Most Valuable Player

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Shiemi POV:

I was standing in a running position on the base line when the whistle blew. Everyone started running towards the center like madmen; it was a total free for all.

But right before the majority of people reached the center of the court, I saw one face in particular that surpassed all the others. Rin, like an Olympic runner, sprinted out at full speed and reached the middle way before anyone else did. I was standing there in total shock. How was I supposed to know this boy was as fast as a car?

"EEK!!" I completely forgot I was in the middle of a game! A ball flew directly by my left ear like a bullet. I looked back at Rin on the other side of the court and saw him, hands in his pockets, winking at me. He threw that ball! That little devil. He purposely aimed for the side of my face. Well I can show him how I dodge. We'll see who's the last one standing at the end!

Wait, was our team getting smaller?

The gym was basically two basketball courts next to each other, so we could fit the whole few dozen of us on one side. We had started with a whole 30 members; where'd they go?

I looked back a Rin. He's the cause of our loss of members.

I saw him perfectly picking off my teammates, one by one. Each time he threw a ball, he would gracefully jog to the other side and retrieve a few more and pelt some more people. Some people began to get angry.

"Get that blue haired kid!!" the team captain yelled. The others on the bench cheered in approval.

"Protect the MVP!" kids on Rin's team were chanting. "MVP! MVP! MVP!"

Soon the teams were narrowed down to 5 vs 5. I was still in. What use would I have to the team? I was just a girl who was really good at dodging. Theoretically, I could be the last member to survive on my team, but sooner or later Rin will pin me down with a dodgeball.

I couldn't even see Rin behind his protective wall made out of his teammates. First day and already popular.

Every few seconds or so Rin would peek out from behind the wall and take out another. The human wall in front of him held dodgeballs of their own, blocking every single one from reaching the MVP.

I dodged ball after ball, contorting my body in unnatural positions just to do so. The human wall threw the five balls at one time and reloaded using the ones in front of them.

Soon, everyone was out.

Well, everyone except me, Rin, and one of my teammates.

Rin picked the teammate off with nothing more than the whip of his arm.

His teammates continued to chant "MVP!!" as Rin stood in the middle of his team's side of the court.

Small drops of sweat were visible on his forehead. His clothes were slightly crumpled around his muscles, and he held a cute smirk on his face for show.

In the meantime, my team was going berserk.

"This is unfair!" one of them yelled. "They have the pretty boy on their side!"

"I call picking the teams again!" another screamed. "We want him here!"

"Will you go out on a date with me??" a girl with bubblegum pink hair yelled with a smile on her face. Her friends beside her giggled as Rin looked at her and gave her a heartwarming smile.

That didn't last long. Rin turned his face back in my direction. My heart fluttered and I gulped audibly.

But he didn't throw a ball at me. He dropped his to the ground.

"You expect me to hit you?" he questioned. "I would never hit a girl."

Everyone on both teams screamed in enjoyment at his words.

I blushed. "So how are you going to win, then?"

"You'll see," he said. "Throw a ball at me."

I can't say he didn't look perfect. I looked into his eyes, mischievous yet soothing, wild and free yet calm. His smile was adorable. And due to the mass amount his body was sweating, the front of his shirt clung to his skin, shaping his abs and his biceps. I swear my nose almost started bleeding in the middle of the game.

He held his arms out to the sides of his hips and cocked his head. His lips formed a small pout, like a puppy dog face.

I strolled slowly over to where the nearest ball was and picked it up, holding it close to my chest. Rin's eyes followed me the whole way.

I was holding a dodgeball facing the MVP of the enemy team. Still, I took a chance and lamely threw the ball to Rin.

He caught it in one hand. The game was over.


Thank you for reading the seventh part of my fan fiction! This is the first romance story I've written and it's about to go down in a couple of chapters! If you like this story, comment and please continue reading! I will try to write a new part as often as possible.

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