Brothers Once More

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Rin POV:

I launched my fist forward as fast as I could. It cut through the air like butter. And I brought it down on Yukio's shocked face.

But I stopped an inch before I made contact.

"Haven't I told you this already?" I told Yukio, who still was seemingly frozen in time. "I would never fight my brother."

That didn't mean I wasn't still mad at him. I was furious. Full of rage. Despise. Hatred, even.

"Why, Yukio?" I whispered. It was the only sound I could muster. "You knew I loved her...You're my brother..."

"Y-yeah..." he responded. The shame in his eyes was clear as day, even though the sky was inky and the only light came out of the stars and moon.

"Why would you kiss her, then?" I hung my head. I don't want him to see the tears that were spilling from my eyes at an uncontrollable rate. "I thought you were my brother. Brothers don't do things like that."

I knew where I was going with this. I trusted myself to get through with this, and not let my anger get in the way. Maybe by the time I'm done with this, that anger would have ceased and I would be back to my happy, carefree self. I certainly hope so.

I stopped pinning Yukio to the ground and sat beside him, crisscross and slouched slightly, just like I always do.

Suddenly, Yukio didn't just have shame in his eyes. They were flooding with tears. Salty tears that ran down his cheeks and nose. That pooled against his glasses, on his eyelashes and trembling lip.

He may be my brother, but he deserved this hurt. I'm staying calm about this whole situation, unlike before. Once I saw Yukio's eyes, I couldn't do it anymore. The eyes of the boy I once saved when we were young. The eyes of that innocent, bullied child with a dream.

I was his big brother. How could I get that angry at him?

I continued to sit next to him, wide-eyed and despondent. Not even the slightest bit of anger was visible on my face. Hopefully only love and care shone through.

He took his glasses off, setting them down on the ground. I picked them up, cleaning them with the end of my shirt and clutching them tightly in my hands.

"I'm sorry, brother," he whimpered. "I was stupid. Foolish. I let my emotions get in the way of what was logical. What was right. No exorcist should do that." This was not a side of my brother I was used to seeing.

"Stupid," I told him. "We're over 50 miles away from the school, and you still are giving me exorcist training? Jeez." With that, I slipped his glasses over my own face.

My vision instantly became blurry. So this is what it's like to be blind as a bat. I looked around a few times, grimacing at my inability to make anything out at all.

But I could hear. And I heard Yukio begin to snicker. Then laugh. He flopped his limbs onto the ground, laughing and snorting slightly. He used to do that when we were kids, snort a little when he laughed. It made me smile.

"Sorry, Rin," I heard him say.

"For what?" I was confused.

Then I remembered what happened.

That was a bad habit of my short term memory. Something as trivial as what happened didn't concern me any longer. That's the beauty of smiling, laughing and joy. It engulfs the negativity that corrupts your mind.

I couldn't stay mad any longer. I didn't want to in the first place. I'm not one to hold a grudge at all.

Eh, who really cares? I wasn't exactly with Shiemi anymore, and it didn't seem like Yukio was gonna pursue her any longer. He was never one for romance. Which is why this sudden turn of events startled me to the core.

We hopped back into the car, me in the back seat, him in the drivers seat. The engine rumbled and started up, signaling us to continue our journey back home.

I looked at Shiemi, her blond hair bobbing up and down every time we ran over a pothole in the road. Funny how I could see her differently now. Now that I wasn't angry at anyone anymore, the thought of Shiemi....didn't enrage me anymore.

Why was I ignoring her? Why couldn't I just let it go?

I guess emotions play a huge part in my life, considering they are drastically affecting my decision-making.

Couldn't I give myself a second chance to let her in my life? Hey, it's not like if I love her again, I can't break up. What's stopping me from trying again?

Thank you for reading the fifty-first chapter of this story! I know not many people made it this far. So thank you to the people who did! You guys really mean a lot to me, and I had so much fun writing this story! I'm thinking of wrapping it up soon, and either starting an Erased fanfiction about Satoru and Kayo, or just write a story of my own. I used to do that a lot, but they were saved to something I can't access again, which really sucked and made me quit writing. So now I'm just starting to get back into it again, and this story I solely focused on the plot rather than the elaboration of the language I use. Sorry if that upsets you! But anywho, I'll stop rambling now. Please vote, comment, and follow my profile and I update every day!

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