Ignorance is Bliss

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Rin POV:

Shiemi held onto my neck, holding me close to her.

It's hard to believe we just met. I feel like I've known her for half my life now. I mean, after a mere hour or two of even being aware of each other's existence, she sort of told me her life story as she sat on my lap in a small, empty room. I know a lot about her and she knows a lot about me; we've made out inside a private dorm room and slept next to each other, sort of. I've beaten up perverts who tried to spy on her, and in return have been told they would kill me and harm Shiemi. I've gotten myself in a dangerous situation all because I met her.

But none the less, I held onto her for dear life, enclosing her in my arms in fear that any moment she might slip out of them and I would lose her forever.

"Rin..." she said, resting her head on my chest, probably feeling or hearing the steady beating of my heart.


"Don't let go." I could smell her shampoo, its fragrance suffusing the room with a sweet, soft, floral scent.

I leaned with my back against the wall, Shiemi still close to me, arms wrapped around my neck. "I won't," I whispered. "Never."

We stayed in that position, holding each other close. I slowly breathed in and out, taking in her scent. I felt her warm breath against my arm, condensation beginning to form on my skin from it. It would be a while before we would move. I didn't want to move at this moment. I just wanted to be with her, keep her close to me and not let her slip through my fingers.

Suddenly, the door crashed open as the supermodel boy walked in with a big-ass grin on his face. Shiemi immediately pushed herself up using my stomach, which caused me to cough.

"'Kay, first of all my name is Akito, call me Aki, because you were probably wondering," he started out with. Wow, I guess he realized that we didn't introduce ourselves when we met. "And second of all...dude. Dude dude dude dude dude."

"Dude what?" I responded.

He started hopping up and down like a childish little weirdo. "Sakura and I are going out...tonight!!! You're the one who pushed me to do it, so I came here to thank you and tell you about MY girl. Why don't you tell me about yours?" Aki alternated eye contact with Shiemi and I. I blushed. What would Shiemi think?! Is she going to be awkward around me now? I was about to step in when, suddenly...Shiemi stepped forward.

"I'm Shiemi Moriyama! Nice to meet you! And I happen to know your new girlfriend. She's really nice. No wonder you fell for her."

Aki turned red as a tomato and full-on nosebled. "He he, I mean, well, I wouldn't, you know, say we were boyfriend and girlfriend, and anywho, I mean I just talked to her for the first time, and got to go!"

I laughed. What a chicken little weirdo. A chicken little weirdo in love, however.

Shiemi turned towards me. "Shall we adjourn downstairs and meet this new couple?"

"Lovely madam, I would certainly fancy a trip downstairs."

We both laughed and took each other's hands, which actually just felt natural now, and walked down the hall to the stairs.

On the bottom floor, it looked like pandemonium had struck last night.

Cups lay everywhere, booze puddles lined the floor. Disturbing and sexual things were written on the walls everywhere I turned. Some people had 'images' drawn on them in sharpie and probably couldn't get them off. They decided to wear them with pride as we all met here.

I guess people were so high on alcohol they forgot the consequences of their actions. Maybe the school board would stop letting us host parties in this empty dorm because of what happened tonight.

Both me and Aki were standing against the wall together, hands in our pockets admiring Shiemi and Sakura as they hugged and instantly began talking about what happened last night. As Shiemi told her story Sakura had her hands clasped together, seemingly way too exited about what Shiemi was telling her. And when Sakura told her's Shiemi held her hands to her heart and kept repeating 'awwwww' throughout the story.

"Hey," I said to Aki. "Do you know anybody who likes to dress in a jacket without a shirt underneath?"

Aki nodded. "Taro? Yeah he's a prick. Like's to spy on naked girls apparently. What a pervert."

"Yeah he really is," I responded, feeling my hands clench in my pockets. It took some effort to release the tension.

Aki held his head down. "Sakura told me about him. She was in her dorm room changing when she held a loud crash outside. She ran to the window to see what it was, thinking there was an accident. But it was just a ladder, and Taro was crawling down with a camera in his hand."

I slammed my fist against the wall. "Asshole. Criminal. Shiemi was in the random dressing room when Taro and one of his friends came up to me and asked me why I wasn't looking through the peephole. They started watching her undress and I ended up beating the shit out of them. And..." My body quivered as I remembered what happened last night. "Last night after I checked the bathrooms, he slashed my arm with a knife and held it against my neck, saying that I need to watch my back, and Shiemi's as well." I rolled up my short sleeve to expose the large gash, which I had realized started to swell up and change color. Must be an infection. I should get that checked out at some point.

Aki was stunned for a moment. "You need to go to the police before something serious happens, man--wait." He paused and pointed at the girls. "Does Shiemi know what happened to her?"

I shook my head. "She doesn't know, but I don't plan on telling her any time soon. What good would it do? Sometimes ignorance is bliss, ya know?"

Aki nodded his head. "True. But if Sakura, you and I headed to the station and told them about Taro he's sure to at least be investigated. They'd probably find some kind of porn somewhere around his room and learn that he's raped people. Guy thinks with his dick. It's not that hard to suspect him of something. Anyone with such a horrible fashion sense is prime suspect material."

"Got that right," I told him. "We should try going later then."

Aki and I remained standing there for a bit longer, all the people from the party scattered around us.


Alright, I can't end the sixteenth chapter without mentioning the fact that YOU MUST READ ON!!! Things are gonna escalate again soon. This may be the only chapter I'm gonna finish today, because school sucks and is probably gonna prevent me from writing more. Also I'm sort of thinking about writing a second book and maybe ending this one in a few chapters. The story will still continue though but just in a brand new and hopefully better and more exiting second book. Thank you for reading!!! Be sure to comment, vote, add, and follow this story and myself (I'm talking to you too, friends from school) and enjoy!

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