Can't Hide Forever

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Third Person POV:

The gunshot rang through the air, as piercing as a knife. The three teenagers dropped instantly to their knees like preachers, hands over their heads in protection. Rin dropped instinctively over Shiemi in an effort to protect her from whatever may come. Aki put an arm over Sakura's back, reminding her that he was there.

The four were at the mercy of whoever held the gun. And that person was the one that no one wanted to see at the time.

"I told you to watch your backs," Taro stated. He stepped eerily towards the group with his head held high, boasting his superiority. A couple of other silhouettes peeked out from behind the background structures.

"How's your face, Taro?" Rin hissed. "Feeling better? It should. Bruises heal. But murder is permanent."

"Which is what I'm sort of going for," Taro retorted. "We all know the world would be better off without you, demon."

Rin's hands formed fists while still covering the vulnerable areas of his head.

Before anyone could say anything more, another boy appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Hide held in his right hand a 22 pistol, fully loaded. Rin knew that he must have gotten it from Yukio. Good. That means sooner or later Yukio would notice that a pistol was missing from his stash and come to retrieve it.

But just as soon as Rin began pondering a way out of the situation, something caught his eye. Something that shown in the sunlight and blinded him. A syringe. He could only guess what it held.

Aki knew that he had to take action. Or there might be some serious consequences.

"Let the girls go," he told Taro. "Whatever this is, let's settle it with just us. No one has to get hurt, especially not Shiemi and Sakura."

Taro manaically grinned. "Oh, the white haired girl! I remember you! Those pictures I took are still on my computer, you know. So hot."

Sakura grimaced in shame. Which made Taro lick his lips and predatorily approach her with slow footsteps.

He grabbed Sakura's chin between his thumb and forefinger and held her face up to his. It looked as if he was examining it. Aki raged, but tried not to let it show in fear that someone would end up getting shot.

But how he wanted to just punch Taro right in the forehead.

Aki could hear Sakura whimpering in fear. Taro coyly grinned. If Aki was able to move safely he decided he would try to chase her fear away with everything she loved.

But Taro was a sadist.

Just as Taro began to lift Sakura's face upwards to meet his, any of her resistance futile and pointless, Aki couldn't stand it anymore. He shot his hand up to grab his wrist.

"Let her go," was what he could manage out of his dry mouth.

Taro's smile disappeared. Thank god, thought Aki.

"You got some guts, pretty boy. Fine. I'll let her go. But blonde is staying here with her boyfriend."

Taro released Sakura as her hands launched towards Shiemi's trembling one's. Tears spilled out of her eyes, landing on Shiemi's fingers.

"I'll be fine," Shiemi reassured her. "Run back and find people. Anyone."

As Sakura ran off, Shiemi let out a sigh of relief. She had kept a brave face on in front of everyone.

But inside, she was surpressing a major panic attack.

What was Taro going to do to her? Why did he make her stay? Only time can tell, Shiemi thought.

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