Smells of Paradise

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Shiemi POV:

Something smelled amazing.

That's all that I needed to wake me up from my seemingly eternal rest. The rich scent of chocolate, the creamy fragrance of baked luxury. The complementing odors of sweets wafted through the room and into my vicinity. It was heaven.

My eyes cracked open slightly. The light pooled in my half-awake vision, causing me to shoot my hands up in front of my face and block the sun from entering.

Once I felt alright, I sat up. The blanket on top of my weighed heavily against my body. Looking around, I only saw Sakura curled up in a fetal position on the floor on top of a blanket of her own. Aki was nowhere to be seen. Neither was Rin, but I knew he left to bake that cake that smelled like paradise. However, I wish he'd never left. I wish I could have woken up laying against his chest, hearing his heart beat. Feeling his breathing with my entire body and being engulfed in his seemingly never-ending sense of heat. I wish that moment could have lasted forever.

Last night, he had fallen into a deep slumber mid-sentence. Everyone else was fast asleep as well, cuddled up together under the heavy blanket. Rin lay on one side of the couch, his skin exposed to the coolness of the night.

The campus looked enchanting in the dark. Lights shown from every inch and in every color. The unworldly shape of the academy reflected and was visible through windows from the outside. Everything was magical. It felt like a dream.

And Rin was on his back, his hands behind his head, slowly breathing in and out. I had the impulse at the moment to stay with him. And my feeling of love beat the logic behind reasons why not to do what I did.

So I stood staring at Rin's peaceful sleeping face for a few moments until I decided to hop onto the couch with him. I rested my back against his torso and my head relaxed against his chest. He didn't stir. One minute passed and I was fast asleep with the covers pulled up over my head. Sleeping with Rin. I didn't hesitate to doze the night away.

It was morning now. Or afternoon, rather. My phone read 1 pm. It was still not much sleep, a mere 7 hours. I wonder how Rin even managed to wake up so early to bake Sakura a birthday cake. He was so incredibly kindhearted it was inspiring.

I rolled off of the couch and lightly tugged Sakura's white ponytail that she left in her hair. "Sakura," I whispered. "Wake up and smell the scents of life."

Sakura quickly popped open her eyes. The first emotion I saw on her face was a huge, mischievous grin. Her white teeth flashed.

"We slept together last night," she immediately exclaimed.

"I saw," I responded. "You fell fast asleep in his arms."

She blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. "He's so cute," is all she said.

I smiled in return. "Well, I'm heading out and getting something to eat. Wanna come along?"

She hopped onto her feet and started walking to the door ahead of me. "Lez'go!"

We followed the scent of chocolate until we reached the main kitchen. I peered through the window.

Rin was there. He had a huge grin on his face, the same fanged smile I saw on him when I met him. In his hands was a large plastic spatula covered in white frosting.

But suddenly, his head turned, and we made eye contact.

I immediately ducked my head and leaned against the wall. I could feel my face burning up with blush. This was a boy that I purposefully slept against last night! How was I gonna approach him and talk to him anymore without one of us remembering that moment?

My ears perked up as I heard footsteps approaching me from inside the kitchen. I silently swore to myself and froze in place.

The door swung open and I craned my neck to get a good look at who came out. His blue hair swept across his forehead, and I just wanted to sweep that lock of hair out of his eyes. Bright and carefree eyes scanned my face up and down, probably trying to decipher my emotion. Right now, my face must have been pure red.

"Whew!" was the first thing that escaped Rin's mouth. "It's like an oven in there! How do normal people cook without having the windows open? I'm beat!" He plopped down next to me, his body a mere few inches away from my own.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked him. "How long have you been cooking this cake?"

Rin shrugged. "Eh, couple hours, maybe? I woke up at 10:30 or so and started immediately. Did you just wake up?"

I yawned as if on cue. "Yeah. Sakura headed out to check out the other rooms and she's coming right back. Did you finish?"

Without responding, Rin simply stood up and opened the door for me. I peered inside the room.

And on the counter was the biggest, most beautiful, spectacular cake I'd ever seen.

I ran into the room to get a closer look at it. It was tall and perfectly layered, with every edge cut with precision and care. The top, sides, and in between the layers were coated with a beautiful white frosting, and garnished with grated chocolate, fruit, and spearmint leaves. And to top it all off, in the middle was the message ''Happy Birthday Sakura' written in perfect handwriting.

I couldn't help but gasp in amazement. It was like staring at a peace of artwork. Rin chuckled behind me.

"So this is my level," he stated. "Hope it tastes good."

 I merely turned my astonished face to face his. "Y-you made this?!" I asked.

Rin slouched and rubbed the back of his neck. "Y-yeah..."

It was beautiful. I can't believe I was fawning so much over a baked good, but it was absolutely stunning. And it was baked by this adorable boy that I liked as well. What was better?

Suddenly, Rin's ears perked up. He immediately grabbed the platform of the cake with one hand and my wrist with another. I blushed at his touch and the warmth of his hand.

"Hurry, hide! Let's surprise her!" he ushered me behind the counter, where Aki joined us. He had just been sitting at the table, furiously playing a game on his phone. I had decided not to disturb him, but he seems to be willing to quit for the sake of his 'girlfriend.'

We all quieted down as the door to the room swung open and a white haired girl entered.

Thank you for reading the thirty-seventh chapter of this story! I love these guys, really. They're such good friends and they have such a connection. It's so HAPPY!!! Please vote, comment, and follow my profile and I update every day!

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