Chapter 39

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Brady's POV

     Tonight is the night to see if we make it through or not. It's scary and stressful, but there's an adrenaline rush to it at the same time that makes it enjoyable. Instead of being out with Drew and Michael who are standing around doing nothing, I'm hidden from everyone and FaceTiming my girlfriend.

     "It's so peaceful not having Sara here," she admits, holding our dog in her arms. That dog we got at the last show belongs to both of us, but we have to rotate who he stays with. Right now he's with her.

      "I'd expect that. She's always snooping around and such," I'm sitting against the wall, head resting in one of my hands. She's sitting cross legged on her bed, beautiful as ever with her hair pulled back in a high ponytail and no makeup on. She never wears makeup anyways.

     "And Miles isn't around, which is peaceful. I can exercise whenever I want to without feeling judged," she kisses our pug lightly on the head after talking.

     "Oh yes, because you need to exercise seven hours a day. Not even I do that Ms. Cheer Captain, and one of my favorite hobbies is going to the gym," I respond. Yep, a while back, she was appointed cheer captain. We went out for a celebratory dinner and everything, and right when we were getting back, Michael showed up with a drunk Drew. I was caught off guard, but even to this day, they don't know the truth about where I was.

      "I don't exercise for seven hours a day. That's an overstatement," she tells me. I go to say something, but I hear giggling.

      "Can I call you back?" I ask. She nods.

      "Sure. Just make sure it's soon," she smiles, making our pug wave.

      "Goodbye Mr. Puggington I love you," I coo to my puppy. "And talk to you later Courtney. Thank you for wearing the sweatshirt."

      "It's my pleasure, anything to support you. Talk to you later," she waves and hangs up the call. A smile is still on my face when I go to investigate the giggling. I know it sound stupid, but I feel like I need to. Quietly, I tip toe through the backstage area.

     "Stop it," I hear the same giggle. I swear I recognize the voice.

      "Do you like that baby?" I gag when I turn the corner. There, I see when I didn't think I'd see. A tall blonde guy is facing the wall, in a make out session with someone I didn't expect.

     "Emily?" I ask. They disconnect, and her eyes widen.

      "Shit, no don't tell...," before she can finish her sentence, I'm already running to go find Sergio. I weave through the crowd backstage and through the dressing room hall until I turn into ours. Sergio sits on one of the couches, fixing his hair, while Michael and Bella are cuddling on the other couch.

     "Sergio," I pant as soon as I get in the room. He looks up in a worried manner. I go to close the door, but Emily comes running in.

     "Don't listen to anything he says. He's going to lie to you," Emily tells Sergio, glaring at me. This is a war that I'm not going to win.

     "And there goes the silence," Michael murmurs, resting his head on Bella's, who I now notice is sleeping.

     "Sergio, Emily cheated on you with some blond guy," I tell him, and he looks completely heartbroken.

     "No, Brady's just making stuff up in attempt to tear us apart. I mean, he is on the other side, Drew's side," and this is why I'm going to loose this fight.

     "Please Sergio, why would I do that? It would do me no good," I plead. All I want him to do is listen. He doesn't deserve to be cheated on.

      "You'd just want to screw with him," Emily answers the question, and I know this battle is over.

     "Emily, I need to ask you to leave," he states, and both of our jaws drop.

     "Excuse me!" she screams, and Bella's eyes open.

     "Shh, go back to sleep," Michael gives her a light kiss, and she snuggles back into his chest before falling asleep again.

     "I trust Brady. I don't trust you. Bye Emily," he announces sadly. Her shock turns into anger.

     "I didn't need you anyways! Take your stupid sweatshirt!" she pulls off the sweatshirt and throws it to the ground before stomping off.

     "Is 1/3 of the Queen bitch squad terminated?" I head Bella mumble almost incoherently to Michael.

     "I believe so," is his response, and she falls back asleep.

     "I'm so sorry Sergio. I saw it and couldn't not tell you," I tell him softly. He shrugs sadly.

     "I guess it just wasn't meant to be. It's fine though, since my eye caught someone else," he nudges my side and winks. The door opens again, and it's Drew.

     "Five minutes until we have to be at the stage. You have to return Bella, Michael," Drew speaks, wearing his own sweatshirt. It's kind of sad, but it's also funny at the same time.

     "But I don't want to return Bella," his grip tightens around his sleeping girlfriend.

     "Michael," he states firmly with authority. Michael sighs.

     "You need to go back to the little barricade," he tells her, making her frown when opens her eyes.

     "Fine. I'll see you after the show," she smiles, kisses him, and walks out of the room.


     "And the first group to be saved is... In Real Life!" the announcer says our name first, and the crowd goes wild. I hug Michael and Drew since they're right next to me, and Sergio hugs Chance.

     "Anything you boys want to say?" the host asks. Chance takes the mic.

     "Thank you guys so much for voting for us to stay in this. We'll put every ounce of our effort into this. We're grateful for all of you guys who voted," he says into the microphone before handing it back to the host. The five of us stand up there proudly, smiling since we're moving on, and I can't help but think that my life couldn't get better than this.

 The five of us stand up there proudly, smiling since we're moving on, and I can't help but think that my life couldn't get better than this

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 DOUBLE UPDATE AGAIN WHOOOOHOOOO. Gosh four updates in one weekend you guys should be so proud

I decided to just only write on this until it's over. This was the last LA chapter, so things are about to get interesting 

I want you guys to comment A LOT on these next couple of chapters. I want to know exactly how you're feeling

It's almost midnight over here so goodnight 

Divided- In Real Life/ Boy Band ABC AUWhere stories live. Discover now