Seven Minutes in Heaven

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Rin POV:

I've never been one to drink. I've only had the occasional sip of wine back at the monastery, which of course were not enough to get me drunk. But tonight, I just wanted to enjoy this party, and according to an old friend, you can't enjoy a party through sober eyes.

I walked back to the table with Shiemi gripping onto my arm, small giggle escaping from her mouth. Grabbing two more cups, I filled one up with half punch half beer, and another with just punch, which I tried to offer to Shiemi. She refused it immediately and poured the punch back into the bowl. I held my hands up defensively and filled yet another cup with straight up beer.

She took this one graciously and started downing it. "I'm gonna get drunk tonight. So I won't be held accountable for the things I do tonight."

I agreed with her, but argued nonetheless. "Sure, go ahead and believe that. If you're found D.W.I, you're in some deep shit. No excuses."

She held up her cup. "That's why I don't have a car."

The keg gushed as Shiemi held her cup under it for another drink, and downed that one as well. After a few cups, I could see her awareness dimming and the color in her face changing to a pink tinge. Watching her, I slowly sipped my punch and beer mix, laughing at her adorableness on the inside. Every time she lifted her head up to chug another cup, trickles of booze dripped off of her chin and onto her outfit.

Suddenly, she slam-dunked the empty cup onto the ground and threw her fists up into the air. A cry of triumph came from her mouth. "WOO-HOO!!!"

How many cups did she drink? I lost track after the sixth. Half the keg must be gone now because of her.

Suddenly, she spun around uncontrollably, a little scream escaping her. I immediately dropped my cup and ran over to catch her.

She fell into my arms, her momentum completely stopping as I held her. She had completely lost it by now. Her face faced mine with a kind of childish innocence that melted my heart. It actually really made me...want to...kiss her.

She gripped onto the neck of my shirt, looking up into my eyes.

No. I can't kiss her now. I just met her! People who just met don't kiss immediately!

Well, at least that's how sober me felt. I know the moment I get drunk, I could care less.

Speaking of which, I needed to refill my drink.

"Are you okay?" I finally asked. "How many cups did you drink?"

She giggled, putting a hand on her chin. "Too many."

I laughed, helping her, then filling my cup with half punch, half beer. I'm not someone who can drink straight up beer without gagging after every sip. The punch diluted the flavor a bit. I could tolerate it slightly more.

As I looked at Shiemi to see if she was alright, something caught my eye behind her.

A game of spin the bottle was going slightly out of control, a couple making out right in front of everyone as the crowd chanted weird things and threw their drinks on the couple's faces.

I rested my weight on one arm against the table and laughed, thoroughly entertained. Shiemi stumbling around like a maniac, things going out of control, and me standing there watching it all.

"Rin! Let's go play!" Suddenly I felt Shiemi grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the game. With the slight redness from intoxication and the super blushing, my face must have been red as a tomato.

Shiemi wanted to play a kissing game--with ME?! Did she really, or is it just her drunk actions?

Regardless, I let her drag me along to the circle of lusty teenagers. As she plopped down next to a girl with a particularly big nose, my arm was dragged down as well and I ended up being seated between Shiemi and a guy who looked like he just woke up with a serious bedhead.

The other boys and girls hooted at us as Shiemi leaned on my shoulder and pulled my hand to circle behind her back. I just rubbed the back of my neck and pulled her in a bit closer. This was some serious public displaying of affection. Damn she was drunk.

I finished my punch beer mix and threw the cup behind me. The bottle was currently being spun by the big nosed girl, who ended up having to kiss a boy who happened to look like a supermodel.

It was Shiemi's turn. I don't care if we just met today anymore; I just pray that the bottle either lands on me or another girl.

The supermodel boy threw Shiemi the bottle. She positioned her hand for a second, and then quickly snapped her wrist, making the bottle spin out of whack.

I watched in nervousness as the bottle spun around and around, landing on each person for a second and then moving onto the next.

It rapidly started to slow down. Suddenly, it came to a complete stop.

Pointing straight at me.

"Wha--" Before I could even process what just happened, I felt myself being pulled down by the neckline of my shirt. One of Shiemi's arms snaked around the back of my neck.

And then we were kissing. She tasted like beer. Instinctively my hands wrapped around her waist and comfortably rested there. Her lips brushed against mine over and over again. They were soft and smooth. Her hands made me shiver as they came in contact my skin, touching my face, my neck, my shoulders. Her fingers snaked through my hair. My arms simply squeezed a bit tighter around her.

I could hear the others hooting and cheering for us, saying things like 'nice job, man,' and 'get a room!" I couldn't care less; I was kissing Shiemi, this beautiful girl whom I met only a few hours ago. More like she was kissing me.


I don't know what happened exactly, but the sequence of events ended with us trapped in a dorm room, our lips locked together. When we broke off, our breathing remained shallow and quick. Her eyes were zoned out, intoxicated. Mine focused on her lips.

She leaned towards me and pulled me closer to her into another kiss.

Suddenly, something clicked inside of me. I don't know what it was. But it did.

I reached down and rested my hand on the floor behind her. I leaned forward, getting closer to her. She leaned back; I was almost on top of her now, kissing her, being close to her, staying with her.

I've already fallen for her.


Thank you for reading the twelfth part of my fan fiction! I know that sooner or later they had to kiss, but I have never really written a kissing scene, so this is my first, but I didn't want to make it sound too smutty, so I wanted to end it with something cute like "I've already fallen for her." Like I don't care if I wrote it myself, I was still giggling like a fan girl when I proofread this chapter.

Anyways thank you so much if you are still here and I hope it's becoming a more interesting read for you!

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