Chapter 40

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Nick's POV

"Put her down." His voice had a sinister tone to it.
"Put her down or I swear to god I'll shoot both of you!"
I did as told. Amanda started getting up with me.
"No stay down..." I started.
"I'm not going to sit there and watch you die!" She yelled.
Bang. He shot the sky. I quickly pushed Amanda behind me.
"Both of you shut up and do what I say."
"Ok, you're in charge." I said.
"Don't give me that bullshit speech!"
"Look there are two detectives out there tracking you down right now and they're not going to hesitate to kill you."
"Guess we'll have to make this fast than. Amanda come here." He signed for Amanda to come over.
"There's no way in hell she'll come to you."
"That's what you think. If she doesn't come over here now I will blow both of your heads off."
At that moment she ran to him.
"Amanda no!" I tried grabbing her but she was too far already.
"That's what I thought."
He held the gun to her head.
"Let's go for a walk. You, stay here unless you want carry her out of here in a body bag."
I stood there defeated as they walked away. No I thought I can't just stand here.

Amanda's POV

He kept the gun to my head as we made our way onto the bridge. I looked down at the cold water below.
"I don't know you keep trying. Even if I were gone you'd still never be safe. There's dozens of men that wouldn't hesitate to get a piece of you and you know Nick is one of them. So even if by some miracle you live, you'll never be safe."
Just as he pushed me off the edge I turned and grabbed him and he went down with me. It was just free falling for a while. I wasn't afraid, in a way I was relieved. Than I hit the water. It felt like I was falling through glass. Pain surged through me. I wasn't dead.

Nick's POV

I saw them fall. I didn't even think I just jumped right in after them.
"Nick!" I heard Liv scream.
But it was too late I was already free falling. Once I hit the ice cold water I searched and searched for any sign of her. The waves that appear so small from the bridge felt huge, drowning my words every time I tried yelling for her. Than I saw her. She looked dead. I swam over to her.
"Amanda? Amanda!" I tried
"Am I dead?" She said weakly.
"No, no you're not."
I grabbed hold of her and began swimming to shore where Liv and Fin were waiting. Halfway there something or someone dragged Amanda under. She could barely put up a fight. She went under and I lost sight of her. I dove under the water over and over with no luck. Finally I felt her long hair brush my hands. I pulled her back above the water. She was unconscious if even alive. Caleb still had a hold on her. It was than Fin jumped in.
Everything went by fast. Eventually he let go her. I saw the red lights as the ambulance finally arrived just as I was dragged her to shore.
"Back up." The medics commanded.
"You have to save!" I yelled desperately.
Liv pulled me back.
"They're going to do everything they can."
Bang! A gunshot rang out. We ran to the source. We were met by Fin under the overpass holding a gun and Caleb dead.
"He came after me" was all he said
We exchanged glances.
"I had no other choice." He continued.
"Right." Liv said and left it at that.

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