My Dream

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Rin  POV:

"Brother," I heard someone call from the other side of the bars. There was, of course, only one real person who would ever address me by that.

My younger brother, my precious sibling who, despite our fight, I would always love and would always be there for. I hope he thinks the same way.

"Hey, Yukio," I responded, my anger having died down enough to. Shiemi continued to cry in the corner. I could tell Yukio's expression softened quite a bit at her figure, which made me wince.

He looked back at me, and a stern expression replaced his pitiful one. He folded his arms and glared at me. "So you need me to come and drag your busted ass out of prison?"

I hung my head. "You're always getting me out of these kinds of situations. It's not unusual."

"Sometimes, I wish it was. You cost me a good wad of cash."

A guard came and opened the jail door that confined me in a space with Shiemi. I immediately hopped out, feeling freedom running through me. Finally! It was hard even being in the same building with Shiemi anymore. How in the world was I gonna stand being a few feet away from her?

I didn't feel any love for her anymore. It was as if I had been cleansed, sterilized and purified from toxic relationships.

Puppy love was strange, that way. It starts so early and ends so soon. What we had wasn't true love. It was us crushing on each other, so blinded by our emotions that even I thought I would be spending the rest of my life with this girl.

How naive, the emotions that can overwhelm our systems and prevent us from making rational and logical decisions. Blurring our eyes, our perception of the world, and of others as well. It's what made me fall for her in the first place. I thought she was pretty and kind, and subconsciously refused to look past everything good about her. How stupid it is to be a teenager.

An officer escorted the two of us, gently this time, to the exit. Everything must have been taken care of.

Shiemi decided to fall back a bit, to follow us down the hall several yards behind. Can't say I blame her, or didn't want her to. Now, I just wanted her to keep her distance.

We arrived at our ride home, Yukio's car, and he opened the passenger's seat to allow Shiemi to enter. I grimaced. I would have to ride in the backseat, away from my  brother.

I'm not stupid. It's pretty obvious that Yukio's crushing on Shiemi now. Because I'm not so blinded by my own emotions, that fact has become clear as day. I just hope he doesn't make the same mistake I do.

I threw open the door to the back seats and plopped down horizontally on both. And despite having Shiemi do drastically close, I fell asleep almost instantly.

Where am I?

This is a dream.

But where am I in this dream?

I sat on a cold, wooden bench. My normal slouch and rebellious attitude, as some would call it, was evident. I was quite bored, and it seems like I was staring at an old man.

Wait....not just any old man.

My old man. My father.

"Dad," I whispered. Tears spilled out of my eyes and hit the wooden floors below me.

Father Fujimoto ran to me and hugged me tight, like he would do when I was a kid. I hugged him back my tears spilling onto his jacket.

How pathetic I am! Why are my emotions always so blatantly obvious? 

It seemed the hug lasted for eons, my face buried in my fathers shoulder like I was a baby. He shed some tears of his own, us both blubbering and sobbing as father and son reunited.

My dad was back. He had sacrificed himself, his life, his title as paladin and the strongest exorcist in the world, for me. He would have died either way, but it's the thought that counts.

He stroked the back of my head. "Rin," he said in a low, raspy voice. "You shouldn't see people as all bad or all good. It's a mistake you commonly make."

I lifted my head slightly to look him in the eyes. "What makes you say that?"

"You know why, Rin. That girl you had isn't all bad. So get yourself a girlfriend, and make me proud."

Suddenly, his presence started fading. I extended my arm, in hopes that I could just catch on to him one more time, one more chat with him, one more meal with him. 

"Later, Rin," he said. I grasped at nothing in midair. He had gone.

My eyes shot open inside the dark car. It seems we had stopped moving, but the pitch blackness outside and inside prevented me from seeing anything at all.

But I heard sounds. Sounds of lips smacking, of silent moaning and of skin rubbing against each other.

I had a feeling of what it was. But I needed conformation. I reached up onto the roof and switched on the light.

And that's when I saw it.

Yukio and Shiemi, kissing.

Thank you for reading the forty-eighth part of this chapter! I am SO SO SORRY for the few people that read this chapter already. It was really late for me, and I left my notes about the story at the bottom of the chapter after I posted it. I seriously am really sorry! It was supposed to be a surprise what happened but....I feel really bad now.

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