The Giant Speaker System

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Shiemi POV:

The room looked incredible. Everything about it was perfect, except there were two of some rooms. Two minimalist bedrooms, two bathrooms already stocked with everything I need, a kitchen and living area. People had already moved our belongings here, and they're all organized in their proper spots. It's like living in a suite for the next few weeks.

With Rin.

I blushed at the thought of living together. Frugally ending each day after school meeting him back here, and we'll talk about our days. We'll hang out on the couch, spending time together, just being together. He'll cook us a delicious dinner at night, and afterwards we'll go out into town and hang out some more. Then once we get tired, we'll go our separate ways and fall asleep in the same room. Or maybe one day it'll be more than just the same room. One day...


I snapped out of my train of thought to see a boy with blue hair waving a hand in my face to try to get my attention. He chuckled at my unawareness.

"...How long were you doing that?"

"About 15 seconds. You can really trance out easily, huh?"

I laughed. "Always have."

Rin smiled. "Same here. You should've seen me in class sometimes. I'd be daydreaming with my eyes closed, so people thought I was sleeping, and when they told me to wake up I'd snap awake and blurt out the first word that came to my head. It wasn't really the best habit ever."

That's even worse than what I do. I started giggling.

Just then Aki placed a hand in front of my face and shoved Rin's forehead. "Right, you two lovebirds, break it up." He chuckled. "We gotta figure out what to do from here."

Rin shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down, blushing. I stifled laughter at his look once more.

"How about a horror movie?" Sakura mentioned. She reached down in her handbag and pulled out a DVD. It was Beckoned, a movie my mother vowed never to see due to its reviews. Creepy, sad, emotional, and of course scary.

"Woah, cool!" Rin exclaimed. "Let's watch it! There's a rolling TV in the closet, I heard. Can't believe the school actually assigned us a room with a TV."

Aki immediately rushed to the main closet and threw the door open. As soon as he did, his jaw dropped. Everyone rushed over to see what Aki saw, and they had the exact same reactions.

A TV, a DVD player, and a HUGE speaker system sat on top of a rolling cart, just tempting people to use it.

"Awesome..." Aki exclaimed, then turned to Rin. "You guys get the best room in the entire school!"

Rin still started at the TV, his eyes wide. "I know, right? Come over any time, man."

We positioned the TV to sit on the wall in front of the couch. Rin grabbed all the white blankets fluffy pillows he could find in the room. He put a couple of each on the couch and the rest on the floor.

"Right, which two people call the couch?" I asked. In response, Aki wrapped his arm around Sakura and both of them flopped down on the ground. Rin snorted in response.

"'Kay then, we get the couch." Suddenly I was being pulled down by Rin by my arm, and we both fell onto the pile of pillows and blankets. Everybody laughed as Rin sighed in relief. "Ah, cushiony."

I reached over and grabbed the remote off of the couch-side table. Just as I hit the play button, loud, scary music started blasting out of the speakers with no mercy.

"AUUGH!!! TURN IT OFF, TURN IT OFF!!!" Aki screamed. "DON'T DO THIS TO US, GOD!!!"

Screams and cries were sounding from the speakers. I fumbled with the remote, desperate to lower the volume, but because of my clumsiness, it fell from my hands.

"WHY SHIEMI, WHY??!!!" Aki continued to scream over the noise. Before I had a chance to redeem myself, Sakura shot up and pressed the power button on the TV. We all sighed as the horrible noise died down to quiet.

"Shit. We left the windows open, didn't we?" Rin suddenly realized. Everyone's heads shot to the wall, where the windows were, indeed, open and letting all the sound out.

I stood up slowly and shut the windows closed. "No one could have heard this, right?"

"...We can believe so for now..."

Aki motioned to Sakura to stay by the TV. "'Kay, Sakura. Here's the plan. Turn the TV back on slowly...and hit the lower volume button as hard as you can. Shiemi, in the meantime, if we have to evacuate, get ready to press the power button. Got it, team?" Rin laughed.

We got the TV to function to our liking, and the movie started to play.

Thank you for reading the thirty-fourth chapter of this story! But don't stop here. I'm probably gonna post another one tonight. I started on a new scene but realized that if I finished the chapter would be much longer than normal. So if you're reading this and it's still October 14th, I'm gonna post a new chapter before midnight Eastern time. Please vote, comment, and follow my profile and I update every day!

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