ZZZ-Zzzz-ZZzzz-hngGGggh-Ppbhww- zZZzzzZZ

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Shiemi POV:


"Shiemi, wake up!"

My eyes blinked open the speed of snails. My hands clasped around whatever I was holding, which was his. His fingers squeezed mine.

"H-huh?" was the sound that exited my dry mouth. I smacked my lips a few times to try and salivate, but to no avail.

How long have I been out cold? It felt like nanoseconds, but who really knows? It could have been hours that flew by like minutes. Time is an interesting concept to perceive. It depends on the beholder entirely.

"How long have I been out?" I asked Rin, who looked relieved at my awakening. His hand gripped mine tightly while the other held a phone.

"A few minutes," he responded. "It was like you were fast asleep rather than out cold." Then he snickered. "I didn't know you snore with your mouth open."

I did that? That's new. Maybe I just fell asleep while standing because of my major sleep deprivation. I laughed at how he described what had happened.

"What did I look like?" I asked him.

"Like this." And he threw his head back and closed his eyes. His jaw slacked, causing his tongue to hand loosely out. Then a huge fake snore rumbled through the room. "ZZZ-hngGGggh-Ppbhww-HNGGGGH-PPBHWW-zZZzzzZZ...."

It looked so incredibly stupid and so accurate at the same time, that I started to uncontrollably cackle. I couldn't sit up at the moment, leaving my body looking almost spasming on the couch as I laughed from my stomach. Joining me, he snorted and laughed along.

"I'm sorry," I finally told him. "For everything."

It was about time. He needed to just have verbal conformation that I was indeed emotive and that I was sorry for the way I treated him on the train. If the way he's acting around me now isn't obvious enough how he feels about me at this moment, I could stand to hear it come out of his mouth.

But without reacting in the slightest, he shrugged it off and squeezed my hand a bit tighter. "Hey, it's over now, isn't it? You didn't mean everything you said, did you?"

"Hell no! I'm sorry I said those things..."

He chuckled lightheartedly. "It's alright. I'm cool, and I still...."

"Still what?"

Suddenly he turned his head away. His cheeks were flushed in the dim light of the room. "Still....Love you."

My heart warmed to its maximum. Realizing I had regained my energy, I leaped into his arms, sending him flying back onto the couch. Soon I was laying on top of him, holding tightly around his neck in an embrace. He let out an oomph! and a groan as he returned the gesture.

"Hey," he said. "Where's one place that you've always wanted to go to but never have?"

We had been laying on the couch in that position for a few minutes. I was refreshed. Even just a few hours without his warmth was torture. Knowing that I may never feel that again, the feeling that I felt for the best few days of my life, was like knowing that you may never drink water again. The desperation, the fear had corrupted me. Blinded me. I can't believe how naive I actually am.

"Huh?" I exclaimed.

"The place you've always wanted to go," he elaborated. "Is there one?"

I thought for a second. Where was he going with this?

"I guess...France. I've always wanted to visit the Eiffel Tower."

Rin smirked. "Really? France?"

I nodded against his chest. "It always appealed to me."

"I think France is pretty cool. I've always wanted to try the food they have in different countries, and France is known for their gourmet cuisine. I may try and cook a French dish sometime soon."

"Ooh, that'll be awesome! I've always wanted to try French food as well!"

He snickered. "Maybe on Wednesday with Aki and Sakura as well. But what about a place around here that you haven't been to?"

I thought for a few seconds again, and a light bulb went off in my head. "The amusement park, maybe. I was always too shy to go...but I think I'm good now that I have you and everyone else."

I could sense Rin smiling. "Let's go there this weekend."

I couldn't help but grin as well. I responded with a cheerful okay and fell asleep in his arms.

Life was awesome.

Thank you for reading the fifty-fourth chapter of this story! I think....this is the penultimate chapter of this story! And for anyone that's watched Golden Time, that's where I got the France thing from. I don't know about anyone else, but Koko reminds me of Shiemi in their naivety. But I don't really think Shiemi wants to go to France. Anywho, next chapter will probably be the very last chapter! Thank you so much for anyone who's read this! You guys are the ones who really inspire me to write fanfiction, and to continue stories that I start. When I was ten, I started getting into writing (of course my fanfiction style is different than the YA fiction I like to write) but with no audience, it was hard for me to find the motivation to finish what I started. Now, at thirteen, I feel like I could publish one of my YA stories and actually finish it! That's how much you guys mean to me! So thank you so very much for staying. Thank you for being my motivation.

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