Noble Horse

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Shiemi POV:

 My skin was red. My head was dizzy. My heart must have been beating abnormally fast. All because I was holding hands with a boy.

His hands were warm to the touch and sent shivers down my spine. I could feel his energy spilling into me through his fingertips which were wrapped around the back of my hand. His hold was soft and gentle, yet just firm enough to make me want to follow him. I could feel his pulse, which made me nervous to be reminded every beat of it that we were holding hands.

Slowly I inched closer to his arm. So close I could see how the fabric of his shirt gripped his slim, lean muscles. I could feel the heat he emitted, which didn't help with my nervousness.

I just met this guy a few minutes ago! Why am I holding hands with him so soon? I've known and liked Yukio for years and I've never done anything even remotely like this. Sure, I've held hands with him, but not romantically like this.

Romantically? What am I thinking?! This boy is a total stranger to me! The fact that he's Yukio's twin brother is the only thing I really know about him.

But still, I can't escape the feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

"So do you know what we're doing in class today?" Rin said. I was so lost in my train of thought that this question took me aback.

"Ah-Um... well..." Shiemi, what are you doing?! You sound like a total idiot! I smacked myself in the forehead with my other hand and continued. "Normally we'll do sports and games that don't involve demons, like dodgeball and basketball and stuff. Yukio won't really do much in the way of supervising or participating. The teachers and coaches are more just there as a reference or referee."

His eyes perked up at the word dodgeball like a child when he hears candy. "Dodgeball? Real dodgeball with real dodgeballs?"

"I-I don't see what kind of dodgeball isn't real and doesn't use real dodgeballs."

He dropped my hand just so he could run forward and exclaim his love for games, dodgeball especially, of course. I felt bad that I had to let go of his hand and leave that warmth, but at least he started talking, and actually wouldn't shut up. It was nice listening to him as he ranted off stories of him winning at sports, losing at sports, and doing some really awesome thing that he was really proud of.

He was in the middle of a sentence when he walked backwards and took my hand again.

I could feel myself blushing madly, and I turned and faced forward again. But I'm sure Rin noticed.

"Hey, before we start playing, I'm gonna need to get my blood flowing, so," he looked at me with the cutest closed-eyed smile. "Can I give you a piggyback ride?"

I stuttered my words. I was in the middle of saying yes when--

"A-Aaah!" Rin didn't wait for an answer and lifted me onto his back.

"Doesn't matter, you took to long to answer!" He said. I couldn't hold back. A storm of giggles escaped my throat.

"Onward, steed!" I yelled through laughter. Rin responded by neighing and sprinting down the hallway with me on his back.


Thank you for reading the fifth part of my fan fiction! Again, this is the first romance story I've written so I apologize for how bad it is, but I think it's progressing nicely. But if you still like this story, comment and please continue reading! I will try to write a new part as often as possible.

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