Chapter 3

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Chance's POV

     "Mr. Perez stop talking!" Mrs. Martin yells at me when I'm not even talking. I swear that woman hates me with some type of irrational rage. She will go out of her way at all costs just to get me in trouble.

     "But you just told us to get ready to leave," Sara protests for me, glaring at Mrs. Martin.

     "Is that backtalk I hear?" she asks Sara, putting her on the spot.

     "Y...," she starts, but I cut her off quickly.

     "No it isn't, and I'll stop talking," I interrupt Sara in order to keep her out of Mrs. Martin's burning path. She is one of those teachers who is completely unfair, treating her favorite students like heros.

     "But that's unfair to you," Sara pouts like a five year old. I know she's a senior, but sometimes she acts like a child. The bell rings, signaling us to go to lunch. As soon as I exit the class, someone jumps on my back.

     "Hey Devin," I greet, obviously knowing who it is. He laughs and latches onto my back.

     "Hi Chance. Where are you going?" he asks, flipping his hat around so it is backwards.

     "Same place you are Devin," I laugh, and he shrugs.

     "I was just checking," he admits, putting a hand up in the air for surrender. Once we reach our lunch table I can see Cameron, Bloom, Sergio, Marcus, Gavin, Mikey, Miles, with a few of their girlfriends and a freshman.

     "Hi Chance," random people who I don't know in halls says. I wave to them in attempt to be nice, but I don't know who they are.

     "What was the best part of your guys' days so far?" I ask as soon as I got over. It's been a tradition of ours to whenever we all get to lunch, to get  in a circle and find out about the best part of everyone's day.

     "I got to see you guys after such a long time," Cameron smiles, giving the people next to him a high five. 

     "My girlfriend and I got reunited after she spent the summer in Canada," Andrew smiles, kissing his girlfriend right on the lips. Soon enough, they are in a full out make out session, completely ignoring the world.

     "Well, I got to knock a pile of paper's out of Conor's hand, so that was a plus, but second period was the best," he smirks over at his girlfriend who is blushing and looking down at the ground. If we're telling the truth, I'm completely fine with Conor, and Brady, and everyone else in that group besides Drew. Yes the other seven of them are friends with Drew, but that doesn't make them Drew. Drew deserves to get sent to hell while all of the other boys are okay.

     The rest of my friends, or at least most of them, on the otherhand, despise the seven of them as well. My friends will go out of their way to make their lives miserable when they get really cranky. Like if they are having a bad morning, they won't take trash from anyone and will retaliate against them.

     "What happened during second period?" Gavin asks as Amelia turns a dark shade of red on her face.

     "We ditched then, you know," he smirks, and the boys clap for him.

     "Get some!" Marcus yells.

     "I got to see my best friend Chance Perez for the first time in two days," Devin celebrates as I think to back to when we talked two days before. Devin gives me a hug, making me laugh but hug him back.

     "If you all need to find out, I picked up a hot date tonight with a cheerleader," he smirks, looking confident and calm like he usually is.

     "Nice. Is she a keeper?" Cameron asks, nudging him. 

      "Heck yes. She looks like a fricking super model," he fans himself off.

     "Well is she nice?" I ask, and he shrugs.

     "I only asked her out. I didn't learn how she acts," he explains, making me frown. People rely so heavily on looks now that they can't look past it.

     "Well, today I feel this really nice looking cheerleader who transferred from another school. Like she is going to be mine," Mikey declares, taking a big gulp out of his water bottle.

     "Wait does she have brown hair, freckles, hazel eyes, and is fairly skinny?" Sara asks, popping up for the first time in this conversation.

     "Yeah," he answers, making Sara sigh.

     "That's my little sister," she frowns as if she wants attention.

     "Mrs. Martin didn't yell at me today," Marcus celebrates something I wasn't lucky enough to through.

     "Lucky, she got bent," I tell him, and he nods.

     "Then just slap her," Miles suggest, making me frown. You can't just do that.

      "I found out I made it on varsity soccer again," Sergio celebrates, and we all clap for him. We all look towards the freshman, and he clears his throat.

     "I found a good group of people to hang out with," he smiles, and we all surround him and give him a big group hug.

     "Wait, why do you hate Drew so much Chance?" Sara asks, and I freeze, like a statue in place. I despise talking about it with all of my heart in attempt to make me feel like it was right inside.

     "Well Sara, he threatened my daughter."

I'm sorry this is shorter

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I'm sorry this is shorter. I'm just really tired and I can't function properly 

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