Never Get Involved

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Rin POV:

Aki stood at the other end of the hall, his fists enclosed at his sides. "Leave them alone," he repeated.

The hand around my neck got a bit tighter. I shut my eyes, trying to block out the pain in my hands, in my body, my neck, my face. I couldn't keep my head up. My energy was sapped from enduring this level of pain, something that I've felt before. But this time a loved one was here. I couldn't bear to see her get hurt.

It's weird, the feeling of helplessness. I rarely feel it before. I know, deep in my heart, that there is always something you can do. There's always something you can do to fight back.

But I couldn't.

The voice of Seiya took me out of my train of thought. "Who the fuck are you, man? This is between me and them. Don't get involved."

Aki didn't look like he was leaving anytime. "Why wouldn't it be my business?" Just then, Aki held out his right hand. A knife was between his fingers, dangling, taunting the boys. The one holding me loosened his grip on my neck. I breathed normally, taking advantage of this moment.

Thank god for Aki. He's always there when Shiemi or I need help.

"Harm us, we got a whole gang that'll go after you and your little friends, here," Seiya told him. "We're feared, you know. The mafia between us schoolkids."

"Shit, really?!" Aki yelled sarcastically. Even in this situation I had to stifle laughter. It just came out as small breathy giggles.

"Shut the hell up!" The guy holding me screamed, socking me in the stomach and letting me go. I dropped to the ground like a sack of flour, not having enough energy to remain standing by myself. Still, despite the pain, I started uncontrollably laughing, filling the area with the sound. The group of boys was absolutely pissed now, at both me and Aki.

"What d'you call yourselves? Maybe I'll consider joining," Aki continued.

"Names are stupid," Seiya responded. Aki put a hand over his mouth, jokingly gasping.

"What did you just say?" Aki asked, sarcastically again. I could see Shiemi trying to stifle her laughter as well, a huge smile playing on her face.

"'Kay, all jokes aside. Let my friends go and no one gets hurt."

"You and what army, shithead?"

"Just me and my two knives." Aki pulled another knife out, one that was concealed in his belt. "I'll duel-wield 'cause I'm that cool."

Aki was really trying to piss the group off. He looked so calm about the whole situation, so serene and just simply cracking a few jokes with these boys. Who happened to be criminals, but Aki didn't give a shit about that.

But suddenly, it happened.

"We'll see about that!" Seiya lunged for Aki, a knife of his own in his hand. Aki armed himself, one knife in front of his face and the other in attack mode.

I couldn't just lay here. I couldn't let my friend risk his own life for me. Damn it, Aki! Don't put me in this position!

I stood up, a bandaged hand holding my side. Stumbling over to them, I had no weapon. I was unarmed.

But the one thing I did have was my strength.

"Stay the hell down!" One of the guys lunged at me, one arm trailing behind, trying to build up momentum for a punch.

But I grabbed his arm with mine. Damn I wish I had hands! This entire situation would have been so much easier!

But I threw the guy onto the ground. And I kicked him right in the balls.

"Ooh!" Aki exclaimed. "K.O.!"

Seiya smacked his forehead with his hand. "You. Are. Really. Pissing me off right now."

Aki shrugged. "That's my job. Always has been."

Shiemi was on her feet now. I can't get her involved in this.

"Shiemi! Run down the aisle to a different cart. Find an adult and keep safe!"

This time, Shiemi nodded without hesitation. She began to sprint down the aisle, as fast as she could, pumped up with adrenaline.

Thank god. I don't care if I get hurt. I don't care if I die. Just stay safe, Shiemi. Just live.

"Stop her!" Seiya yelled. It was as if his command was instantly followed by anyone. Someone began to follow Shiemi. She yelped in surprise and went faster.

But I blocked the aisle. I stood there, between the rows of seats, preventing the guy from following her. Stay safe, I told her in my head.

The guy rammed into me, but the amount of adrenaline flowing through me kept me upright. He dropped to the ground on impact.

"Rin, look out!" I heard Aki yell. "LOOK OUT!!"

"For what?!" I called back.

The world moved in slow motion. The guys were trying to bring me down like zombies, gripping onto me and trying to force me to the ground. But I refused to fall. I refused to give in. Shiemi had to be safe first.

As I watched Shiemi run, watched her find a security in a far, far cart, and them both sprinting down to break up the fight, I couldn't help but smile. We were all going to be okay after this.

The security was a mere few yards away. I hadn't fallen yet. I was still on my feet, shoving the guys lunging at me away, preventing them from getting past. Aki helped, using his knives as a threat. We were going to be okay.

But suddenly, something sharp pierced my side.

It sunk into my flesh, impaling me. I fell to the ground.

I could hear Aki screaming, Shiemi crying. The security continuing to run down the aisle, his footsteps sounding loudly.

But all I could see was Seiya, hovering over me, a knife in his hand.

A knife covered in blood. My blood.


Thank you for reading the twenty-ninth part of this story! I cried writing this...just saying. Please vote, comment, and follow my profile and I update every day!

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