The Fight Part 2

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Rin POV:

We hopped into a train that headed into the city. Shiemi took the time to make sure it didn't contain sketchy looking people. Her eyes analyzed the crowds, picking and choosing which ones are safe and which are not. We ended up entering a cart that was entirely empty.

But I could care less.

Each second that passed I could feel my will to look presentable dim and fade. What had gotten into Yukio? Was he angry at me? I hope it's not because I hadn't talked to him much over the past few days. Or was it because I demanded money from him?


I began to think back to Yukio and what he looked like in that moment. Where he looked. How he looked when he saw me. Or us.

Yukio didn't like Shiemi, did he?

I immediately banished that thought from my mind. He would never! I don't think he has ever really liked a girl before. He may be a ladies man, but he wasn't a man for ladies.

This was unreal. All I can do is hope, hope to god that isn't the case.

I plopped down in a seat next to Shiemi on the train. "Damn, I'm hungry! I forget, what did we want for food again?"

I waited for Shiemi to respond, to show some signs of life. But all she did was sit tightly, hands folded in her lap. I realized my carefree, loose position sharply contrasted hers. I felt ashamed and stopped slouching to sit up straight like her.

"Are you okay?"

No response.


"...What happened back there?"

Finally, a response! "Jeez, I couldn't tell if you were ignoring me or just--wait, what?"

"You and Yukio. Don't play dumb."

I leaned away from her in shock. What is this sudden hostility? What happened to the happy couple who just went steady a few hours ago? Why are we in this position now?

"What happened back there? How could I know? He was just being a bastard like usual! I don't know what came over him!"

"Then why the hell are you so hurt?! Why the hell are you acting like this all of a sudden? You were so incredible and happy until all of that happened! Now you're all tense! I don't care what's going on between you and family, but leave me out of it! I can't do this if you're gonna just make me miserable!"

"Me? You're the one who's always dramatic for absolutely no good reason!"

"You don't even know me!"

"Then why the fuck are we together now?"

"I don't know! Why am I together with a demon-human hybrid? Why am I hanging out with the son of  Satan? Why am I together with someone who's brother is an asshole who rejects everybody? And why am I together with someone who killed their own damn father--"

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!" I screamed. I slammed my fist into the side of the train in rage. My breathing became shallow and rapid. I was ready to punch the shit out of her. My hands clenched tightly, the muscles in my arms twitching to move.

Just, then a man who worked for the train walked in on us. I didn't pay attention to him. My eyes locked on Shiemi's, who, while sitting down and me standing up, looked up at me with a fear-stricken expression.

"Sorry, you two, but we're going to have to ask you to leave."

"Why?!" we both turned towards the man, me with anger and her with concern.

"You've caused way too much commotion. Please step out of the train."

I looked back down and Shiemi, to the dent in the wall where my fist had come into contact with it. Back to Shiemi.

"Please leave now, or I'll have to report you to the police."

"I'm sorry, Rin--"


I raised my clenched fist back up into the air, ready to pummel something

But I couldn't bring myself to hit anyone else, and the path of my punch swerved and hit the wall again.

"That's it, sir, I'll have to bring both of you to the police station."

I fell to my knees. It was for the better. If they didn't cuff me, I could have possibly gone on a rampage. The damage I would have dealt, whether it be directed towards man or object, would have a cost.

The slid metallic cuffs around my hands. I didn't resist. No cuffs were being put around Shiemi, who just stood there in shock. I hope she's realized what she's done.

We were heading to the police station. 

Thank you for reading the forty-fifth part of this story! I'm really considering writing another fan fiction about Satoru Fujinuma and Kayo Hunazuki from Erased, but after this story. So, in short, this story may end within the next ten or so chapters. But just you wait...for what's gonna happen. Please vote, comment, and follow my profile and I update every day!

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