Chapter 25

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Drew's POV

     "Are you guys ready for this? You are going to be on tv after all," Jon laughs as we're all perched in front of the tv in Brady's bedroom. It's a week after the event, and our round, the first episode of the show airing, is on tonight. Our whole friend group decided to watch it together. We haven't had time outside of academic league to really hang out together because of the band.

     "So ready," I smile. I'm sandwiched between Andrew and Dorian on Brady's bed. Brady, on the other hand, is sprawled across a bean bag with a pug puppy next to him. Apparently there was a place at the arena to adopt puppies, and he felt the urge to adopt one.

     "I bet you all the other bands are sitting together to watch this. You guys are the unique group," Dorian laughs, and I scrunch my nose.

     "Like I'd want to spend one more minute with any of them than I need to. I thought just seeing them at school was bad," I groan.

     Spending 3 extra hours a day with Chance Perez has taken a toll on me, physically and emotionally. I need it to stop. It's brought back memories that I wanted to burry, and unlike Michael, changing my name and eye color won't help me. Every time I see him, I can't help but remember the day that everything came crashing down on me. My girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend and was going to have a child with him. I had loved her; she had loved me. I never would have thought that would happen. As soon as I made it clear to Chance we were no longer friends, he decided to turn the whole school against me and steal my friends. The man is a monster. Every second in the same room as him is agony.

     "I overheard Amelia and Sergio talking about something yesterday in class. Chance apparently wants to form a 'treaty' with us for the remainder of the band. It will be 'the way to avoid conflict while this is going on.' When they were talking to each other, they said a majority of each group has to agree first," Michael announces. He's sitting next to Bella right in front of the bed. His arm is around her, and she's resting her head on his chest. I'm honestly surprised, but happy, that he got a girlfriend considering everything that has happened/ is going on.

      "So he wants us to pretend he didn't throw us out? Discard us? No thanks," Jon laughs bitterly. Chance didn't even try to keep Jon on his side. The same thing happened with Cam and Andrew. He literally pushed them all away trying to keep his "favorites" out of our friends. It was an "I don't care enough about you to put in the effort to try to get you not to hate me so bye." It hurt the three of them.

       "Yep. I could guess as a whole that our group wouldn't agree with it. They're going to try to talk to us about it on Wednesday if all of they agree, supposedly," Michael shrugs.

      "Ooooh, it's on," Jaden interrupts us as the show turns on.


Sara's POV

     "Okay, I'll leave you guys alone for the rest of the night. Just don't do anything stupid and stay quiet," Robin smiles as soon as she drops the last tray of snacks off.

     "We will mom," Devin smiles. She walks out and closes the door, leaving the 16 of us alone. All of the guys are over along with myself, Alex, Amelia, Courtney, Skyler, and Andrew's girlfriend I don't know the name of. We've formed into little sub groups. I'm hanging out with Miles, Amelia, and Jay.

     "Guys, we have to discuss the treaty," Chance speaks up. Miles blatantly rolls his eyes. I laugh under my breath. He hears me and sends a little side wink.

     "What's there to talk about? I'm not going to make an alliance with those assholes," Miles spits. Amelia scrunches her nose. She's been distant from Miles lately, which has worked in my favor. Their feelings for each other are fading quickly, and I think Miles might break it off soon.

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