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Shiemi POV:

Ugh, I'm stuffed.

That was good cake. I had heard from Yukio that Rin was an excellent cook, but he never told me that Rin was a MASTER. Everything about that dessert was perfect, from it's flavoring and garnish, to it's clear yet refined sweetness and it's absolutely perfect presentation.

I sat in an awkward position, rubbing my full stomach and listening to everyone else groan as well.

"Dude," Aki started, but had to pause and take a deep breath, patting his protruding stomach. "You were right. That was the best damn cake I've ever tried. Kudos to you." He made an attempt to slap Rin on the back, but instead leaned a bit too far and fell over onto the table.

Rin simply collapsed on his hands face first onto the counter. He had tried to make his way over to the fridge and stow the cake away, but even he didn't have enough strength left in him.

"uuuAAAGH!!" Sakura exclaimed. "I can't....stand....for the next forty minutes."

"SAAAAAME..." Aki responded, having fallen onto the floor the next time he tried to slap Rin.

Rin stumbled his way over to our table and took a seat. Pretty soon, we all were nothing but a bunch of still-life potatoes, doing nothing but sitting with our heads buried in our elbows. No one said a word for the next half an hour, afraid that even one sound could trigger all of us to vomit.

After a dreadful period of silence, Aki finally spoke. Why was I not surprised that he was the first one to say something?

"Well, THAT was an experience. I'm now gonna take a nap for the next twelve hours." He stood up and stretched his limbs, then turned and headed out of the room. He was clutching his stomach, which made us all giggle slightly.

"Yeah, I could use some sleep," Rin stated. "I'm hitting the hay as well." Following Aki's same path, soon both Aki and Rin were out of sight and out of the room.

Sakura and I decided to sit for a few more minutes, allowing the food to digest before we could have a proper conversation.

After another fifteen minutes, it seemed the day was at it's peek temperature-wise. Beads of sweat were rolling down my face and neck. Sakura had perspired so much that drops collected on the table.

I stared at them in amazement. "Is that your sweat?" I questioned.

She looked up at me, and a second later broke out in a grin. "Yeah, I sweat a lot. You can only imagine what Aki felt like last night, having to sleep next to me under a huge, heavy blanket."

I giggled. "So you did you two end up spooning on the floor? Your night escalated pretty quickly."

"I could be saying the same thing about you and Rin!" she reciprocated. "You decided to literally sleep on top of him! It was so cute! I woke up in the middle of the night and just saw him with his arms wrapped around you, and you just dozing away on his chest. It was adorable!"

I felt myself blush. "He had his arms around me? I don't remember that."

She shrugged off my response. "He must have done it in his sleep. You know how love is. You will love each other even in the oblivion of your subconscious."

I laughed. "But what abo--"

Suddenly, a loud bang sounded from out of the room.

Both Sakura and I froze right where we were. As we looked into each other's eyes, the same exact expression was on both of our faces. It simply said what the fuck was that?

Sakura stood up out of her seat and crept on her toes over to the door. I followed suit, both of us peering out of the small door window.

That's when we saw it.

A demon who's head almost scraped against the ceiling. It's sickly purple shade make me sick to my full stomach. Now that I paid attention to it, the stench lingering through the air was subtle yet putrid.

"Shit!" Sakura exclaimed. "Why the fuck is there a demon in our dorm? I thought this school was protected by magical barriers! How. The. Hell?!"

We regarded the demon for a few moments. It's eyes were green and dull, it's pupils small within the oval shape of its irises.

And those eyes turned in our direction until they almost glanced right into my own.

"Shit!" Both Sakura and I exclaimed.

"It didn't see us, did it?"

"I think we're safe."

"Good." Sakura sighed in momentary relief, but immediately went back to panic mode. "What do we do?! I just started cram school! I don't know how to fight demons yet!"

I pondered for a few seconds, struck by the danger of this situation. Reaching into my side pocket, I pulled out a small piece of paper using my thumb and index finger. On this paper was the drawing of an intricate circular pattern.

"What's that?" Sakura questioned. "And how will it help us?"

I chanted the beginning of the phrase needed to summon an old friend. "Here, boy, here, boy."

Suddenly, a cute, green creature merely the size of my hand materialized in front of our eyes. Sakura looked astonished.

"Nee!" the little creature sounded.

"This is Nee," I told her. "He's my familiar."

"B-but how--"

"No time!" I whispered forcefully. "We both left our phones in the room. We gotta figure out a way to get the boys."

Sakura continued to stutter. "I-I'm a new student, but my father back in my old town always took me shooting with him." She stuck out her thumb and index finger to symbolize a pistol. "Now if only I could get back to the room, it's in my bag."

I lowered my center of gravity as we learned in physical combat training. I had to use all my skills for this one battle. It could mean life or death.

"Just follow me," I instructed her. "I'll try to do the best I can."

"I hope you try your hardest! If you didn't I would be seriously concerned."

I chuckled despite the situation, and poised a hand on the swinging door.

"Ready..." Nee sat in the dip of my shoulder, gripping onto a lock of my hair.

"Go!" I burst out of the door, sprinting at full speed to the dead center of the hallway. The demon turned our way.

And he started running at full speed as well. Towards us.

Thank you for reading the thirty-ninth part of this story! Just today as I was doing homework I realized something. One of this show's themes is fighting against the demons of Gehenna, but I haven't included a single demon at all as far as I can remember. So this was the perfect time, just when the story started to fall in action. Please vote, comment, and follow my profile and I update every day!

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