How Do I Look?

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Shiemi POV:

He's happy to see me.

He's actually happy to see me!

God I'm relieved. All this time I was thinking of how he would never want to see me again. How I had met this perfect boy, cute and kind, sweet and caring, talented and funny, but with a power, and I'd left him for it. I felt like smacking myself in the face.

I couldn't. Because I was kissing this boy.

And sober this time. I could feel this moment forming into a memory that would be everlasting. My kiss with Rin and how it was the best moment of my life.

We broke off after an eternity, but I wanted longer. Why didn't this last forever?

He looked down at the ground, and I could see his face had turned bright red. I giggled audibly. He looked up. "What?" he asked gently with a smile.

"You're face is so red," I responded. He shut his eyes and pouted theatrically. My giggles turned into laughter. It was so adorable that I covered my mouth to stop my uncontrollable laughter and flopped down on the bed next to me. It smelled of the hospital and of the flowers that were put into this room before Rin.

"So what happened to your hands?" I eyed the casts covering everything from his wrist down. Not even his fingertips were visible.

He plopped down onto the bed next to me, crossing his arms behind his head. I couldn't help but blush and avoid his gaze.

"I broke a concrete wall with my fists in exchange for my bones," he said wryly. I smiled.

"You punched the walls?"


This was because of me! It was after I left the room when I heard a cry of rage come from Rin. I ignored it out of anger and walked on. I had no idea he was going to do something like what he did.

"Well, you heard what Aki said. Mephisto issued us a two roomed dorm for me to care for you back at school." I offered him a warm smile.

He sneered in return. "I hate being this useless. I'm making you do extra work because of something I did." His eyes looked apologetic and ashamed. "Sorry, Shiemi. You didn't have to drag yourself into this."

"Hey, I offered to take care of you for a reason, you know."

"W-what reason?"

Suddenly I regretted what I said. I don't want to tell Rin the reason. That I wanted to care for him because I liked him. Or that I wanted to get to know him better, and spend more time with him, see him more often, even sleep together. Even though we'll be separated by a wall between our two rooms, I'll be able to sleep better knowing Rin is there. Even just being around him in general makes me feel safe and happy.

To avoid the question, I answered it vaguely. "It would probably be better than you staying in a hospital for the next few weeks. At least you'll be able to come back to school."

"Yeah, thanks for that," he told me, his voice layered with sarcasm. He grinned. "That's so much better."

As we laid in that position, I could hear his soft breathing. I saw his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm as he closed his eyes. At least he couldn't see how awful I looked.

"Sorry for how bad I must look. I rushed over here as fast as humanly possible."

As I said that, he opened his eyes and scanned me and my face with them. I couldn't help but flush and stare at my feet. Suddenly he turned his face the other way and mumbled something that made my heart skip a beat.

"You look beautiful," was what it was. I think he meant for it to be inaudible, but I was still able to hear him anyways.

After that, he looked back my way and talked to me again. "I don't think so. You don't really look like someone in a rush."

"G-good," I responded. But in the back of my mind, I knew that he called me beautiful. My heart skipped another beat.

Standing up on my feet, I shook my body a little bit to get my blood flowing again, then clapped my hands together. "So, shall we get something to eat?Takeout or something okay? Because I'm not really the best cook."

He stood up after me. I could tell the casts were discomforting to him, because he rubbed them at his sides. "Good for me. Check this out."

He held his right cast out, palm faced up. I interrogated it, shrugging. "Huh?"

"Oh, whoops." He flipped his hand over to reveal a metal boxlike device that connected to the back of the cast. It looked thin, virtually unnoticeable because it's color blended in perfectly with the dark gray of the cast.

"What is it?" I asked pointing to the device.

"How I eat," he told me. And with a mere hard flick of his arm, a small fork and spoon flipped out from the little metal box. The fork faced the inner side of his arm. With another flick, the spoon was the one that faced the inner side. And with a third flick, both of them were put away, stored in that small metal device.

"Whoa," I said, taking his hand, or rather his cast, into my two hands, examining the device. He grinned.

"I'm proud of it. I scared Aki with it when I got it."

"Who thought of this?"

He shrugged, the grin still playing on his face. "The doctors wanted to try it on a patient who had a condition that would prevent them from holding utensils. And well, there was me." He flicked his arm three times again, the rotation of silverware activating again.

"Oh! And you see this magnet on my palm?" He flipped his hand over again, and on the palm of his right hand laid a small magnet. "Aki glued magnets to all my pencils and the cast. I can still write without my fingers."

Now he held out his left hand. A piece of Velcro was glued to the pad of his palm. As I checked it out, he walked over to the table and picked up his phone. With the Velcro. Then he took the index finger of his right hand, which seemed to have an earplug glued to it? Weird. But I saw him use his phone, and suddenly my own phone rang.

I picked it up and declined Rin's call. "So who thought of these? Aki?"

Rin shrugged again. "No, Sakura. She has a mind for weird crafts apparently. And it worked."

He shook his hands in the air for effect, flashing all of those weird things that were glued to his casts. A piece of metal, Velcro, magnets, and an earplug. The sight made me laugh out loud.

"So," he said. "Where should we go? What're you in the mood for? Whatever it is, I'll show you my new talent of eating with no fingers to hold my fork."

"How 'bout we figure that out while we're in town? I also want to show you this cool place I love going to."

He pointed to the door. "Let us take an adventure to a few miles away into the city!"

I laughed and followed him out of the room and down the hall.


Thank you for reading the twenty-sixth part of this story! This chapter is weird....or at least the ending is. I mean, Rin had to be able to eat for the next few weeks. And function in daily life. Is there a better way than having an earplug glued to your finger? I don't actually know if that works, but it may. You never know until you try, which I'm not gonna do because I'm lazy. But anyways, on that note, please vote, comment, and follow my profile and I update every day!

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