Chapter 32

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(In case you were wondering what a Dutch shepherd is there's a photo of what "Apollo" looks like)

Amanda's POV

I called a cab and had it take me to the precinct. I couldn't be at the house alone
"Hey Amanda long time no see." I was greeted by some uni in the building.
"Piss off Ryan." I continued forward.
He stopped me.
"What was that." He questioned, his playful tone gone.
"I'm not in the mood now go away." I pushed him aside.
"Does that work with Jeff?"
I stopped dead in my tracks.
"You know I visited him. He's been asking about you. Told me to make sure you stay in your place."
I began walking again. He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me away from the crowd.
"You really think you can get away from all this? You put my best friend in prison for life all because you decided to act like a stupid whore."
"Jeff did that to himself." I stated.
He slapped me.
"I was told to keep you in line and trust me I will. Now go."
He pushed me back into the populated area. I whiped the tear off my cheek. I'd like to think this would be the only interruption on my way upstairs, but walking into this place has been hell since Jeff.
"Amanda" I heard a voice say.
I recognized the voice and took off the opposite way.
"Don't run from me bitch."
I really thought this guy would be fired by now. He was the perfect example of trigger happy and poster boy for excessive force. He wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger on me.
Just when I thought I was safe he cut me off.
"Where do you think you're going?"
I tried getting away but he blocked every possible escape.
"Just leave me alone." I tried.
"Shut up" he said slamming me against the wall.
He started undoing his belt when I saw an opportunity. I kicked as hard as I could causing him to fall to his knees. I took off running.
"You fucking bitch!" He called after me.
I turned around to see him rising to his feet. I continued running till I saw the SVU sign.

Nick's POV

Amanda came rushing in our of breath and in total panic mode. She grabbed hold of me and attempted to catch her breath.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
By now she had caught the attention of everyone in the room.
"He's behind me, he's chasing me." She said in between breaths.
"Who? Who's chasing you?"
Just as I asked some guy walked in. He looked around the room till he spotted Amanda.
"I'm detective Quinn I'm from homocide, here to talk to detective Rollins." The guy seemed legit.
Amanda remained glued to me. Looking up at me her face clearly say "that's him." I pushed her behind me.
"Maybe I should come back later." He began to walk out.
Fin stopped him.
"Maybe you should stay right here and tell me just why you need to speak with her." Fin told him
The guy looked at Fin with no fear.
"Why would you care about that little whore?"
This must've been Fin's breaking point because next thing I knew his fist was colliding with the guys jaw.
"Enough!" Liv yelled. "What the hell is going on out here?"
"Your detectives are crazy that's what's going on." The guy said.
"Fin let him go." He abided.
The guy brushed himself off.
"Now if you don't mind, I need to get back to work." He said.
Just before he walked away I saw him glance at Amanda and wink.
"Do that one more time I dare you." I yelled after him.
He turned around and walked out.
"Anyone want to tell me what's going on? Liv questioned.
We all turned around to face Amanda.
"I think I should leave." She said and attempted to leave.
"Stop. My office now. All of you." Liv demanded.

"First of all Amanda what are you doing here?" Liv looked at her.
" just got bored." She said quietly.
"I know you're lying."
It's true we all know she was we just didn't know why. And why she came here in particular.
"I got..." she looked around the room almost like she was trying to find an escape. "I received a phone call." She finally said.
She sat down preparing for the questions about to come.
"From who?"
"I don't know his name. Guess you could call him a friend of Jeff's"
For a moment everyone forgot about the whole ordeal that took place a few minutes ago.
"What'd he say? Did he threaten you?" Now I was asking the questions.
"Doesn't matter" she simply said.
I could tell she was holding back information, but now wasn't the time to pressure her."
"Ok well what just happened out there." Liv asked finally.
Fin and I told our side of the story. Now it was Amanda's turn.
She looked at me and without her speaking I knew what had happened. She had told me how awful people were being about her relationship with Jeff. I didn't want to say anything but I had to.
"He's one of them isn't he.". I said at last.
She nodded and looked down. Liv and Fin quickly caught on.
"So I should've killed him" Fin said.
"Amanda did he.." Liv started.
"No." She cut her off. "I mean he tried, but..." She paused. "that's why I was running." She finished.
"Let's bring him in for some questions." Liv said.
"No" Amanda argued. "I'm already unpopular for putting Jeff away, killing Tucker. What am I just snitching on the whole NYPD?"
"First off you didn't kill anyone." Liv stated.
"I did." Fin raised his hand. "No regrets"
Liv gave him the death stare.
"Anyways" she continued. "Nobody is mad at you."
"That's what you think."
"Let's go back to the phone call. Do you know anything about this guy?"
Amanda began to speak, but nothing was said. She just stared off at nothingness.
"Amanda " Liv said.
"No, I don't know anything." She said harshly.
"Ok, well tell us if it happens again. Now go get some sleep. Use the sofa in the interview room."

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