Silence Speaks Words

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Shiemi POV:

We drove in the car. None of us said a word. I didn't look back behind me in fear of Rin.

Arriving at campus was like a blessing. I wanted to go home, go to my bed on the other side of our duo-apartment, and just sleep the night away. I'll take care of all my worries in the morning.

Aki and Sakura were nowhere to be seen. Maybe they decided to let Rin and I spend some 'quality time' together. Too bad it went totally and completely wrong.

I can't stop beating myself up. Why? Why did I have to go and screw everything up? Like I always do. Why did I have to be so stupid?!

We continued to travel in total silence. I began to get suspicious. Why? Another why, huh? I thought Rin would hate Yukio. I guess that could be the cause of the lack of conversation, but both of them were...smiling.

I don't know what happened between the two brothers. The moment I saw Rin about to punch Yukio in the face, I tucked my head between my knees, waiting until whatever was going on had ended.

I was so confused. So lost. What was I supposed to believe? That Rin was back to normal, or that nothing had really happened when they exited the car? I had absolutely no clue. But either way, I just followed suit and walked in the middle of the boys, who were taller than me of course, making me feel quite short.

Rin had his usual laid-back demeanor, his posture slightly slouched and walking with no formality whatsoever. Yukio had gone back to normal as well, his back straight as he gracefully strolled alongside us with dignity.

Everything was back to normal. Except for how we felt.

I opened the door to our dorm room and slid my sandals off my feet, replacing them with slippers. Rin pulled his sneakers off and immediately lounged on the couch.

Within seconds, he was fast asleep, leaving me alone.

It's these kinds of moments in your life that make you open your eyes to everything around you. When you're all alone, trapped in a room with nothing to do, nothing to say, nothing to think about. The soft breathing coming from Rin was louder. The moonlight was brighter. The blending smells of every person we invited over was stronger. And despite the heating system, the night felt colder than ever.

I had to do something for Rin in return. An apology gift, something, anything to try to make it up to him. I miss him. I really do. And now that Yukio is out of the picture, I couldn't turn to him as a way to relieve my longing for his twin brother.

I know what to do.

I'm gonna cook some sukiyaki.

Rin had mentioned that it was his favorite food. Not just directly, as well. He told me about the few times every year when he would fall asleep in class do to major sleep deprivation, and dream about food until the teacher woke him up. Almost every time, he would blurt out the word 'sukiyaki' before finally coming to his senses.

How I long for his conversations. How I long for him. I hope this plan is gonna work.

I closed the door gently behind me, letting the adorable boy on the couch sleep the rest of the night away. His chest rose and fell with his steady slumber-induced breaths. His hair was matted and messy as he lay on the couch, and it hung in front of his eyes. It was quite simple to assume his general personality just by looking at him.

The kitchen still smelled of chocolate, and the cake sat on the counter. It was still good, but I'd have to toss it in the fridge before long. I'll dot at once I'm done. I wanted to get this done as quickly as possible.

(a couple of hours later)


I threw the pot into the sink without hesitation. It had caught on fire for the third time tonight! It was almost 6 AM, and I had just wasted another couple of hour's work preparing the ingredients. I still would have to do the cooking process and everything!

Rin had gone to bed at around 9 PM. He would wake up in a few hours. Why was I so bad at cooking?!

Or more, why did I try to cook an awesome chef's favorite meal? Wouldn't that make him hate me that much more? To know that I'm so challenged at culinary arts? That I'm unskilled, untalented, and had no special hobbies that I was particularly good at whatsoever? What was I doing, really? And why?

I sighed and lifted the pot out of the sink once more. The spoiled food it contained I threw away. Time to start over again.

Or not. I was starting to get annoyed at myself. Should I continue? I was seriously debating whether or not I should go through the struggles of cutting, slicing, and preparing all of the ingredients for the next couple of hours?

I fell on my knees and curled up on the ground. I was dizzy of fatigue. I swear I would have fallen asleep....if it weren't for one thing.

Suddenly, I saw the inedible parts of meats and vegetables falling in front of my face. The stems, the fat, the ends dropping piece by piece onto the floor. What in the world?

The drowsiness had left my system. I stood up, trying to locate the source of whatever was happening.

It was a small demon.

A little creature the size of my forearm held a knife. He was chopping up everything for me.

W-What? Was I supposed to let him finish the task? I wasn't exactly surprised, there are a couple of other familiars of people who cook for them. But who's familiar could this have been? He had large ears, purple fur and two small horns protruding out of the top of his head. No one living here, that's for sure.

I didn't question it. I just hoped he would make the best sukiyaki Rin would ever try.

Thank you for reading the fifty-second part of this story! I really have nothing to say except that this chapter went faster than others. But anywho, please vote, comment, and follow my profile and I update every day!

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