Chapter 53

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Amanda's POV

   I got in the shower when we got there. The water stung as it hit my beaten and bruised body. I rinsed my hair and watched the blood run out of it. Finally I just gave up and slid to the ground crying. This has become such an all too familiar scene.

    "You good?" Nick asked I walked out.
    "No" I admited.
   I just couldn't take it anymore.
   "Come here"
   He hugged me which immediately shot pain through my body.
   "Ow" I yelped.
   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he backed away "here sit down"
   "I can't do this anymore" I cried. "I can't even close my eyes without seeing his face."
   "He's not going to hurt you"
   "I've heard that so many times, but yet he still does"
   "I'm sorry Manda, I wish I could turn back time and shoot him before any of this could've happened."
   "What if he does come back?"
   I knew he would come back, it's a matter more of when.
   "He won't be able to do much before either I shoot him, or Apollo attacks him."
   "And if he has a gun?"
   "That'll give me more of a reason to shoot him. I'm not letting you out of my sights until he's either in prison or dead."
   "You still have to work"
   "And I'll take you with me. I don't think anyone would mind"  
   "I still have to wonder, why? Why did Jeff do any of this to me? He seemed so perfect. What did I do to cause this?"
   This question had always been buzzing in my head. I had to of done something to deserve this.
   "He's a coward Amanda. You never did anything wrong, it was all him."
   "Than why did Caleb do it to? Tucker? Every other man and women?"
   "There's terrible people in the world, you know that."
   "What if I'm the terrible person?" I said through the tears.
   I just accepted as he pulled me closer to him.
   "No no no you're not a terrible person"
   I wanted to be close to him, but I was scared to. Everyone I've ever trusted so far has turned on me. What if he does too? He must've read mind.
   "I know this probably means nothing to you at the moment, but you're safe here."
   "I hope you're right."

Two days later

   "I'm going to the store, need anything while I'm out?" Nick asked heading out the door.
   "No, I don't think so." I replied.
   "Well text me if you can think of anything."
   Apollo was laying obediently at my feet on the floor. Unfortunately he couldn't protect me from what would happen when Nick left. My phone buzzed. I took a deep breath hoping it wasn't who I thought it was.
   Lock the dog up I'm coming over the text read. I knew what he was going to do. He'd been stalking me since I left him. He never came close to me, but now, now I was alone.
   I locked Apollo outside and waited.

Nick's POV

   Apollo was outside whining and scratching at the door when I got back
. It's not like her to leave him outside. I entered the house with no idea what I might find. I had visions of her laying dead or there being blood everywhere with no sign of her anywhere. Instead I found her inside sitting on the sofa. I let Apollo in and he ran up to lick her face. She looked up showing she'd been crying and a bloody lip.
   "What happened?" I asked.
   She just shrugged her shoulders and didn't speak.
   "Was Jeff here?"
   She nodded.
   "Why didn't you call me?"
   "I took care of it."
   "What do you mean?"
   "I gave him what he wanted and he left. Don't worry I'm washing the sheets."
   "What'd he say while he was here?"
   She shrugged and looked back down. I grabbed her phone and found texts she'd received from him.
   "Dammit I should've never left you alone. Wait how'd he know you were alone?"
   "He knows everything. Where I am, who I'm with, what I'm doing."
   "He's stalking you"
   She nodded.
  "Come on, let's get out of here"
   "No" she said. "I'm done trying to get away, he won."
   "You don't mean that"
   "He'll find me wherever and there's nothing anyone can do about it. If I just go back to him I promise I won't bother anyaway again. I just came back because I needed a break"
   "No." I said "I'm not letting you go back"
   "You have a daughter, a son you don't need to concern yourself with me."
   She got up to leave.
   "Don't. Don't leave" I said
   "I have to."
   "No you don't, and if you walk out that door I'm not going to stop bothering you. I'll be at that house everyday calling you every minute I'm not there. Now please, don't leave"
   She sighed and let a single tear fall.
   "I just don't know what told do anymore"
   "I know, but we'll figure it out. Now come here"
   I pulled her head to my chest and let her cry. I honestly didn't know what to do anymore either.

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