Chapter 25

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Nick's POV

"Liv, I need to talk to you"
I walked into the precinct early Sunday morning to tell her about what's been going on with Amanda. We went into her office.
"Did you tell her about the videos?" She asked.
"I had to. She was sitting right there I couldn't just lie"
"How'd she take it"
"Just how you'd expect, but that's not why I'm here."
Olivia looked at me concerned.
"What is it then?" She asked.
"She got defensive saying how she didn't want to do anything seen in the videos which of course I know, but she didn't believe I believed her."
"You're not making much sense"
"Yeah, neither was she until I got her home. Than she told me that people at the station have been total assholes ever since word got out about what Jeff had been doing."
"What do you mean?"
"Harassing her verbal and I guess even physically."
"Did she say who?"
"No that's the thing she doesn't want to get people in trouble she's back to thinking this is her fault, and I've spent all night trying to tell her it's not but she just keeps blaming herself."
"It's common for victims to blame themselves.." She started.
"She's not just a victim this is Amanda we're talking about and there's people here detectives, cops that are blaming her. You know what she told me? She told me someone took her back to the bunks to show her that 'she wanted it'."
Liv didn't respond. She seemed to still be processing everything.
"She doesn't think you believe her, Fin, she doesn't even think I do."
"She feels alone" She whispered.
The door opened.
"Is this a bad time?" Fin asked.
"No, um what do you have" Liv stood up.
"Nothing, that's the problem. The dark web is impossible to navigate. It's sole purpose is to make tracking people impossible." He said.
"Have you ran facial ID?"
"No one was dumb enough to show their faces."
Just then my phone buzzed. It was a text from Amanda.
Come here now Was all that was sent.
"I have to go."I rushed out the door.
"Wait Nick who is it?" Liv called after.
"It's Amanda, I'll be right back."
And with that I left.
Amanda's POV

An hour after Nick left I heard a knock on the door.
"I know you're in there, don't make this difficult." Tucker's voice sounded from outside.
I thought about running out the back, but knew running wouldn't fix anything so I let him in.
"Why can't you just leave me alone?" I asked as he walked in.
This wasn't the first time he'd paid me a visit. He called or stopped over every now and then to make sure I wasn't snitching on him. This time it was different. He had a sinister aura surrounding him.
"You got a new outfit I see." He looked me over.
"I think you should leave."
I didn't want to deal with him today. This pissed him off and he grabbed my hair.
"I think you need to not tell me what to do." He threw on the sofa.
"Tell me how are things going with Nick?" He knealt down in front of me.
"You like him don't you?"
He grinned at me.
"It's a shame he keeps getting in the way. You better hope he backs off before I make him. He has a lot of enemies I bet. Wouldn't be too hard to pin his death on some amateur cop hater."
I wanted to grab my phone and text Nick or someone to come here. I knew Tucker had something terrible in mind for today.
"Take off you clothes" I reluctantly abided.
He had a gun. I had nothing.
"Now get on the floor. All fours"
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I yelled.
Of course that was a mistake. He hit me with the gun and I obeyed his order. I'm not gonna go into detail about what happened for the next hour. All I'm going to say is if was possibly the most degrading thing anyone has ever made me do.
"We still have all day Amanda. Neither of us have anything to do."
I slowly stood back up.
"I want you to tell me what your favorite part of that night was"
I knew what he was talking about. The night at that house. The night before I managed to call for help.
"Was it me? Maybe it was Ryan. Or maybe you enjoyed Ruby. She certainly could turn any woman."
Ruby I didn't know her name till now. At the time I thought her being a woman she'd pity me. She didn't.
"I'll tell you my favorite part. I loved feeling your bare breasts against me while I did you right there on the floor. I loved hearing you moan when I filled you..."
"Shut up!" I yelled.
"Ok fine. Than you tell me what you enjoyed."
None of it. I hated every minute of that night.
"Was it when we all got a chance with you? I bet you never felt that many sensations at one. Or way it when you woke from your dream. You thought you were safe, but there I was. With Ryan by my side helping to hold you down."
"Shut up." I tried again this time I spoke quieter.
"What were you dreaming about Amanda? Nick? You dirty girl. I think it's time for a shower."
He got up and went to the bathroom. As soon as I heard him turn the shower on I grabbed my cellphone. He walked back out right as I hit sent. I hid the phone.
"You ready?" He asked and I followed him into the bathroom.

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