Let Her Sleep

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Rin POV:

Before everything that happened in the previous chapter:

I woke up to soft moonlight pouring into the dorm room. My pillow was virtually not there, lacking enough stuffing to properly cushion my head. I scowled. And my mouth hurt. A lot.

I turned to my side to take a good look at the princess peacefully sleeping the night away. Her soft and steady breathing made her body rise and fall under the sheets. Her hair rested like a drape against her pillow. She looked beautiful as the glow of the night shone on her skin.

There were two pillows, one fluffy and comfortable and the other thin and withered. And I couldn't very well let Shiemi comfortably sleep with no pillow.

I remember us kissing for a very long time, locked in the dorm room alone with our lips locked and our bodies close together, sharing each other's warmth, as well as the same breath.

After we broke off for a little, she used my arm as a pillow and snuggled up against me, one hand on my chest and the other resting against her chin. I held her tight. All I did was look at the ceiling and feel Shiemi's warm breath against my neck until she fell asleep.

I just kissed her. I just kissed Shiemi. And I enjoyed it.

I slowly stood up, being careful not to wake Shiemi. Making my way to the door very slowly, looking back every few seconds to be sure her eyes are still closed and she's still breathing deeply in slumber. After a minute, I made it to the door and turned the knob.

It was locked.

Damn! I forgot the reason we kissed was because of the game! They forgot to unlock the door! And stupid door doesn't lock from the inside! Did they not realize I would have to wake up in the middle of the night to take a piss and brush my teeth? That was inconsiderate of them.

As I was in the middle of my silent raging, I heard the slight pitter-patters of footsteps right outside the door. Without hesitation, I gently rapped on the door in an effort to get their attention.

"Hey," I whispered. "Man, hey."

The footsteps stopped for a second, then got louder as whoever was outside approached the dorm door. A click sounded and the door swung wide open. Sound poured in from the party, and the guy tried to communicate to me by yelling over the music.


I cut him off and pointed to a figure in the bed behind me, luckily still soundly sleeping away. The moment he noticed he nodded at me, a mischievous smirk playing on his face. I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind me.



I nodded in understanding. Suddenly the smirk reappeared on his face again.


I ushered him over into another dorm room to reduce the background noise. "Nah, but she got me caught up in that game of spin the bottle, and we got the seven minutes."

He smiled and leaned back against the wall, hands in his hoodie pockets in a way that made me jealous of his undeniable coolness. "Yeah, I was there. We saw you guys. Damn, she must be obsessed over you, the way she kissed you."

After studying his face a bit more, I realized this was that boy who looked like a supermodel at the same spin the bottle game.

"Hey, didn't you and the girl next to mine also get it on a few doors down?" I nudged him in the arm with my elbow.

He had an appalled grin on his face. "Her?! Nah nah nah, I got my eyes set on her."

He lead me out of the room and back downstairs. Looking around for a few seconds, he settled his eyes on this particularly short girl with a high white ponytail swinging from the top of her head. She held a drink in one hand and her phone in the other, and she seemed to be hanging out with another girl with short hair.

"That's the girl I'm gonna get someday. Sakura. Someday."

I slapped him on the back. "Go get her, man!"

He blushed and backed up. "W-what? Now?"

I pointed to her. "I mean, you're here already here, and you've been looking at her, and I'm pretty sure her pixie-cut friend there's noticed us."

"Man, if she's under my arm by the end of the night, I am gonna thank you."

I grinned. "But first tell me how to get to the bathrooms."

I searched the halls on the floor we were just on, looking for the bathrooms, washrooms, and laundry rooms.

The bathrooms and the washrooms were clean and untouched, which surprised me. The laundry room was quiet and empty. Despite supposedly being a place full of running washing machines, I could sleep here without any trouble.

I was feeling good. Made a new friend, searched the building, and kissed a girl. I was feeling good.

I was simply walking down the hall back to the room with Shiemi, humming along to the song playing on the speakers, when I felt something on the side of my arm.

I froze in my tracks and brought my hand up to the place on my arm where it hurt the most. Blood, bright red with a metallic scent ran down my fingers and dripped onto the floor. I couldn't move, like a deer in the headlights.

Someone walked up to me from behind as I clutched my wounded arm. A boy. I couldn't quite make out his facial features in such a dark corridor. But I could tell what he was holding. The knife he had in his hands glistened with blood in the dim light that was emitted through the cracks in the wall.

"This is only the beginning," the boy said. "what I just did now is nothing compared to what I'm going to do to you later."

"What do you want," I responded through clenched teeth to bite back the pain from my arm shooting through my entire body.

The boy chuckled. Suddenly I felt the cool metal of the blade against my throat, threatening to draw blood at any moment in time if I dare move.

"You really did a number on my face," the boy said. "That wasn't the nicent thing to do now, was it?"

It was him. It was the boy I beat up, and for a good reason.

"It kept your pervert eyes off of her. Therefore it was nice and it was needed, and totally worth it."

The blade eased up a bit on my neck, enough so I could breathe deeply without risking a gash on my adam's apple.

"Watch your back, kid. You better watch her back as well."

"Do whatever you want to me," I responded. "Hurt me. Beat me up. Even kill me. But please," tears threatened to pour out of my eyes. I turned around. "Don't lay a hand on Shiemi."

I can't sacrafice an innocent girl's health and well-being because of my actions.

The boy chuckled again at my submission. Grinning, he turned around and walked down the hallway, tossing the knife between his two hands.

I just stood there, watching him. And when he was surely gone for good, I sprinted at full speed back to my room with Shiemi and guarded the door with a pocket knife until I was too tired to keep my eyes open.


Thank you for reading the fourteenth part of my fan fiction! Well, I think the story's escalating pretty quickly. I'll try to publish at least one part a day, most likely two because I'm just so into writing it!

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