to your office." He said.
"Nick you gonna come?" Liv asked.
I really didn't like being stuck out here with my own thoughts so I followed them into the office.
"Well we got him on kidnapping, assault, rape 1, and attempted murder for Rollins and attempted murder for both of you." he stated.
"You think the courts going to agree with you?" I asked.
"Well they already agreed him be reprimanded I think the courts are working in our favor."
"Do you think he'll take a plea?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" Barba looked at me slightly confused.
"Amanda is not in any sort of shape to go in front of a jury. She hasn't even told me what happened." I explained.
"He's got a point Barba" Liv agreed.
"I can try" he said. "I can scare him a bit. See if he'll go down easily."

Barba's POV

"Kidnapping, assault, rape, attempted murder, sex trafficking. These are some pretty legit charges you got here." Jeff has lawyered up, but he knew he was pretty much screwed.
"Detective Rollins went willingly with Jeff back to his place. She wasn't kidnapped." His lawyer argued.
"He held a gun to her head!" I was starting to get annoyed. "Look you can take the plea and avoid any possibility of the death penalty."
"Councilor last I checked the death penalty on exists for murderers."
"You and I both know the courts don't take kindly to a man involved with the abduction, rape, and attempted murder of an NYPD detective. Now I'd recommend you take the deal."

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