High School Ends

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A few years later:

Shiemi POV:

How long has it been? A few years, but time is a tricky concept to perceive. It could have very well have been just a few days in my mind. Every second, every minute, every bit of time with Rin I savored like I would my dying breath.

Since that day we had gone to the amusement park, I knew that we would be forever and ever. No matter what, no matter what tricky problems we come across or the debates we have, we would always end up hand in hand. It was love.

Today marked the day after graduation. Conflicting emotions ran through our veins. Joy. Sadness. Anger. Fear. Confidence. Nervousness. Anxiety. It was too much for my mind to handle and ended up having to take a small break before returning to the others.

Apparently Rin and Aki had been planning this for weeks. What exactly we would have done otherwise today was unknown. Thank god Sakura and I had the best two boys in our lives.

This morning, I had woken up without Rin by my side. We have resorted to sleeping together. The nights are so much more comforting with him by my side. Every night we would snooze under the same blanket and in the morning I would wake up with him peacefully breathing at my side. But this morning, I was cold and alone. I had wondered where he had gone off to.

Standing up, I had had to shrug a hoodie over my shoulders to ward off the chill of the morning. It turned out to be his, and beside it was a note:

Meet me at the beach with the squid guy at 8. Don't be late!

I had looked at the clock that hung on the wall. At the time it was 7:20. Barely enough time to shower, eat a few bites of food and head over via train. Which is exactly what I did.

I arrived at the beach panting from running the last half-mile and had checked my phone. I was a minute late.

And as I searched around the sand, looking for the familiar blue hair, I heard a loud horn sound. My gaze was drawn in that direction, to a boat skimming along the shore.

I saw Rin. But at his side was Aki, and hanging off of Aki's arm was a stunned-looking Sakura.

"Hey!" Rin called. "Hurry or you're gonna miss your ride!"

Now it was near lunchtime. Once I got onto the boat, Yukio and Shura came out of the inside with a tray of small snacks. Grilled squid. Onigiri. Fish. And we had a small party on the boat.

Now we all sat on the edge with our feet dangling off the sides. He leaned back. So did I, breathing in the salty freshness of the air around us. The feeling of tranquility seemingly engulfed me.

"Hey," Sakura exclaimed in a calm tone. "Where do you think you guys are gonna go after this?"

Aki was the first to answer. "Wherever you're going, I'm following you like a helpless puppy." And with that he flashed her a puppy-dog expression and latched onto her arm. We laughed at the carefree vibe.

"I'm not quite sure," I piped, "but I've been thinking about a few other places around Japan. What about you, Rin?"

He turned towards me. "Well, what's your favorite place out of all of those places?"

"You're saying it like there's an obvious answer." I giggled.

He pondered for a second. "Well, you mentioned taking a few cases in the southern region, right? I thought those sounded pretty cool."

He was right. Those were pretty cool. "Well, now you've helped me decide. I'm heading to help the exorcists in the south."

Rin yawned before speaking. "Then I guess that's where I'm gonna go as well."

Aki turned towards Rin. The two were in the middle of the four of us. "There were some serious ghoul-related cases happening down there, right?"

"Yeah, you're right," Sakura added. "How 'bout there as well? Your familiar could really help there, considering for some reason it has knowledge about every single kind of ghoul ever."

He thought how to respond. "Shit, you're right! He does have easy wins against the ghouls." Then he turned towards us. "Guess we're all gonna be together for at least another few years!"

It was true. The streak of joy, the best years of my life were about to continue.

The day ended with everyone cramming in two suite rooms. The windows looked out onto the beautiful sea. The vastness and emptiness made me...tired.

Rin and I chilled on the one bed. Aki and Sakura took the couch in the other room.

And as I closed my eyes and drifted into a state of subconsciousness, I knew that the four of us were inseparable. And Rin and I....were never gonna be apart.

I love you, Rin. And nothing will ever change that. No matter how dangerous you are. No matter what kinds of situations we get into, I will be by your side.

I love Rin.

Thank you for reading the fifty-fifth and LAST CHAPTER of this story!! I know, I know, it's really bad. So I'm throwing this out there, if anyone wants a second book (which I doubt it because this ending is just SO SATISFYING!), please just comment or shoot me a message saying so and I will STRONGLY consider it. Thank you so much to the people who read this chapter, it means you made it through this long ass story. I 'ppreciate that. 

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