Chapter 46

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Nick's POV

"What? What happened?" I was taken back by what she had said.
"All of it! Him, the broom. I shouldn't have struggled." She sobbed. "There was so much blood"
I didn't completely understand what she was saying then I remembered the doctor telling us about how brutal her attack was, the bleeding. I felt sick as it began to all add up.
"It's all over now" I tried telling her.
"It hurt so bad! I couldn't move afterwards. God it hurt so bad"
"I know, I know."
I didn't know what to do. How could I make things better? Needless to say she didn't fall back asleep neither did I.

Three cups of coffee later I was at my desk pretending to be working.
I looked up and saw Olivia had arrived.
"Morning" I replied and went back to pretending I wasn't completly stressed out.
"I'm going to take a wild guess and say you didn't sleep at all last night."
"Is it really that obvious?"
It wasn't even exhaustion that was the problem. I was stressed out. I hate to say it, but having Amanda at my house was stressful. Of course I wouldn't have it any other way and nothing she did could change that, but it was difficult for me because I never knew how to help her.
"You know I'm here if you need to talk." She said.
I wasn't in the mood for talking and I didn't want to tell anyone about what happened last night. I was still trying to process it and in a way I felt that I'd be breaking Amanda's trust if I did. Eventually I would, maybe she might, but not now. Now I just wanted to stop thinking about everything.

Amanda's POV

The glass fell and I heard his voice.
"You stupid bitch!" Jeff yelled.
"I'm sorry, I'll pick it up."
I bent over to clean it up, but it was no use. He grabbed me by the hair and threw me against the wall. Everything was a blurr but I remember screaming.
"Get away, stop!"

I woke up to licking on the face. Apollo was on the bed laying halfway on top me licking my face and pawing my arm. I pat his head.
"Good boy, gute Hund."
I looked at the clock that read 9:45.
"Well two hours is better than no sleep."
Apollo looked at me and tilted his head.
"Wanna go outside?!"
He got up and ran out the bedroom door. I slowly got up and put on a sweater and took him outside.
After ten minutes of throwing a slobber covered tennis ball he laid down chewing it to oblivion. He really was a beautiful dog. I sat down on the back porch and just watched as he destroyed his ball sipping tea.
"Ruff" he sat up.
"Apollo!" I called out.
Stupid squirrels I thought.
He ignored me and continued barking which turned to growling. Soon the fur on the his back stood up as he growled and viciously barked.
"Apollo hier!"
Now I was starting to get freaked out. The bushes he was barking at began to move. He bolted into them.
"Apollo!" I was torn between running out there and running inside.
"Nick, I don't know what's going on but Apollo was going crazy and took off after something in the woods." I told him over the phone.
"Okay go inside and lock the doors I'll be right there."
I heard a yelp.
"Apollo" I screamed.
"Amanda don't go out there"
I ignored him and ran to the source. I found Apollo barking at a tree and bleeding. Before I could look up the guy jumped down and put a knife to my neck.
"Call your dog off. Now!"
Before I could say anything Apollo had his arm.
"Ow" he yelled "Get him off!"
"Amanda!" Nick was running down towards us.
He pulled his gun out.
"Put the knife down!" He yelled
"Get the dog off!" The guy yelled back.
"Put down the knife first!"
He dropped the knife and got to the ground. Nick handcuffed him
"Auf" he pulled Apollo off.
He looked over at me.
"You okay?"
"Yeah I'm good."
Apollo was still staring at the guy barking.
"Apollo hier" I called.
He hesitated but came to me.
I praised him as Nick took the guy away to the squad cars that just arrived.

"What happened? You okay?" Liv and Fin were waiting with the rest of the squad cars.
"Yeah I'm good" I said.
"Looks like the guy saw she was home alone, decided it'd be an easy target to rob. Little did he know." Nick said.
"I'm sueing, that dog bit the shit out of me" the guy yelled from the car.
"Yeah you do that" Fin called back.
"Oh my god he's bleeding" I knelt beside Apollo who was happily panting completely obvious to the wound.
"He must've got him with the knife. Let's get him to the vet."

I don't think Apollo would've cared if he bled out, but the vet stitched and bandaged his wound regardless.
"He's going to be getting a lot of treats." Nick said as we walked back to the car.
He opened the back seat and Apollo jumped in.
"So the dude, he just wanted money?" I asked once we were in the car.
"Yeah, thank god, and thank god Apollo put a stop to it."
I breathed a sigh of relief.
"You want ice cream? I'm in the mood for Dairy Queen" he said.
"When am I not in the mood for ice cream" I laughed.

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