Chapter 29

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Nick's POV

"You look like hell" Fin said when he saw me sitting at my desk.
"Yeah" I said.
"Something happen?"
"You remember when you said you touched Amanda's shoulder and she completely freaked out?"
"Yeah?" He said questionabley.
"Well she's been acting like that I mean she has been for a while, but now it's gotten worse."
"What'd mean?"
What did I mean? I'm wasn't even sure myself.
"Well last night she had a nightmare which usually I can get her to calm down from you know once she knows she's safe. But this time she looked at me terrified and ran outside."
"She's tried to run away before" he commented.
"I know but when I got her back inside was when she started acting weird. She was pleading with me. She told me to kill her."
Fin was taken by surprise when I said that.
"Why would she say that?" He asked.
"That's what I was wondering. Then I saw her wrists were bleeding. I'm assuming she cut them and I'm almost positive she did it intentionally. So I made her tell me what was going on. I threatened to take her to the hospital if she didn't."
"Did she tell you?"
"Yes, kind of. She told me she'd had these nightmares. Very realistic I guess. I mean she genuinely believed they really happened."
"Did she say what they were about?"
"Kinda. She said they were about me."
"Judging by the fear in her eyes they weren't good dreams. And what scares the hell out of me is she genuinely believes they happened."
"Maybe Liv can talk to her."
"Yeah, maybe"

Olivia's POV

I knocked on the door to Nick's house and waited for an answer. Nothing.
"Amanda it's me Olivia." I called out.
I could seconds later she opened the door.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
"I just came to see how you were doing. Can I come in?"
She let me in.
"Is anyone with you? Fin? Nick?"
"No, just me." I smiled at her. "So how's it been going?"
"Good I guess. I mean considering."
"Good. Look I heard you had a rough night last night."
She immediately became alarmed by my motives.
"Who told you that?"
"Nick told me. He said you had trouble sleeping. Night terrors and what not."
"Yeah, I always do."
"He said this time was different."
I sat down with her on the couch.
"You want to tell me what happened last night."
"I can't." She simply said.
"Why not?"
"Because I'm not even sure what happened. I don't what was real and what was a dream."
"Well, tell me what you do know. What can you remember?"
"I remember falling asleep on the sofa."
She paused as the memories seemed to flood back into her mind.
"Then I woke up, at least I thought I did. Nick was saying something..." Her voice faded as she thought about the dream.
"What'd he say?" I asked.
"Nothing. Doesn't matter." She was clearly lying.
"Well what happened next?"
She remained quiet for a second.
"Everything seemed to happen at once. He just snapped." She didn't look at me as she spoke.
"Nick?" I questioned.
She nodded.
"I don't know what happened. If any of it even happened or if I blacked out, but I woke up in bed. He was next to me. I mean I think I was awake. I remember going into the bathroom Nick was still sleeping. He must've gotten up or something because he was standing in the doorway not long after. Somewhere along the lines I went into the kitchen. Nick told me I should go to sleep I said I wasn't tired he got mad..."
She didn't finish the sentence, but it was clear to me what the dream was about. Nick had hit her. I know he'd never do that and so did Amanda deep down, but right now she wasn't herself.
"Why did you try to run away?"
"I had to get away. I was so scared it was going to be like Jeff all over again."
"You cut yourself; why?"
"I had to know what I was doing was real. I can't keep track of what's a real and what's in my head. That seemed to be the only way I could know I was awake."
She remained quiet for a little while.
"Am I going crazy?" She finally said.
"No. You've been through a lot, but you have to know Nick would never hurt you. None of us would."
"That's what Jeff said."

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