Chapter 1

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Sara's POV 

       Isn't this what we all want on the first day of our senior year? A new school on the other side of the country. Well, my parents decided to move me from Florida all the way to California, so here I am, about to enter a school where I know literally no one besides my cousin and my little sister. 

       "You're lucky. You already have friends since you're a cheerleader," I huff, looking at my sister with her brown hair pulled back in a high ponytail, freckles sprinkled under her eyes.

        "But being a cheerleader brings on all of the cheerleader stereotypes that drive me insane," she reasons with me, making me huff. 

        "But you'll have boys drooling all over you," I remind her, and she looks at me like I'm insane.

      "Do you really think that's one of my incentives for being a cheerleader?" she asks, and I shrug.

     "It seems like a plus. Just look at that guy. He looks like a keeper," I point to a boy who is walking in wearing a white tee shirt  with the sleeves rolled up and black skinny jeans. His hair is pulled back in a bandana, and a sleeve of tattoos are on display. The only downside is that he has a girl literally hanging on his arm.

      "He's not my type," she tells me, making me gape. Suddenly, a pair of arms wraps around my waist, making me jump. I turn around and see the one and only Devin Hayes.

       "Devin!" I exclaim, giving him a hug. He hugs me back with a huge smile across his face.

       "Hey Sara. Where's your cousin? I need to tell him something," Devin tells me. A frown spreads across my face. I still haven't seen him, and it's been a week since I've gotten here.

       "I have no idea. Neither Courtney or I have seen him," I inform Devin. He sighs before something catches his attention. 

       "Eww it's Brady and Conor!" he yells to some guy who's standing next to him with dark, super styled hair who is staring at Courtney. Two guys who are walking into the campus turn towards Devin. The first guy is wearing a maroon sweatshirt with his hair in a quiff. His eyes are bluer than the ocean itself. The second boy has curly blond hair and the face of a god.

      "Good job Devin! You actually remembered something for once!" one of the boys cheer sarcastically while walking past.

        "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it," I yell to the boy who said that, who turns around and looks at me.

        "Just drop it Michael," the first boys says to him, making him huff.

      "But..." he starts before the other guy starts.

       "They aren't worth our time," he ensures "Michael" making me scoff.

       "A single one of us is worth more than both of you two will ever be combined," I retort, but they keep walking. 

        "I'm talking to you two!" I yell, and Michael turns around.

        "I'm sorry. Did you say something? I've become tone deaf to stupid people," he says, and I loose it. I march over to him and take his hoodie in my hand.

        "What did you say to me?" I ask, making him laugh.

       "I asked if you said something since I've become tone deaf to stupid people," he tells me, ripping my hand off his sweatshirt.

       "I bet you I'm smarter than you and all your friends combined," I smirk, and another boy walks up to the two of them who has a killer jawline and slick back hair on the top.

      "How may I help you?" he asks, looking at the other two boys afterwards.

       "Your friends were bullying me," I admit, making Michael scoff.

       "Sara calm down and get back here," Courtney yells, making me huff and turn around.

       "It's not done," I look at Michael straight in the eye, making him laugh.

      "Trust me it is," he smirks, making me lunge, going to punch him. He dodges it flawlessly before I feel someone tugging on my arm.

      "Come on," Courtney drags me away, and one of them yells "thank you." Suddenly, my cousin appears out of the doors with a group of people behind him. He glares at the guy with the crazy jawline.

      "Rejected Ramos," he smirks, rolling up his sleeves.

      "Presumptuous Perez," the guy smirks as Chance looks confused.

       "Presumptuous: (of a person or their behavior) failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate. Some synonyms are arrogant, insolent, and impudent," the guy with curly blond hair states, making Chance chuckle lightly.

       "Whatever nerds," the guy next to him with huge arms says before pushing them all out of the way and walking right through.

       "Actually, none of us are nerds. A nerd is either someone who is lacking in social skills and does nothing with their life or someone who is an expert in one thing, which we aren't," the same boy who busted out with the other definition busts out.

        "At least I don't do theatre, or play minecraft and other nerd games, or ditch class because I'm "an upcoming musician'," Chance's friend Gavin remarks,  but it looks like the three boys don't care.

        "At least I don't sleep around," the guy in the middle smirks at him.

        "You three are jerks!" I scream, making Devin laugh.

       "Yep, that's Michael, Brady, and Drew. There are more of them,"  the guy next to me says, but he's still looking at Courtney who is now talking to other cheerleaders.

         "Eww there are more?" I ask, and he nods.

        "Yep, but those three are the main three. All they do is attack us," he frowns, and I scoff.

       "That's disgusting," I scowl, looking at them.

       "Yeah. We're the nice ones while they downright attack us all the time," he spits, and I nod.

      "I noticed that. One of them, I think his name is Michael, attacked Devin out of nowhere," I scoff. It's only less than five minutes into the day, and I already hate three people.

Okay guys, I promised you guys a chapter and I stayed up til 1:30 writing it so I hope you guys enjoy

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Okay guys, I promised you guys a chapter and I stayed up til 1:30 writing it so I hope you guys enjoy. Also, THIS CHAPTER IS VERY ONE SIDED. Don't hate Drew, Michael, and Brady in this story because of this chapter since the person's opinions were already biased. More of the boys are coming don't worry.

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Team Chance

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