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Rin POV:

My hands are bandaged up now, wrapped in white gauze to stop the bleeding, then a cast to stiffen them and prevent them from moving. It felt horrible. I  felt horrible.

Every finger, every hand bone, every part up to my wrist was swollen and bruised. While I was punching the wall apparently one bone was totally out of place and needed quick correction in order to fully heal. It would take about a month or so before I can take the casts off and switch to simple thick gauze. I wonder if I can actually wait that long.

Aki came in as I looked in the mirror at my face. My cheeks were covered in tears that had dried long ago. My eyes were slightly puffy in my fatigue and crying. And my hair looked like someone had taken a vacuum and tried to suck it all up.

I was a mess.

"You should go take a shower," Aki told me. "There's one down the hall near the therapy pool in the locker rooms. I can take your stuff and you can hit the shower. You reek of hospital stuff and blood."

"Gimme two plastic bags and some of those serious pain killers in that bottle next to me, then I'll take that recommendation to heart."

He let out a lighthearted laugh. "Plastic bags? That's how you're gonna have to live your life for the next few weeks?" he theatrically put a hand on my shoulder. "You'll get through this, Rin! I believe in you!"

I laughed and socked him in the arm. "Shut up, man!" We both laughed in unison.

Aki handed me the pain killers, which I swallowed whole. Then the bags, which I let him slip over my hands because I had no fingers to work with.

"How the hell am I gonna wash my hair?"

He smiled. "Leave that to the nurse who's going to be 'helping' you."

I rolled my eyes. "See ya in a bit."

I headed down the halls a while until I found the therapy pool, then the shower house.

As I entered, the first thing that came to mind was how clean the hospital showers were. There wasn't a speck of dust as far as the eye could see. And they had legitimate clean shower stalls with doors and everything.

Standing next to a far away stall was a nurse holding a towel and some shampoo and conditioner. I made my way over to him.

He exited the room as I stripped down and hopped under the shower head. He then came back in and manipulated the temperature of the water from the outside. Soon I was standing under a stream of hot water was hitting my head and flowing down my back. Some of the droplets of water that came in contact with my body evaporated into steam, which hit my face from below and warmed the stall. It felt heavenly. After a day like today I could really use some therapeutic hot showering like this.

The nurse reached in through a small slot on the shower door and rubbed my hair to make sure it was fully drenched. He then squirted in his hands a sweet smelling shampoo and smothered it all over my head, through my hair and down the ends of it. The smell, plus the heat and comfort almost made me want to fall asleep standing up.

Once the nurse rinsed my hair clean of shampoo and conditioner, I tried my best to clean the rest of my body with the stupid plastic bags as a handicap. Would I have to go to the hospital every time I wanted to wash my hair?

The water continued to rush down my face, and I let it. I let it trickle down my neck and onto the shower floor, all of the sweat and pain falling down the drain. Condensation fogged up the little mirror hanging on the side. I wiped it off with my elbow and took a good look at myself.

I looked a million times better than before. No more dirt smudging my skin, no more dust in my hair and sweat on my face. I looked and felt like a brand new person.

But then, without mind drifted back to Shiemi.

The girl who stole my heart and crushed it in her little hand.

It was sad really. I felt like I could feel her presence near me once more...

But I knew it was my imagination. She couldn't be here. She wouldn't be here. She hates me now. And I wish it wasn't true, but she has a good reason to. I don't hate her back. I just wish she would like me again.

But that'll never happen.


Thank you for reading the twenty-third chapter of my story! I wish it was longer, but I didn't have much time to write it. But still I hope you enjoy this poorly written chapter and keep reading tomorrow, because I post every day! Be sure to follow my profile and add this story to your library so you can have constant updates on the, well, updates. Also be sure to vote and comment, because I want to know if you guys like the story and just want to hear your comments. Thank you!!

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