Bad Hair Day

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Shiemi POV:

The little chef I found out was named Ukobach. And he was so. Freaking. ADORABLE!!! Apparently he's known Rin for a while and was pretty diligent at helping me. This was all according to the principal, who came to pay us a visit. Ukobach is his familiar.

And when my phone started ringing, signaling the eighth hour of the day, delicious mouthwatering sukiyaki sat before me, perfect in its aesthetics. And the moment I tried some of the meat, its flavor and spice hit me like a storm. It was easily the best savory food I'd ever tried.

Before I knew it, I was squeezing the little demon in my arms, shaking it around in a powerful embrace.

"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!" I screamed. I couldn't say it enough. I shook Ukobach in my hands. Soon his face turned a sickly shade and I put him down, ashamed but smiling at my utter unawareness.

"Shiemi? I heard someone scream 'put me down!' Everything good?"

Oh shit! He's awake! I gotta get ready! Ukobach must have understood, because he dashed across the counters faster than a bullet and into the empty sugar jar.

I straightened out my outfit, which was covered in god knows what. Seemingly everything in the kitchen was splattered on my apron, which covered my light blue dress that I recently bought. Thank god the apron nearly covered it entirely. Washing my hands and drinking some water, I thought about what he was thinking. How he would react.

Does he even like me anymore? He did just ask if I was alright. Or maybe that was directed to whoever was screaming to put them down. But either way, his tone wasn't angry. It was caring and sweet.

And as Rin threw open the door and slumbered in, that sweet voice was matched with an even sweeter boy.

His hair was an absolute nightmare. It was the very embodiment of a bed-head, like his thick blue hair just decided not to pick just one direction to go in that day. He rubbed his eyes in fatigue, and proceeded to let out a yawn that roared through the whole room.

It was so adorable that I couldn't help but cover my face and laugh. I could hear him approach me with shuffled footsteps.

And without warning, he stopped directly in front of me. I peeled my hands away from my face and got a good look at how he looked. Huge circles laid under his winced expression, and even though he was still away from me, a lock of his bangs was almost touching my forehead due to his extreme hair.

"I" he said skeptically. I was impressed. It wasn't too fragrant, the aroma got lost in the vastness of the room, or filtered out with the air-vent cycle. He even just woke up.

"I-I made some sukiyaki....if you want some." I straightened my back and confidently smiled.

Suddenly, his eyes went wide. He erupted into a huge grin, and ran over to the table.

I started laughing again. At least he wasn't mad anymore, or he just forgot. I don't know what he and Yukio talked about last night, but whatever it was for some reason lessened his immense anger towards me.

Thank god. I seriously missed him.

"Thanks for the food!!" Rin called.

As I turned my head, I could hear the food being quickly devoured. It didn't even take more than a few minutes as I sat next to him, eating a bowl of my own. He was eating the last bits of the dish he could find, whereas almost nothing changed about mine.

And just as he finished, he raised his arm back. And he punched me in the arm.

"That was really good, Shiemi! I didn't know you could cook! It was, like, flavorful and everything, and you even inclu--"

He abruptly stopped rambling as I let out a high-pitched screech from the punch to my arm.

"You rule, Shiemi! When did I tell you that was my favorite food?" Rin continued after we finished cleaning up.

I smiled. "I don't remember. Sometime during one of our conversations, and I guess it just stuck with me. Things like that do for some reason."

Rin endearingly hopped up and down like a child. "I haven't had food that good in weeks! Did you seriously make that?"

"Actually, I tried to make it and failed until something like, 6? Then Ukobach took over and finished it."

Suddenly I regretted saying that. Shiemi, you idiot! Why would you admit that you couldn't cook at a moment like this?

"Well, it's the thought that counts, and I don't really care who made it. But still, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I can't believe you remembered what my favorite food was! You're awesome! You're the best! You--you stayed up all night preparing this?"

Suddenly his happy, ecstatic tone of voice turned into that of concern. His jaw dropped.

"H-How can you live with that much sleep? It was hard enough for me to get through the entire sleepover the other night! Thankfully there was a movie in the background to keep me awake."

I rubbed the back of my neck. "I mean, I'm not really that tired, is all."

He shrugged. "Hey, good enough for me. If you're fine with it. But don't pass out."

"I won't, probab--"

And suddenly, the world spun around and around. I collapsed to the ground on my knees, unable to stand any longer.

And unwanted sleep hit me like a shock wave, inducing my entire body into a state of unconsciousness.

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