Chapter 8

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     By 9 am the next morning I had arrived at the hospital. The doctor had told me she's still not awake, but I could see her. I called Liv and told her.
  I went to Amanda's room where she laid almost peacefully. In a way I didn't want her to wake up. I didn't want her to have to feel the pain or remember what had happened to her the last two months.
   I sat beside her and closed my eyes placing my head in my hands.
   "Nick?" I heard a weak voice say.
   I looked up.
   "Amanda? You're awake!"
   She blinked several times trying to adjust to the lights.
   "Liv and Fin are on their way, the doctor didn't think you'd be waking up today" I told her.
   She didn't speak.
   She didn't look at me just began crying silently. She buried her head back into the pillow and began to sob.
   Fin and Liv walked in.
   "Amanda, you awake?" Fin asked mostly directed toward me.
   "Yeah she is" I said.
   "How you feeling honey?" Liv walked over and tried uncovering her face.
   Amanda shooed her away.
   "How do you think" there was slight anger in her voice, but it was masked by exhaustion and tears.
   "Dumb question I suppose" Liv remarked.
   "I'm sorry, I'm just tired" she adjusted herself in the bed and closed her eyes.
    "We'll come back later" I said and with that we walked"
    "Poor girl" Fin said as soon as we were out.
   "Yeah she's been through hell and back" I said.
   "Excuse me we need to do the rape kit" the doctor went into Amanda's room.
    We waited out in the waiting room still trying to grasp what she'd been through.
    The doctor came back several hours later and signaled us over.
   "This girl's been through a lot" she stated.
    The doctor went on to tell us about the injuies sustained during Amanda's hellish two months.
   "I would guess she'd been assaulted multiple times both vaginally and anally. Whoever did this did not care about the pain inflicted." The doctor walked away.
    Everyone sighed.
   "I'm going to kill him" I finally said.
   "I second that" Fin added.
   "Ok right now nobody is killing anyone. We need to focus on Amanda.... Then we can kill him." Liv stated.
   She was right. Jeff was going go be a different problem, right now I just wanted to be with Amanda.
   "We should head back" Liv said. "Amanda desperately needs rest right now."
    I agreed and we left.

    At the station Liv pulled me aside into her office.
   "Look I know this isn't a good time, but I have to ask. Were you and Rollins involved?" She asked.
   "No, well yes. I mean kind of." I let out a sigh.
   "What do you mean?" Liv looked confused.
   "I care a lot about her Liv and I wanted to be with her, but she knew that would lead to IAB getting involved and one of us would have to transfer. So she called it off. Of course I still had feelings for her, but she started dating Jeff and well things kinda fell apart. I still really do love her" This was the first time I told anyone.
  "I think, I know she still loves you Nick, and right now I really don't care about your relationship I just want Amanda to get better. No one needs to know right now just try to keep it on the low. Deal?"
   "Deal" I agreed.

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