Taxi Train

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Shiemi POV:

If it weren't for the fact that I had met Rin, I would have probably been screaming like a fangirl by now.

I mean, Yukio was literally right next to me in the car.

There are so many of my classmates who would have killed to be me. The reason I had never voluntarily talked to Yukio before was because I had no game. I was a small, meek 15 year old girl who is super clumsy, and the girls fawning over him looked like supermodels. They had talents as well. There was no room for me in Yukio's love life.

I decided to ask him about it. "Yukio," I began. "Does it ever bother you the amount of girls that chase you all the time?"

I sort of expected him to be a bit surprised at my question. But instead, he simply shrugged it off and let out a lighthearted laugh. "I'm...used to it I guess, not to brag."


"Yeah. There was this one time where there were three girls who insisted that I take the lunches that were made for me. All three of them. I was scared to even go outside and get food."

"What did you do?"

"I had Rin cook for me," he responded. I was slightly surprised. Rin can cook? Learn something new every day.

"Rin is actually an excellent chef," Yukio continued. "Ask him to cook something, or even bake something, and he'll do it and guarentee satisfaction. It's amazing."

"Wow!" I simply said. I was lost for words. Maybe I can ask Rin to make me my favorite food, and he'll make it, and I'll like it, and then...

Whoops. Got lost in thought again.

"Anywho, here's the station." Yukio pulled up to a large building with a train that probably just stopped right before we got here. "Better catch that train before it leaves."

I smiled. I had made it. I could see Rin in a matter of minutes.

"Yukio," I began and gave him the warmest smile I could muster. "Thanks."

He returned the warm smile. "No problem. Tell Rin I said hi for me, will you?"

Yeah, he found me out about going to see Rin. Clearly. "Will do, teach!"

Without looking back I ran towards the door of the train in my sneakers. The leggings I wore were keeping my legs warm, and the sweatshirt as well. Overall I probably looked like I hadn't spent any time working on my appearance for today. But I didn't care. I hope Rin doesn't care.

The door closed behind me once I took a seat on the train. With a book in hand and the minimal murmers of the crowd accompanying me, I could focus on reading rather than anything else, including sad thoughts about Rin.

Without warning the train lurched forward, something I wasn't quite used to yet. A small gasp escaped my mouth. The people around me turned to me, their faces either weirded out or stricken with concern.

I nervously smiled at them and continued reading.

The train ride seemed to last for hours, even though it was only like 15 minutes. Must have been the terrible book. I'll throw it away once I get home.

My hand raised and a taxi stopped in front of me. I hopped in, greeted by a thin-faced woman with small eyes and long hair. I told her to take me to the hospital, and she obliged.

The car moved forward and I let my mind wander again.

What happened to Rin when I left him? I said something horrible to him. I hope he didn't really take my words seriously. I mean, telling him that he was a monster, that he was dangerous and was gonna hurt himself one day, and hurt others as well? What the hell was I thinking?!

Suddenly the car stopped. I expected someone to hop into th seat next to me, which happened.

But this wasn't just someone.

"Aki!" I cried out.

He turned and his eyes went wide. "Shiemi! Coincidence to see you here, I just came here to pick up some food for Rin and I. Seriously, the hospital food is pricy as hell! Pisses me off! I'm already spending all my money on medical bills, why the fuck should I need to pay extra for food as well? Give us a break, damn corrupt society!"

I giggled. "You seem to be in a good mood. Is Rin okay?"

"He's fine," Aki confirmed. I let out a small sigh of relief. "After you left he went on a total rampage and started punching the walls and shit. He actually broke the concrete wall, but sadly that was after he broke almost every bone in both his hands. He needed some surgery to correct a few bones and then some serious cast work. Then a shower. Which is what I think he needed the most."

My giggles turned into laughter. "So he's fine. That's good to hear."

"Yeah. He misses you, you know."

Suddenly, a huge weight that was on my shoulders lifted. "He...actually missed me? After what I said to him?"

Aki shrugged. "He's a good guy, what do you expect? And I can tell he loves easily and with all his heart. And I'm pretty sure he loves you."

I let out a huge sigh of relief. He misses me. He wants to see me. Thank god. This whole trip to th station and taxi stuff wasn't pointless after all.

I want to see him as soon as possible. And when I get there, I'll kiss him. And sober this time, so I can remember every thing about it.


Thank you for reading the twenty-fourth part of this story! Seriously though, it's super late where I am and I need to hit the hay before school tomorrow. So good night!

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