Don't Leave Me Now

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Rin POV:

I felt Shiemi bounce up and down as I sprinted across the grass of the campus with her on my back. Aki was right by my side. It was as if I could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins, as well as my own.

aid it. I actually did it.

I showed them my curse.

I showed them my blue flames. Shiemi saw it. Aki saw it. And I can only hope that Shura stopped Taro and Hide, or it would mean that they saw it as well.

It was something that was bound to be seen by some people. But Shiemi, the girl I like. And Aki, a good friend.

They'll hate me now. I know they will.

But I can't stop now.

I felt Shiemi pass out while still riding on my shoulder. If only she would stay like that until we get to safety. Then she can lash out on me all she wants. I deserve it for hiding this from her. For hiding my true identity. My true species. My true father.

Satan. I am the son of Satan. I can't hide from that.

As soon as I arrived at the first building we encountered, I gently propped Shiemi against the wall. I stroked her hair and face, brushing away some tears that still sat on her skin. This may be the last time. After two days only, it will all be over between us. We would probably never talk to each other again, besides words of hatred and disgust.

I've fallen in love with her. In a mere two days. I don't want us to end now.

In the words of Father Fujimoto, "you have to just face your problems head on, because you're not smart enough to do it any other way." Well sometimes I could agree with that.

But sometimes, I just wanted to think as hard as I can and make it so I could fix my problems.

Aki was doubled over, hands on his knees, looking like he was about to vomit. I couldn't blame him. I felt like vomiting myself, and Shiemi simply passed out without a word. I'm surprised I was still on my feet after what happened. I could have died.

But of course, my power saved me again.

"You should get away from her," Aki told me. It was so sudden that I almost jumped from surprise. "When she wakes up she may hurt you. You should watch out."

"And you don't want to hurt me?" I questioned him. "Y-you saw what I am. Why are you still talking to me?"

Aki shrugged. That was not the reaction I was expecting. But he simply waved it off and smiled.

"You're a good guy. I can tell. I don't care if you're dangerous," he admitted. "I mean, my father was dangerous. He was a bit...crazy, if you will. Occasionally rioting in the house, grabbing knives and not knowing where he is, like some duel-personality shit. But he was my father, and I loved him all the same."

I once knew how it felt to love my father. But my power killed him as well. Father Fujimoto is dead because of me.

Aki continued. "You're a good guy, and you're my friend. Even though we've only known each other for a few hours, we both almost got shot, and you even encouraged me to talk to the girl of my dreams, and it worked! I'm not an asshole. I would never abandon a friend for something as dumb as having blue flames. I'm not scared of you."

"T-thanks," was all I could force out. Was this guy serious? If he was...I guess the world has some good people after all. "Thank you. At least you aren't a jerk."

"Yeah, I try to be shitty occasionally, but I can't really help it that I'm such a nice guy."

I laughed, and he smiled. It felt good to have a friend who you know would never run away, no matter what you were. I was lucky that I met Aki.

Then I turned back to Shiemi. She was still fully conked out.

"I hope she's like you," I told him. "And doesn't hate me now."

Aki walked over and patted me on the shoulder. "I'm sure she'll be mad at first, but she'll get over it. Probably."

I bent down and squeezed Shiemi's hand with my own, holding on to that one word. Probably.


Thank you for reading the nineteenth chapter of my story! I really hope people are liking it so far, and this moment was bound to happen. I just realized as I was writing this chapter, that I was making Aki a lot like Shima. I don't know why. It must have been subconscious, but I think he's actually gonna be a pretty cool character! I like him already, and I'm the one who's really making him. So anyways, please vote, comment, and follow my profile, and I try to update at least once a day! Thank you!

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