Making New Friends

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Shiemi POV:

What have I done?

I was cuddling with a boy I just met, and even punched him repeatedly in the chest? What was I thinking?

His heat spread through me, warming me up, comforting me. I felt his sympathy and kindness. I felt it. I saw it.

As I walked away from the gym building, I saw two girls approach me.

"Oh my god, are you the girl who keeps hanging out with the new boy? The one who's really good at sports?"

That news has gotten out already? I didn't expect it to travel that fast.

"Um, yeah..." I looked down and blushed at the thought of me being associated with Rin. "I am."

"Seriously, girl, he is the only thing people are talking about. 'This boy, he's epic and crushed the other team practically by himself,' or 'there's this really cute boy and like he's so awesome and he's been seen with this blonde girl named...' Shiemi, was it?"

"That's me," I responded. Do people think we're dating?

The one who's talking had a long white ponytail dangling from the back of her head. Her friend was too interested in looking at me to talk, her natural brown pixie cut bobbing as she looked at me with a smile.

"Girl, you're gonna go to the party with him later, right? That's what all the couples are doing tonight. They rented a whole dorm building on campus just for this. The top floor is for new couples who want to, you know..." she nudged me in the arm with her elbow.

I giggled. "Well, we aren't dating, really. I just met him like a few hours ago."

Both of them gasped. "Really? You haven't kissed him yet?" the one with the pixie cut exclaimed. "You guys totally need to kiss tonight!"

The thought of kissing Rin. I heated up. "How? There are gonna be so many girls swooning over him."

The white haired one looked deep in thought, and then turned to her friend. "We don't have anything going on between now and tonight, do we?" Her friend shook her head.

Suddenly they both grabbed my hands. "Come over to our dorm right now! She and I are gonna get ready together. You should totally join us! We have, like, the best dorm room and a full makeup kit. We'll deck you up and dress you so that boy will be all over you!"

"Really?" I smiled.

The pixie cut girl smiled back. "We can totally make you look like a princess. You are already really pretty. With a little makeup and a cute outfit, you'll be perfect!"

They beckoned me to follow them. Ponytail girl studied my face. "I'm Sakura, and she's Miku, by the way."


I entered the girl's dorm as Sakura burst in at full speed and started looking through the dresser. "Miku, you got your outfit with you, right?"

Miku held up some items of clothing. It was a high rising graphic tee and a pair of jean-shorts so short that they were practically underwear. She held some jewelry along with it, and a beanie.

"Yes! Perfect!" Sakura cheered.

Do I have friends now? These girls could be my friends, right? I was keeping cool on the outside, but inside I was freaking out. My new friends! And they seem like the popular type!

Sakura rummaged through the mountain of clothes and came out with a tank top that rose low enough to see her cleavage and a pair of ripped jeans. She grabbed another item; something to cover her arms. Again some jewelry and a ball cap.

"Right, Miku, you shower first and do your makeup while I pick out an outfit for Shiemi!"

"WOO HOO!!!!!!" Miku responded and hopped into the bathroom.

I was told to cover my eyes by Sakura, which I did, and when I looked again she held up a dress. A short, cute dress that I could tell would match me perfectly.

"That's perfect!" I exclaimed.

She giggled. "Fashion sense is rare. Lucky I have a little at least."

She grabbed three pairs of shoes for each of us. "By the way, what kind of panties are you wearing?"

I stuttered. "U-um, normal kind?"

She shook her head vigorously. "Nope that won't do." And with that she reached back in the mountain of clothes and took out a brand new pair.

"You need to be 100% adorable before the party. You gotta feel it!"

I laughed. This was fun! This must be what it feels like to have friends.


After a shower, they put some very light makeup on me while I was in a bath robe, so I wouldn't get any stains on the outfit. After that we all got changed. I slipped into a new bra and panties, then the dress. It was short but sweet, and wasn't too showy. It was cute and not hot, and actually sort of fit how people have described my personality.

We walked over to the mirror. Miku went first and did a twirl. "This is so perfect! My boyfriend is gonna drool!"

Sakura went over and looked at herself as well. "Perfect, girl!"

"You look, Shiemi!"

I shyly walked over to the mirror as they moved out of the way. As I saw myself, I gasped and put a hand over my mouth.

The girls giggled. "Perfect, right? You look totally adorable!"

I really did. The only two outfits I've really worn are kimonos and my school clothes. Nothing like this.

"I look...cute!" I exclaimed and giggled.

"That boy is gonna be all over you!"

I blushed at the thought of Rin and how he would react when he saw me. Would he like it?

Wait, when were we supposed to meet?

"What time is it?" I quickly said.

Both girls looked at each other in shock. "Wait, were you supposed to meet him somewhere? It's almost quarter to seven."

"I gotta run! I was supposed to meet him in front of my dorm at that time!"

Sakura and Miku gasped again in unison. "Girl, run! Meet him! We'll see you at the party, and that boy better be on your arm!"

"Thank you!"

"Good to have friends who are good at dressing people up, right?"


Thank you for reading the ninth part of my fan fiction! Again, this is the first romance story I've written so I apologize for how bad it is, but I think it's progressing nicely. But if you still like this story, comment and please continue reading! I will try to write a new part as often as possible.

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