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Rin POV:

Thank god Shura was confiscating Kurikara from me and replaced it with a bland, metal blade. If it were there, I would not have hesitated to use it, and then Sakura would have learned about my power as well.

I could feel the tears collecting in my eyes, the water symbolizing my internal struggle trickling down my cheeks.

I am not the young prince of Gehenna. I am Rin Okumura, son of Father Fujimoto. I am human.

And I can't be putting my friends in any unnecessary danger.

Shiemi had held this demon off until Aki and I had arrived and Sakura had returned. She had stood her ground more than anyone I had ever seen.

I wiped my tears away and hit myself in the forehead with my fist. Damn myself! How could I let that happen? How could I have put Shiemi, Aki, and Sakura in danger just because of my presence? I has ashamed. Deeply ashamed and embarrassed.

Falling to my knees, I held my head in my hands. I couldn't show them. I wouldn't show them my emotional instability in this moment. I had to remain strong.

But my fear, my undeniable fear that the ones I hold near and dear to my heart would be harmed, kept tugging at my mind.

I could hear the soft putters of footsteps from bare feet approaching me, their delicacy and chastity contrasting the rough sounds of the demons attack. It made my mood lift slightly.

Arms wrapped around my neck, enclosing me in an embrace from behind. Shiemi always knew when a hug was best. Her blond hair draped over my shoulders like a veil as she rested her head against my neck. I reached up and held her hands in my own, caressing them between my fingers. My tears ceased at this comfort.

I knew they knew. They knew what was wrong with me. What the demon said, what he implied struck me in the heart, and both Shiemi and Aki realized that.

Another hand was placed on my shoulder. Aki. I looked up at him, his other hand bloody and battered. He nodded a reassuring nod at me, and I returned the gesture despondently. Gone were any signs of sadness on my face, replaced by a certain crestfallen blankness that I knew would cause my eyes to dull in expression.

Sakura, on the other hand, had absolutely no idea the real reason of my emotions.

Her face suggested confusion, however much she tried to hide it and play it cool.

"Umm...." she exclaimed. "Anyone know what time it is?"

This question was the perfect opportunity to prove to everyone that I was okay, I was fine. I really was, but my expression and body language decided to fight the logic of my brain. I stood up and checked my phone.

"About three thirty," I told her.

"Great, and one more question," she told me. "Why the fuck there was a demon in this dorm?!!"

She looked at Shiemi, then at me, then Aki, and back at me. "It talked to you!!"

I rubbed the back of my neck and tried to be nonchalant. "Hah, yeah. It was pretty cool."

As I said that, the .22 pistol in her hands fell to the ground. She was worried. I could tell. About all of us.

"Why?" she whispered. "Why did it talk to you? Why did it call you prince?"

There was no way to get out of this one. I had to tell the truth. I had to come out to her sometimes, if she was gonna be part of this group.

"You're the son of Satan? Fucking Satan himself?" Sakura pointed a long, manicured finger at me, at my face.


"Holy shit! That is SO COOL!!!" she yelled. That wasn't the response I expected.

She was just like Aki. Thank god for that. She couldn't care less if I was the son of the leader of Gehenna and the cause of many deaths all around. Just like Aki, she wouldn't leave us.

Aki smiled at her reaction to the news. He had an arm around her shoulders like they've been together for years. It was almost as if our group had known each other for years.

It was amazing, the instant click between us four. I had laid eyes on Shiemi, and I knew that this wasn't going to be the only time I see her. I saw Aki at my door during the party, and I knew he was coming for a ride. And he would bring along Sakura, who had clicked with Shiemi before anyone else knew her. It was incredible. I was grateful to know, deep in my heart, that they would be by my side, and on my side no matter what. We would protect each other. We would care for each other.

No matter how dangerous the situation.

Thank you for reading the forty-first chapter of this story! It's going on for a while, I realized. I hope people still like it. This chapter was a bit short, and I'm sorry for that, but I just did some rock climbing and my wrists and fingers are KILLING me. It's hard to type. But I love writing this story, and I hope you guys love reading it just as much! Please vote, comment, and follow my profile and I update every day!

Link to photo: rin_okumura_and_shiemi__by_light_xavier-d4h2k39.jpg

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