Giant Chocolate Cake

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(not my drawing, I'm not that good)

Rin POV:

It really wasn't hard to bake a good cake. It was simply time consuming and sometimes boring, if I would do it alone for no good reason. But I had a reason. I enjoyed baking this because of it. 

Shiemi certainly seemed to love the cake. Aki as well, although the look of major sleep-deprivation was misleading. Energy forward through me despite the situation. 

I had planned to surprise Sakura by jumping out from behind the counters with Aki and Shiemi. With the cake balancing on one of my hands (which was most definitely not a good idea) and my two friends beside me, we waited and listened for someone to enter the room. 

The door squeaked open. Shiemi stifled laughter as Aki tried to signal to her to shush.

"Hello?" a confused voice called. "Anybody in here? Why are the countertops so dir--"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" the three of us called in unison. We simultaneously popped out from behind the counters, me trying to keep my balance at the same time as balancing the cake. Before disaster struck, I set it on the counter. 

Sakura had her hands held over her mouth in shock. Her eyes were sleepy-looking, yet wide. Aki ran over to her and gave her a huge bear-hug. We all laughed as Sakura returned the gesture. The adorable couple had goofy smiles pinned on their faces.

"You guys planned this whole thing?!" Sakura questioned.

Aki rubbed the back of his head. "Sort of. It was okay night when we came back and I spontaneously told them it was your birthday."

"How did you know?" Sakura continued to ask. 

"Drunk you told me," he responded.

"Drunk me says a lot of stupid shit. How'd you know this was true?"

Aki stuttered. "I-I didn't, I guess. Or just a lucky guess."

I grabbed a  dull knife from the counter and began to cut equal slices of the monstrously sized cake. The happiness being spread around the room was contagious, and I couldn't help but laugh for no good reason. 

As I was beginning to cut the third slice, Shiemi craned upward and planted a kiss on my check, a mere inch away from my mouth. My hands shook in nervousness and I messed up the slice. Dammit!

She laughed when she saw my reaction and tried to stifle it with her hand, but all attempts failed. I held my head down, for I knew my face was flushed.

Soon the cake was fully sliced, and Aki grabbed a couple of plates out of a cabinet and spread them out on one of the tables. Everybody gathered around, taking their seats and licking their lips. I grinned.

The real reason I cooked was not just because we needed a chef at the time. It wasn't because I want to be superior to someone else, which would make no sense anyways. It was to see people's reaction. How their mood lifted, how they'd become happier because of something I made. If someone enjoys a meal I make, it's all I need. It's the only motivation I need to continue cooking and baking.

And from my friends, it was even better.

I handed out slices of rich, moist chocolate cake smothered in a creamy vanilla frosting. Even my own mouth was watering just waiting to taste the creation. I was hungry.

We all picked up a spoon and proceeded to lift a bite up to our mouths. But suddenly, the cry of a familiar someone rang out in the room, and we all ceased.

"Wait!" Aki had yelled.

Everyone looked at him for a second before he continued.

"We have to sing an embarrassing Happy Birthday song for Sakura! How could you forget?!"

My small smile burst out into a wide grin. "Oh YEAH!! How could I forget?!" I ran back to the kitchen and grabbed some candles and a lighter from the supplies drawer.

"Oh no," Sakura said as she buried her face in her hands, trying to hide the smile teasing at the corners of her mouth.

"Oh YES!!" Aki responded. "Hit it, Rin!"

I lit the candle and placed it on the top of Sakura's cake. We all burst out in tone-deaf singing.

Happy birthday to you...

"For the love of god!" Sakura yelled, trying hard not to laugh. Little snorts escaped her throat.

Happy birthday to you...

Happy birthday dear SAKURA!!!!!... Aki went full out opera while saying Sakura's name, falling to one knee and placing a hand over his heart.

Sakura could suppress her laughter any longer and burst out in a fit of loud guffaws, which made the rest of us laugh.

Happy birthday to you!!!!

Shiemi and I clapped and cheered. Aki started bowing in place. "Thank you, thank you all so much."

After a few more minutes of pure laughter, we all settled down and massaged our jaws, sore from cackling. We got coordinated again and sat down at our table. Everyone took a bite of the cake.

And to me, it looked like their faces had frozen.

Shiemi was the first to speak up. "This. Is the best. Cake. I have ever. Tried."

Aki nodded, too immersed in eating to crack a joke.

I took a bite myself. And instantly was proud of myself. This was the best dessert I had ever made. But inside there were no negative emotions. I had made people happy by cooking, one of the small amount of skills I have according to Yukio. I'm glad people could still enjoy trying my food, because it's practically the only thing I'm able to do. According to Father Fujimoto.

The first round was finished almost as soon as they started eating. I served out a few more pieces. There was plenty, considering the cake was tall, wide, and my slices were small.

The second round was finished. Soon the third round was no more. My friends should sign up for a speed eating contest.

Pretty soon, without even realizing it, only an eighth of the cake was left. We all dropped our spoons and clutched our stomachs. I was incredibly full. Shiemi had her head rested on the table in exhaustion. Aki looked like he would hurl any second.

"It's coming out..." he groaned. "I can't keep it in any longer..." He would pretend to vomit, then laugh, then actually look like he would vomit for real.

Even though Sakura had been reduced to a mess, her face full of chocolate and frosting, she kept a smile on her face.

"Thank you guys," she told us. "Thank you all."

"No, thank you," Aki responded, looking like a drunk. All the sugar was rushing to his head, making him woozy. "You gave us an excuse to eat cake. Thank you."

I smiled and packed the rest of the cake away in a Styrofoam food box. To be honest I could barely stand from the weight in my stomach holding me down. I definitely ate way too much.

But nonetheless, even though we all looked disgusting and covered in chocolate, we had enjoyed ourselves. And people had liked my cooking. And I had a chance to hang out with Aki, Sakura, and Shiemi. This day had started out well.

Thank you for reading the thirty-eighth part of this story! So I just figured I'd say this, but I have friends from school reading this story, and all of them have never watched Blue Exorcist. In fact, none of them even like anime and I'm like bruh you missing out on some of the best TV shows in the world. I really want to write a new story about Kagehina (for those disgraces out there who don't know what that is, it's Kageyama x Hinata). I wouldn't know how to write it, though. Almost all the chapters would have to be about volleyball, and I couldn't make that happen. I'm still of course gonna be writing this story, but I may want to start a new one that I can just mess around with occasionally. This is still gonna be my main story for quite a bit. I don't expect to end it anytime soon...Please vote, comment, and follow my profile and I update every day!

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